Search Results: (1-11 of 11 records)
Pub Number | Title | Date |
NCES 2020017 | The Nation's Report Card: 2018 U.S. History, Geography, and Civics at Grade 8, Highlights Reports
These online Highlights reports present an overview of results from the NAEP 2018 civics, geography, and U.S. history reports. The reports include national results on the performance of eighth-grade students. Results are presented in terms of average scale scores and as percentages of students performing at or above the three NAEP achievement levels: NAEP Basic, NAEP Proficient, and NAEP Advanced. In addition to overall scores, results are reported by racial/ethnic groups, gender, type of school, and other demographic groups. There was no significant change in the 2018 average civics score for eighth-grade students compared to the score in 2014. Reflecting the relatively stable overall average score since 2014, there were no significant changes in the scores of students at any of the selected percentile levels or for any of the major student groups that NAEP reports on. The 2018 average civics score was higher than the score in 1998. In addition, the scores of lower-performing students (those at the 10th and 25th percentiles) in 2018 were also higher than in 1998. The 2018 average geography score for eighth-grade students was lower than in 2014. In 2018, scores for lower-performing students at the 10th and 25th percentiles decreased compared to scores in 2014, while the scores for middle- and higher-performing students remained relatively stable. There was no significant change in the 2018 score compared to the score from the first assessment in 1994; however, scores for higher-performing students (those at the 75th and 90th percentiles) were lower than in 1994. In 2018, the average U.S. history score for eighth-grade students was lower than in 2014. Students at all selected percentile levels other than those at the highest level (those at the 90th percentile) saw a decrease in their scores. Compared to the score in the first assessment year in 1994, the 2018 average U.S. history score was 4 points higher. Students across performance levels made gains compared to 1994 except those at the 90th percentile, where there was no significant change in the score for these highest-performing students. Highlighted results include responses of students and teachers to survey questionnaires designed to collect information about students’ educational experiences and opportunities to learn both in and outside of the classroom. In addition, the report includes sample questions from the assessments to help illustrate the types of knowledge and skills measured in civics, geography, and U.S. history. |
4/23/2020 |
NCES 2014472 | CD-ROM: NAEP 2010 National Civics, U.S. History, and Geography–Restricted Use Data File
This CD-ROM contains data and documentation files for the NAEP 2010 national assessments in civics, U.S. history, and geography at grades 4, 8, and 12 for use in the analysis of NAEP data by secondary researchers. A Data Companion is provided in electronic portable document format (PDF). This document contains information on the contents and use of the data files as well as the assessment design and its implications for analysis. Your organization must apply for and be granted a restricted-use data license in order to obtain these data. |
12/12/2013 |
WWC SSR222 | WWC Review of the Report "KIPP Middle Schools: Impacts on Achievement and Other Outcomes, Final Report"
The 2013 study, KIPP Middle Schools: Impacts on Achievement and Other Outcomes, Final Report, examined whether attending a Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) middle school improved students’ academic performance for up to 4 years following enrollment. For the experimental portion of the study, researchers used admissions lotteries to place about 1,000 students into either a KIPP middle school or a traditional middle school. For the quasi-experimental portion of the study, researchers used baseline achievement and demographic characteristics to match 15,916 students in 41 KIPP middle schools with similar students who had attended non-KIPP public middle schools in the same school district in the previous year. Researchers then used state assessments in math, reading, science, and social studies to measure student achievement. The experimental portion of the study meets WWC evidence standards without reservations for the 1-year follow-up. However, the research on the later follow-ups meets standards with reservations because of the large number of students who stopped participating in the study. The quasi-experimental portion of the study meets WWC evidence standards with reservations; although the KIPP students and traditional public school students included in the analysis were well-matched, other differences may have existed between the groups that could have influenced student achievement. |
11/19/2013 |
NCES 2002484 | The Nation's Report Card: Geography 2001
This report presents the results of the 2001 assessment in geography from the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Comparisons are made to performance in the previous national assessment in 1994 at grades 4, 8, and 12. Student performance is reported in terms of average scale scores on the NAEP geography scale and by the percentages of students who attained the achievement levels set by the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB). In addition, the report presents percentile distributions and demographic subgroup results, including results by gender, race/ethnicity, region of the country, parents' highest level of education, school type, type of school location, and student eligibility for the Free/Reduced-Price School Lunch program. One chapter focuses on a second set of results that includes the performance of special-needs students who were permitted accommodations in the test administration. The report presents information on contexts for learning geography, including classroom practices and students' use of computers. The report also includes sample test questions and examples of student responses. |
6/21/2002 |
NCES 2002485 | The Nation's Report Card: Geography Highlights 2001
This full-color publication uses a tabloid format to present highlights from the National Assessment of Educational Progress 2001 geography assessment. It describes the assessment content, presents major findings, and provides information about practices in school that are related to geography achievement. This publication also includes sample test questions and examples of student responses. |
6/21/2002 |
NCES 97579 | Geography: What Do Students Know, and What Can They Do?
The 1994 NAEP geography assessment reflected new ideas abou the importance and content of geography instruction. It examined 4th-, 8th-, and 12th-grade students on their knowledge of geography and their ability to apply that knowledge to the solution of human problems. This issue of NAEPfacts discusses student performance near the 25th, 50th, and 90th percentiles for each grade, giving an overall picture of student abilities and limits. |
12/16/1996 |
NCES 96141 | CD-ROM: NAEP Data on Disk 1994 Almanac Viewer
In 1994, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessed the reading, U.S. History, and geography knowledge and skills of nationally representative samples of students in grades 4, 8, and 12. NAEP also assessed representative samples of students from 44 states and jurisdictions in reading (grade 4). The 1994 NAEP Almanac Viewer is a DOS-based menu-driven search system for examining 1994 NAEP results. The almanacs are cross tabulations of important demographic subgroups such as gender, race/ethnicity, and parental education crossed with student proficiency data or background information from students, teachers, and schools. |
10/30/1996 |
NCES 96087 | NAEP 1994 Geography Report Card: Findings from the National Assessment of Educational Progress
The first thorough investigation of the geography learning of American children conducted by NAEP. |
6/11/1996 |
NCES 96876 | Results From the NAEP Geography Assessment - At A Glance
A brief summary of results from the 1994 NAEP Geography Assessment. |
5/13/1996 |
NCES 96810 | Focus on NAEP: 1994 NAEP Assessment in Geography
This issue of Focus on NAEP provides a context for understanding the NAEP Geography Assessment. It provides an overview of the framework from which the Geography Assessment was based. |
12/29/1995 |
NCES 95807 | NAEP 1994 Geography: A First Look
This report provides a summary or "first look" of the NAEP 1994 Geography Assessment and of the information contained in the larger, full geography report which follows. |
10/17/1995 |