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Table 1. Operational and student membership status of public elementary and secondary schools and agencies in the United States, by type: School year 2015–16

    School type     Agency type
Status of public elementary and secondary schools and agencies All schools Regular Special
  All agencies Regular
Federal and
All 100,553 91,104 2,059 1,442 5,948 18,639 13,647 218 1,170 3,192 270 142
Operating schools/agencies4 98,456 89,644 2,011 1,419 5,382   18,328 13,584 218 1,159 2,964 263 140
Continuing 97,016 88,555 1,918 1,395 5,148   18,031 13,552 218 1,154 2,710 257 140
Added5 15 6 4 1 4   1 0 0 0 0 1 0
Reopened 28 20 0 0 8   5 1 0 0 3 1 0
Changed agency / boundary6 144 143 0 0 1   17 8 0 0 9 0 0
New7 1,253 920 89 23 221   274 23 0 5 242 4 0
Nonoperating schools/agencies 2,097 1,460 48 23 566   311 63 0 11 228 7 2
Inactive8 527 192 8 6 321   40 17 0 0 20 2 1
Closed 1,160 887 35 14 224   195 40 0 5 145 4 1
Future9 410 381 5 3 21   76 6 0 6 63 1 0
Student membership10status of operating schools/agencies                          
With membership 95,227 88,835 1,618 357 4,417   16,676 13,376 2 230 2,919 128 21
Without membership, providing instruction (shared time)11,12 1,382 68 103 826 385  
Without membership (not shared time)12 1,847 741 290 236 580   1,652 208 216 929 45 135 119
† Not applicable.
1 Supervisory unions provide administrative services to school districts through a common superintendent.
2 Regional education service agencies provide services to a variety of local education agencies (LEAs).
3 Independent charter agencies contain only charter schools. Other charter schools may be reported through a different LEA type that contains both charter and noncharter schools.
4 Operating schools/agencies include all those providing services as of the start of the reported school year. Total number of operating schools excludes schools also reported by the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). The number of operating schools shared with the BIE includes one in Arizona, one in Michigan, and eight in North Dakota.
5 Added schools/agencies are reported for the first time although they have been operating for more than 1 year.
6 Schools that changed agency are affiliated with a different LEA than that reported in the previous year.
7 New schools/agencies opened for the first time within the school year reported.
8 Inactive schools/agencies are closed temporarily and expected to reopen within 3 years.
9 Future schools/agencies are expected to open within 2 years.
10 Membership is the count of students enrolled on October 1 of the reported school year.
11 Shared time schools provide instruction on a regular basis to students whose membership is reported by another school. Schools not reporting a shared time status are counted as "not shared time" schools.
12 Includes schools for which membership is 0, missing, or not applicable.
NOTE: Table includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Charter status is independent of school type; charter schools are included in the school type totals. For analytical purposes, New York City Public Schools, New York, is treated as a single regular school district.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/ Secondary School Universe Survey", 2015-16, Provisional Version 1a and "Local Education Agency Universe Survey" 2015–16, Version 1a.