U.S. Mathematics and Science Performance at a Glance
How Do U.S. Students Compare with At Grade 4? At Grade 8?
the International Average in...? (26 nations) (41 nations)
Mathematics overall? Above Below
Science overall? Above Above
Mathematics Content Areas:
Data representation, analysis, and probability? Above Above
Geometry? Above Below
Whole numbers? Above x
Fractions and proportionality? Above x
Patterns, relations, and functions? Above x
Measurement, estimation, and number sense? Below x
Fractions and number sense? x Same
Algebra? x Same
Measurement? x Below
Proportionality? x Below
Science Content Areas
Earth science? Above Above
Life science? Above Above
Environment and the nature of science? Above Above
Physical science? Above x
Chemistry? x Same
Physics? x Same
What Percentage of U.S. Students Would Be
in the International Top 10 Percent in...? At Grade 4? At Grade 8?
Mathematics? 9% 5%
Science? 16% 13%
Above = U.S. average performance higher than the average of participating nations at that grade.
Below = U.S. average performance lower than the average of participating nations at that grade.
Same = U.S. average performance not significantly different than the average of participating nations at that grade.
x = Separate content area score not reported for this grade level.SOURCE: Mullis et al. (1997) Mathematics Achievement in the Primary School Years. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA; and Martin et al. (1997) Science Achievement in the Primary School Years. Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.(1996). Pursuing Excellence: A Study of U.S. Eighth-Grade Mathematics and Science Teaching, Learning, Curriculum, and Achievement in International Context. NCES 97-198, Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.