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Technology at Your Fingertips
Technology @ Your Fingertips

Chapter 1: Knowing What to Do

Chapter 2: Knowing What You Need

Chapter 3: Knowing What You Have

Chapter 4: Knowing What to Get

Chapter 5: Knowing How to Implement Your Solution

Chapter 6: Knowing How to Train Users

Chapter 7: Knowing How to Support and Maintain Your Technology Solution


This document was developed to provide assistance to individuals in education organizations who want to learn more about what it takes to develop a technology solution to meet the needs of their organizations. The guidelines and practices included in this document were drawn from the experience of many people who have been involved in the development, implementation, and management of education technology in schools, school districts, state education agencies, institutions of higher education, and libraries. Hopefully this document will provide you with useful advice specific to your education situation and help you to avoid pitfalls as you go through the decision-making process. 

This document was developed through the National Cooperative Education Statistics System with funding from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)of the U.S. Department of Education and support from the Council of Chief State School Officers. 

This document was originally conceptualized in 1998 and then revised in 2001 in an effort to keep its content and recommendations up-to-date in the face of the ever changing field of information technology. Individuals who have contributed to the development of this document include:

Lysbeth Bainbridge 
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers 

Kathleen Barfield 
WestEd Laboratory 

Tim Beasley 
Sierra Systems Consultants, Inc. 

Barbara Clements 
Evaluation Software Publishing, Inc. 

Warren Falls 
Washington School Information Processing Cooperative 

William Freund 
National Center for Education Statistics 

Bob Friedman 
Arkansas Public School Computer Network 

Kristin Gilbert 
Office of Migrant Education 
U.S. Department of Education 

Jill Hanson 
Sierra Systems Consultants, Inc. 

Lee Hoffman 
National Center for Education Statistics 

Donald Holznagel 
Southeast Regional Technology in Education Consortium 

Doreen Kelly-Carney 
Arizona Department of Education 

Carrol Kindel 
National Center for Education Statistics 

Glynn Ligon 
Evaluation Software Publishing, Inc. 

Gerald Malitz 
National Center for Education Statistics 

Catherine Mozer 
Office Of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education 

Jo Ann Mulvihill 
Mississippi Department of Education 

Paul O’Driscoll 
Salem-Keizer (OR) Public Schools 

Mike Read 
Austin (TX) Independent School District 

Andy Rogers 
Los Angeles (CA) Unified School District 

Jennifer Sellers 
NASA IITA/Sterling Software 

Walter Terrie 
Florida State University 

Joseph Villani 
Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools 

Joan Williams 
Pan-Educational Institute 

After a draft of the document was completed, site visits were scheduled to have the document reviewed for content and format. The persons who conducted the site visits and provided information for revised drafts are listed below. 

Tim Beasley 
Sierra Systems Consultants, Inc. 

Barbara Clements 
Evaluation Software Publishing, Inc. 

Seymour Hanfling 
Northwest Regional Technology in Education Consortium 

Jill Hanson 
Sierra Systems Consultants, Inc. 

Glynn Ligon 
Evaluation Software Publishing, Inc. 

Mike Read 
Austin (TX) Independent School District 

Andy Rogers 
Los Angeles (CA) Unified School District 

Tom Szuba 

Participants in the site visits provided invaluable feedback on the contents and format of the draft document. To them, we are especially grateful. The following persons helped arrange and/or participated in the site visits or provided additional written feedback. 

Round Rock (TX) Independent  
School District 

Terry Bishop, Associate Superintendent (Host) 

Marilyn Eanes, Librarian, Hopewell Middle School 

Jon Gates, Assistant Principal, Forest Creek Elementary School 

Deborah K. Ghrist, Librarian, Round Rock High School 

Charlotte Hanna, Computer Literacy Teacher, Hopewell Middle School 

Linda Herrington, Principal, Hopewell Middle School 

Jan Hopkins, Instructional Technology Coordinator 

Cathy Hrindak, MIS Director 

Barbara Jansen, Librarian, Forest Creek Elementary School 

Peggy Mica, Computer Coordinator, Round Rock High School 

Dan Scott, Systems Engineer 

Gene Stokes, Principal, Deepwood Elementary School 

Karen Turpin, Computer Literacy Teacher, Cedar Valley Middle School 

Julie Walker, Director, Media Services 

Ed Zaiontz, Executive Director, Information Services (Host) 

St. Edwards University, Austin, TX 

Tae Choi 

Father James Kane 

Mary Lambert, Director of Instructional Technology (Host) 

Ann Province 

Sheryl Scott 

Albuquerque (NM) Public Schools 

Maureen Davidson, Director of Technology (Host) 

Tom Kappel 

Dale Rodriguez 

Ken Tuley 

Los Alamos (NM) National Laboratory, Science Education and Outreach 

Richard Alexander 

Sharon Dogruel (Host) 

Delores Jacobs (Host) 

Robert Judd 

Judith Kaye 

University of New Mexico 

Priscilla Norton, Professor of Educational Technology 

New Mexico State University 

Nolan Gray, Director, Software Preview Center 

New Mexico Department of Education 

George Fisher, Database Specialist 

Kurt Steinhaus , Director, Educational Planning Services (Host) 

Pueblo of Laguna Department of Education 

Karen Dixon Blazer, Director 

Evergreen (WA) School District 

Doug Hamilton, Manager, Instructional Technology 

Gail Pfingsten, Manager, Communications Information Resources (Host) 

Chris Tschirgi 

Pat Hartley 

Bill Kirk 

Vancouver (WA) School District 

Terry Allen, Instructional Technologist 

Tom Cohen 

Terry Hollenbach, Network Engineer 

Alan Hughes, Director, Information Technology and Services (Host) 

Jim Parsley, Superintendent 

Jan Potts, Programmer 

Jim Rourke, Teacher, Technology Support 

Russ Schriock, Microcomputer Technologist 

Lucy Tubbs, Desktop Support Analyst 

Oregon Department of Education 

Pat Almond, Assessment and Evaluation 

Joyce Benjamin, Associate Superintendent (Host) 

Susan Cheavtcharn, Migrant Education 

Tom Cook, Director, Oregon Public Education Network 

Lynn Horine, Grants and Contracts 

Jim Rose, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent 

Jim Sanner, Research and Assessment 

South Carolina Department of Education 

Linda Bartone, Office of Instructional Technology 

Pamela Pritchett, Senior Executive Assistant 

Editing, layout and design assistance were provided by the following persons. 

Bill Chuck and Maxine Chuck, B. Czar Productions, Inc., Brookline, MA. 

Denis Lipman and Frances Erlebacher, The Creative Shop, Bethesda, MD 

Jonathan Travers, National Center for Education Statistics 

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Technology @ Your Fingertips
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