APPENDICESAPPENDIX 7 ADDITIONAL TIMSS REPORTS Ordering information for each of the following publications is located at the end of this appendix. Asterisks indicate that the publication is included in Attaining Excellence: A TIMSS Resource Kit.
HOW CAN EDUCATORS, PRACTITIONERS, POLICYMAKERS, AND CONCERNED CITIZENS REFLECT UPON THEIR OWN LOCAL PRACTICES IN LIGHT OF TIMSS FINDINGS? Attaining Excellence: A TIMSS Resource Kit, September 1997 -This comprehensive package includes four modules which contain the following items: reports on the TIMSS findings; videotapes of classroom teaching in the United States, Japan, and Germany; guides for discussion leaders; presentation overheads with talking points for speakers; checklists, leaflets, and flyers. Note that the Kit's twelve publications and two videos include several items that are available individually elsewhere on this list. Those publications are denoted by an asterisk in the margin. $94. GPO Stock #065-000-01013-5. To order, contact: Superintendent of Documents. Also may be downloaded from
WHERE CAN I FIND A GOOD SUMMARY OF TIMSS FINDINGS THAT PUTS U.S. EDUCATION IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE? *Pursuing Excellence: A Study of U.S. Fourth-Grade Mathematics and Science Achievement in International Context, June 1997 -This report summarizes the most important findings concerning U.S. achievement and schooling in the fourth grade, Paperback, 68 pp. $4.75. GPO Stock #065-000-01018-6. To order, contact: Superintendent of Documents. Also may be downloaded from: //timss. *Pursuing Excellence: A Study of U.S. Eighth-Grade Mathematics and Science Teaching, Learning, Curriculum, and Achievement in International Context, November 1996 - This report draws from the assessments, surveys, video, and case studies of TIMSS to summarize the most important findings concerning U.S. achievement and schooling in the eighth grade. Paperback, 80 pp. $9.50. GPO Stock #065-000-00959-5. To order, contact: Superintendent of Documents. Also may be downloaded from //timss.
WHERE CAN I FIND A DETAILED INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON OF FOURTH-GRADE STUDENTS? Mathematics Achievement in the Primary School Years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), June 1997 - This report focuses on third- and fourth-grade mathematics achievement in 26 countries, including background information about students and teachers. Paperback, 184 pp. + 52 pp. Appendix. $20.00 (+ $5.00 shipping & handling, if international). To order, contact: TIMSS International Study Center. Also may be downloaded from: Science Achievement in the Primary School Years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), June 1997 - This report focuses on third- and fourth-grade science achievement in 26 countries, including background information about students and teachers. Paperback, 148 pp. + 52 pp. Appendix. $20.00 (+ $5.00 shipping & handling if international). To order, contact: TIMSS International Study Center. Also may be downloaded from:
WHERE CAN I FIND A DETAILED INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON OF EIGHTH-GRADE STUDENTS? *Mathematics Achievement in the Middle School Years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), November 1996 - This report focuses on seventh- and eighth-grade mathematics achievement in 41 countries, including background information about students and teachers. Paperback, 176 pp. + 60 pp. Appendix. $30 (+$5.00 shipping and handling if international). GPO Stock #065-000-01023-2. To order, contact: TIMSS International Study Center or Superintendent of Doc-uments. Also may be downloaded from: *Science Achievement in the Middle School Years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), November 1996 - This report focuses on seventh- and eighth-grade science achievement in 41 countries, including background information about students and teachers. Paperback, 168 pp. + 62 pp. Appendix. $30 (+$5.00 shipping and handling if international). GPO Stock #065-000-01023-2. To order, contact: TIMSS International Study Center or Superintendent of Documents. Also may be downloaded from:
WHERE CAN I FIND A DETAILED INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON OF TWELFTH-GRADE STUDENTS? Mathematics and Science Achievement in the Final Year of Secondary School: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) February 1998 - This report focuses on mathematics and science achievement in 24 countries at the end of secondary school, including background information about students and teachers. Paperback, 236 pp. + 105 pp. Appendix. $30 (+$5.00 shipping and handling if international). To order, contact: TIMSS International Study Center. Also may be downloaded from:
WHERE CAN I OBTAIN THE COMPLETE TIMSS INTERNATIONAL DATABASE IN ORDER TO PERFORM SECONDARY ANALYSIS? TIMSS International Database - The database contains achievement scores in mathematics and science for those countries that participated in TIMSS at the third- and fourth grades (Population 1) and the seventh- and eighth grades (Population 2), and questionnaire results for students, teachers, and principals. The database can be used with either SAS or SPSS software. Accompanied by User Guidebook. The TIMSS International Database is available on CD-ROM from the IEA Secretariat. It is provided in ASCII format and may also be downloaded from: The Population 3 Database and User Guide will be available June 1998.
WHERE CAN I COMPARE STUDENTS' PERFORMANCE ON A SERIES OF PRACTICAL TASKS IN BOTH MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE? Performance Assessment in IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study, 1997 - The regular TIMSS assessments were supplemented by hands-on performance assessments which measured 4th- and 8th-grade students' content and procedural knowledge, as well as their ability to use that knowledge in reasoning and problem solving. Students in 21 countries participated, making it the largest international performance assessment yet conducted. This report includes findings from the 21 countries and descriptions of the performance tasks. Paperback, 128 pp. + 45 pp. Appendix. To order, contact: TIMSS International Study Center. Also may be downloaded from
HOW CAN I GET A FIRST-HAND GLIMPSE OF ACTUAL CLASSROOM LESSONS IN THE U.S., GERMANY, AND JAPAN? *Eighth-Grade Mathematics Lessons: United States, Japan, and Germany - An 80-minute VHS tape with abbreviated versions of six eighth-grade mathematics lessons: one algebra and one geometry lesson each from the United States, Japan, and Germany, GPO Stock #065-000-01025-9, $20. To order, contact: Superintendent of Documents. CD-ROM Video Examples from the TIMSS Videotape Classroom Study: Eighth-Grade Mathematics in Germany, Japan, and the United States - Actual episodes in eighth-grade mathematics classes let viewers see an abbreviated geometry and algebra lesson in each of three countries: Germany, Japan, and the U.S. To order, contact: Superintendent of Documents. Minimum System Requirements: IBM PC or 100% compatible, MS Windows® (Windows 95® recommended), Pentium® (16 MB of RAM, 256 color SVGA or better, 2x or higher CD-ROM drive, Sound Card.
HOW CAN I LEARN MORE ABOUT THE LIVES OF STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN THE U.S., JAPAN, AND GERMANY? Contemporary Research in the United States, Germany, and Japan on Five Education Issues: Structure of the Education System; Standards in Education; The Role of School in Adolescents' Lives; Individual Differences Among Students' and Teachers' Lives. 802 pp. $50. The Education System in Germany: Case Study Findings. 406 pp. $25. The Education System in Japan: Case Study Findings. 412 pp. $25. The Education System in the United States: Case Study Findings. 341 pp. $20. To Sum It Up: Case Studies of Education in Germany, Japan, and the United States. 166 pp. $10. (Shipping and handling, $5) To order, contact: University of Michigan.
WHERE CAN I FIND OUT WHAT TIMSS HAS LEARNED ABOUT CURRICULUM? A Splintered Vision: An Investigation of U.S. Science and Mathematics Education, 1997 - This book enunciates the argument that math and science curricula in U.S. schools suffer from a lack of focus. The authors contend that in their effort to canvas as many topics as possible, both teachers and textbook publishers fail to delve into the most important subjects with sufficient depth. 176 pp. Hardback ISBN: 0-7923-4440-5, $87; Paperback ISBN: 0-7923-4441-3, $49 To order, contact: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group. Many Visions, Many Aims: Volume 1, A Cross-National Exploration of Curricular Intentions in School Mathematics, 1997 - An analysis of mathematics curriculum guides and textbooks in 50 countries. This report looks at the sequence and the topics covered from kindergarten through the end of secondary school, analyzed in a comparative framework. 286 pp. Hardback ISBN: 0-7923-4436-7, $120; Paperback ISBN: 0-7923-4437-5, $55 . To order, contact: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group. Characterizing Pedagogical Flow: An Investigation of Mathematics and Science Teaching in Six Countries, 1996 - Describes the results of the Study of Mathematics and Science Opportunity (SMSO) survey, which investigated curriculum content and instructional methods in France, Japan, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States, using case studies in each participating country. 229 pp. Hardback ISBN: 07923-42720, $110; Paperback ISBN: 07923-42739, $49 To order, contact: Kluwer Academic Publishers Group. TIMSS Monograph Series No. 3 Mathematics Textbooks: A Comparative Study of Grade 8 Texts, 1995 - An examination of eight mathematics textbooks for 13-year-olds for their pedagogical and philosophical similarities and differences. Texts are from the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Norway, Spain, France, Switzerland, and Japan. Paperback, 96 pp. ISBN: 1-895766-03-6. $16.95. To order, contact: Pacific Educational Press.
WHERE CAN I FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE METHODOLOGY OF TIMSS? Third International Mathematics and Science Study: Quality Assurance in Data Collection, 1996 - A report on the quality assurance program which ensured the comparability of results across participating countries. The program emphasized instrument translation and adaptation, sampling response rates, test administration and data collection, the reliability of the coding process, and the integrity of the database. Paperback, 93 pp. + 91 pp. Appendix. To order, contact: TIMSS International Study Center. Also may be downloaded from: Third International Mathematics and Science Study: Technical Report, Volume 1 Design and Development, 1996 - This report describes the study, design, and the development of TIMSS up to, but not including, the operational stage of main data collection. Paperback, 149 pp. + 40 pp. Appendix. To order, contact: TIMSS International Study Center. Also may be downloaded from: TIMSS Monograph Series No. 1, Curri-culum Frameworks for Mathematics and Science, 1993 - This monograph explains the study's foci and its key first step - the development of the curriculum frameworks that served as the guide for designing the study's achievement tests. The frameworks are included in the appendices. Paperback, 102 pp. ISBN: 0-88865-090-6. $16.95. To order, contact: Pacific Educational Press. TIMSS Monograph Series No. 2 Research Questions and Study Design, 1996 - This monograph presents the study's research objectives along with discussions that include: the impact of prior studies on the design of TIMSS; how the research questions were derived from TIMSS' conceptual framework; and how the research questions and test items were tailored to meet the contexts of the participating countries. Paperback, 112 pp. ISBN: 1-895766-02-8. $17.95. To order, contact: Pacific Educational Press.
WHERE CAN I READ THE ACTUAL TEST ITEMS GIVEN TO STUDENTS? TIMSS Mathematics Items Released Set for Population 1 (Third and Fourth Grades) - All publicly released items used to assess third- and fourth-grade students in the TIMSS study. Paperback, 98 pp. $20.00 (+ $5.00 shipping & handling, if international). TIMSS Science Items Released Set for Population 1 (Third and Fourth Grades) - All publicly released items used to assess third- and fourth-grade students in the TIMSS study. Paperback, 84 pp. $20.00 (+ $5.00 shipping & handling, if international). TIMSS Mathematics Items Released Set for Population 2 (Seventh and Eighth Grades) - All publicly released items used to assess seventh- and eighth-grade students in the TIMSS study. Paperback, 142 pp. $20.00 (+ $5.00 shipping & handling, if international). TIMSS Science Items Released Set for Population 2 (Seventh and Eighth Grades) - All publicly released items used to assess seventh- and eighth-grade students in the TIMSS study. Paperback, 127 pp. $20.00 (+ $5.00 shipping & handling, if international). TIMSS Mathematics and Science Items Released Set for Population 3 (End of Secondary School) - All publicly released items used to assess students in their final year of schooling in the TIMSS study. Paperback. To order, contact: TIMSS International Study Center. Also may be downloaded from:
HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE ABOUT EDUCATION IN VARIOUS TIMSS COUNTRIES? National Contexts for Mathematics and Science Education: An Encyclopedia of the Education Systems Participating in TIMSS, 1997 - Each participating country's education system is discussed in a separate chapter, considering geographic and economic influences, school governance, teacher education, and curriculum. Hardback, 423 pp. $75. To order, contact: Pacific Educational Press.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Superintendent of Documents TIMSS International Study Center The IEA Secretariat Kluwer Academic Publishers Group Order Department Pacific Educational Press University of Michigan
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