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Vol. 1, No. 2, February 1996

(NCES 96-815) Ordering Information

Eighth-Grade Algebra Course-Taking and Mathematics Proficiency

Data from the 1992 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in mathematics for the nation and the states provided insights into potential relationships between mathematics-related curriculum and instructional activities, and student achievement.

Course-taking is generally a powerful indicator of mathematics achievement. This occurs partially because students who are more proficient tend to take more mathematics classes and, at the eighth grade, the better students are tracked into more advanced classes. The 1992 NAEP results linking proficiency to course work confirm this pattern, with eighth graders enrolled in pre-algebra and algebra courses having higher proficiency scores than students taking eighth-grade mathematics.

The information concerning course work was provided by a background questionnaire, which was included in the 1992 NAEP Mathematics Assessment. The background questionnaire asked students: What kind of mathematics class are you taking this year?

A) I am not taking mathematics this year.
B) Eighth-grade mathematics
C) Pre-algebra
D) Algebra
E) Other mathematics class

At the national level and, interestingly, at every state and jurisdiction that participated in the 1992 NAEP assessment, eighth graders who were enrolled in algebra courses had consistently higher average proficiencies than students enrolled in pre-algebra, who in turn had higher proficiencies than students taking general eighth-grade mathematics courses (tables 1 and 2).

Substantially larger proportions of white and Asian/Pacific Islander students were taking algebra than black and Hispanic students. Similarly, larger proportions of students in advantaged urban areas and private schools were taking algebra in eighth grade.

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has emphasized the need for all students at the eighth grade to be taught a wide range of mathematical topics including estimation, functions, statistics, probability, measurement, and algebra.

For students to learn important mathematical concepts at the high school level, they must have the needed foundation in mathematics at the middle school level. Algebra seems to be the gateway toward improved mathematical learning at the secondary level. (Another NCES publication offers a longitudinal perspective on this topic: Mathematics Course Taking and Gains in Mathematics Achievement, June 1995, Publication number NCES 95-714).

Table 1.-National average proficiency of public and private school eighth-grade students by mathematics course-taking,
         and by race and gender: 1992
                            Algebra                Pre-Algebra         Eighth-Grade Mathematics    Other Mathematics
                     Percent of    Average    Percent of    Average     Percent of    Average    Percent of    Average     
                      Students   Proficiency   Students   Proficiency    Students   Proficiency   Students   Proficiency
 Nation                  20          299          28           272          49          255          3           249


 White                   22          306          30           278          45          265          3           258
 Black                   13          258          23           246          60          230          4           232
 Hispanic                12          277          20           256          62          240          5           231
 Islander                42          313          24           278          32          264          2           277

Community Type

 Advan. Urban\1          33          314          27           286          36          270          3           262
 Disadvan. Urban\2       15          267          14           251          67          230          3           246
 Extreme Rural\3         10          298          38           267          50          264          3           240
 Other\4                 20          298          29           272          48          256          4           249

Type of School

 Public                  19          299          28           271          50          253          4           248
 Non-Public              25          301          33           278          40          270          2           266

 Male                    19          299          28           272          49          255          4           249
 Female                  20          300          28           272          48          254          3           250
Source: U.S. Department of Education; National Center for Education Statistics, NAEP 1992 Mathematics Report Card for
the Nation and the States.

1/Advantaged Urban represents about 10 percent of the students attending schools in suburban and urban communities where
students' parents had professional or managerial jobs.

2/Disadvantaged Urban represents about 10 percent of the students attending schools in suburban and urban communities
where high proportions of the parents were on welfare or not regularly employed.

3/Extreme Rural includes the approximately 10 percent of students attending schools in the most rural areas, where many
of the parents were farmers or farm workers.

4/Other category includes the 70 percent of student not falling into one of the above extreme categories.
Table 2.-Average proficiency of eighth-grade public school students by mathematics course-taking, and by state: 1992
                        Algebra                Pre-Algebra         Eighth-Grade Mathematics    Other Mathematics
Public           Percent of    Average    Percent of    Average     Percent of    Average    Percent of    Average
Schools           Students   Proficiency   Students   Proficiency    Students   Proficiency   Students   Proficiency

NATION               19          299          28          271           50          253          3           248
Northeast            26          296          22          272           47          252          4           ***
Southeast            16          292          31          265           50          246          3           ***
Central              17          305          27          275           53          263          3           ***
West                 18          302          29          273           49          253          3           ***
Alabama              15          283          18          264           63          241          4           235
Arizona              20          289          31          269           44          252          5           248
Arkansas             15          290          19          265           64          246          2           ***
California           21          290          21          271           53          247          4           234
Colorado             21          297          36          269           38          261          4           265
Connecticut          20          305          31          280           46          257          3           255

Delaware             23          294          34          264           41          244          2           ***
Dist. Columbia       35          251          19          236           42          219          3           ***
Florida              23          290          25          267           49          242          4           234
Georgia              18          291          31          265           49          244          2           ***
Hawaii               12          297          27          273           55          244          6           223
Idaho                18          303          41          275           36          263          5           247

Indiana              16          306          15          282           67          258          2           ***
Iowa                 14          313          24          287           60          275          2           ***
Kentucky             16          295          22          270           60          251          3           241
Louisiana            12          273          61          247           26          243          1           ***
Maine                18          306          28          281           51          268          3           ***
Maryland             32          288          31          261           33          243          4           277

Massachusetts        26          298          33          276           38          254          3           252
Michigan             19          293          23          274           55          255          3           261
Minnesota            23          307          33          279           42          270          3           281
Mississippi          13          282          19          259           67          235          2           ***
Missouri             13          305          26          278           59          261          2           238
Nebraska             17          303          25          272           55          272          3           262

New Hampshire        18          307          35          279           45          266          2           ***
New Jersey           19          304          23          278           54          258          3           261
New Mexico           13          287          25          267           58          250          4           249
New York             13          295           9          282           70          258          8           280
North Carolina       22          291          30          261           45          241          3           231
North Dakota         12          309          30          283           57          278          2           ***

Ohio                 13          304          24          277           61          256          1           ***
Oklahoma             16          296          36          272           45          256          3           ***
Pennsylvania         27          296          27          271           42          256          3           239
Rhode Island         21          295          31          268           45          250          2           ***
South Carolina       17          301          17          272           63          248          3           235
Tennessee            11          290          14          271           73          252          3           ***

Texas                17          302          18          273           62          252          2           ***
Utah                 32          296          38          270           25          251          5           275
Virginia             19          303          41          269           38          248          2           ***
West Virginia        21          288          27          264           50          244          2           ***
Wisconsin            14          304          20          284           63          271          3           253
Wyoming              18          301          33          273           44          266          4           253

Guam                 11          270          22          258           64          222          3           ***
Virgin Islands        6          249          14          231           78          219          2           ***
Source: U.S. Department of Education; National Center for Education Statistics, NAEP 1992 Mathematics Report Card
for the Nation and the States.
-***Sample size insufficient to permit reliable estimate
-The percentages may not add to 100 percent because a small number of students reported not taking a mathematics

Table 2 shows the 1992 NAEP mathematics results for the forty-two states, two territories, and the District of
Columbia that volunteered to participate in the assessment. In comparing states, be aware that there are many
factors that contribute to state scores and these factors vary from state to state.


NAEPFACTS is a new series that briefly summarizes findings from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The series is a product of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). This issue was written by Sharif Shakrani


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