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Figure 11-1.  Average scores of 15-year-old students in mathematics literacy, by content subscale and country: 2012

Average scores of 15-year-old students in mathematics literacy, by content subscale and country: 2012

1 The change and relationship content subscale includes settings such as growth of organisms, music, the cycle of seasons, weather patterns, employment levels, and economic conditions and includes the use of algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities, and tabular and graphical representations.
2 The space and shape content subscale encompasses phenomena encountered in our visual world: patterns, properties of objects, positions and orientations, representations of objects, decoding of visual information, and navigation. It utilizes geometry, spatial visualization, measurement, and algebra.
3 The quantity content subscale incorporates aspects of quantitative reasoning, such as number sense, multiple representations of numbers, computation, mental calculation, estimation, and assessment of the reasonableness of results.
4 The uncertainty and data content subscale is based on the theory of probability and statistics and includes recognizing the place of variation in processes, having a sense of the quantification of that variation, acknowledging uncertainty and error i measurement, and knowing about chance.
NOTE: Shown are the scores for the four PISA mathematics content subscales. Each PISA assessment item is classified into one of four related content domains, as well as one of three mathematical processes (formulating, employing, and interpreting). SOURCE: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), 2012.