Figure 28-2.  Employment rates of adults ages 25 to 64, by sex, highest level of education, and country: 2011

Employment rates of adults ages 25 to 64, by sex, highest level of education, and country: 2011

1 In Japan, the data for ISCED97 levels 0 (preprimary education), 1 (primary education), and 2 (lower secondary education) are included in the data for upper secondary education.
2 Includes ISCED97 levels 5A (academic higher education below the doctoral level) and 6 (doctoral level of academic higher education).
3 Includes ISCED97 levels 3 (upper secondary education) and 4 (postsecondary nontertiary programs).
4 Includes ISCED97 levels 0 (preprimary education), 1 (primary education), and 2 (lower secondary education).
NOTE: Education levels are defined according to the 1997 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED97). For more information on the ISCED97 levels, see appendix A in this report. 'F' represents "female" and 'M' represents "male." SOURCE: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). (2013a). Education at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators, A5.1b and web tables A5.3c and A5.3d. Paris: Author.