Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
Table of Contents | Glossary of Terms |
Appendix C
Related NCES Publications
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The book is not aimed at "technical" staff who may already be familiar with many of the concepts and much of the information it contains. The guidelines are, instead, intended for those who have been given the responsibility of purchasing and installing computers and networking technology for an education organization (or the responsibility of supervising computers and network technology once they have already been established). The guidelines are expected to be of most use to persons in schools or districts. However, they are also applicable to other types of education settings, including colleges, universities, libraries, and state education agencies.
Because the world of technology is very broad, the document focuses on computer and networking technology--primarily software used to meet administrative and instructional needs, and the hardware, networking, and support to allow it to function properly. It also addresses budgetary and human resources concerns. It is written in non-technical language and includes references to numerous other resources.
Technology in Schools
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