G-20 Countries Included: Australia, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Kingdom (England), United States
In terms of rankings relative to other G-20 countries, the United States performed stronger on the algebra subscale in eighth-grade mathematics than on the number, geometry, or data and chance subscales.
In TIMSS 2011, as in previous cycles, the overall performance scales in mathematics and science were composed of subscales that allow for a more detailed look at student performance in specific subcontent areas. Indicator 10 examines the mean performance of eighth-grade students on these subscales in order to highlight the relative strengths and weaknesses in mathematics and science both within and across the participating G-20 countries.
In TIMSS 2011, the mathematics subscales in grade 8, which relate to specific content domains, include: number, algebra, geometry, and dataand chance. The smallest range in mean scores between the lowest and highest performing G-20 countries was in algebra, with a 224-point difference (figure 10-1). The range between countries on the three other subscales was similar but larger, with 243 , 247-, and 240-point differences in number, geometry, and data and chance, respectively. Compared with other participating G-20 countries, the United States performed strongest on the algebra subscale, with a mean score (512) that was lower than the mean scores of three G-20 countries, but higher than those of six others. Three countries also had higher mean scores than the United States in number and dataand chance, although two countries in number, and one in data and chance, had mean scores not measurably different from the U.S. score. Geometrywas the weakest area for the United States, with a mean score (485) that was lower than the scores of six countries and higher than those of three others. The mean scores of students in the Republic of Korea and Japan were higher than the mean scores of U.S. students on all four subscales. Students from the Russian Federation also outperformed U.S. students in number, algebra, and geometry, but underperformed U.S. students in data and chance. U.S. students outperformed students in Turkey, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia on all four subscales and in Italy on all subscales except geometry; on the geometry subscale, Italian students had a higher mean score than U.S. students (512 vs. 485, respectively).
The science subscales in TIMSS 2011 also relate to specific content domains: biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth science. The range of mean scores among the participating G-20 countries on the science subscales was smaller than the range on the mathematics subscales (with 151-, 182-, 180-, and 137-point differences in biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth science, respectively) (figure 10-1). The U.S. mean scores on the Earthscience (533) and biology (530) subscales were lower than the mean scores of Japan and the Republic of Korea; not measurably different from the mean scores of the United Kingdom (England), the Russian Federation, and Australia; and higher than those of four other countries. On the chemistry subscale, Japan, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Korea had higher mean scores than the United States; the U.S. mean score (520) was not measurably different from the score of the United Kingdom (England), but was higher than those of the remaining five countries. On the physics subscale, the Republic of Korea, Japan, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom (England) had higher mean scores than the United States; the U.S. mean score (513) was not measurably different from Australia's, but was higher than those of the remaining four countries.
In TIMSS 201 at the eighth grade, countries were required to sample students in the grade that corresponded to the end of 8 years of formal schooling, providing that the mean age at the time of testing was at least 13.5 years. As defined by TIMSS, the first year of formal schooling begins with the first year of primary school (ISCED97 level 1), which should mark the beginning of formal instruction in reading, writing, and mathematics. (Note that kindergarten is not counted.) For most countries, the target grade was eighth grade or its national equivalent.
TIMSS scores are reported on a scale from 0 to 1,000, with the scale average fixed at 500 and the standard deviation fixed at 100. Since the TIMSS achievement scales were designed to reliably measure student achievement over time, the metric of the scales was established originally in 1995, the first year in which the assessment was administered. The TIMSS 2011 assessment at the eighth grade includes four domains that define the mathematics content covered: number, algebra, geometry, and data and chance. The number content domain includes understanding numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. The algebra content domain includes recognizing and extending patterns, using algebraic symbols to represent mathematical situations, and developing fluency in producing equivalent expressions and solving linear equations. The geometry content domain includes analyzing the properties and characteristics of a variety of two- and three-dimensional geometric figures, including lengths of sides and sizes of angles, and providing explanations based on geometric relationships. The data and chance content domain includes knowing how to organize data that have been collected and how to display data in graphs and charts that will be useful in answering questions, as well as understanding issues related to misinterpretation of data.
The TIMSS 2011 assessment at the eighth grade includes four domains that define the science content covered: biology, chemistry, physics, and Earth science. Together, these content domains cover most of the topics in the various countries' curricula. The biology content domain includes students' understanding of the structure, life processes, diversity, and interdependence of living organisms. The chemistry content domain includes students' understanding of the classification and composition of matter, properties of matter, and chemical change. The physics content domain includes students' understanding of concepts related to physical processes and energy. The Earth science content domain includes the study of Earth and its place in the solar system and the universe.