NOTE: Education levels are defined according to the 1997 International Standard
Classification of Education (ISCED97). Ages represent the typical age at the beginning
of the school year (rounded up when necessary). Numbers in bold print indicate ages
of universal enrollment (i.e., an enrollment rate of over 90 percent). Numbers highlighted
represent the age at which compulsory enrollment begins through the age at which
compulsory enrollment ends. No meaning should be inferred from width of subdivisions.
Duration of first university degree program is generally 4 years in Turkey. A striped
box indicates that at the corresponding age or grade level, a student may be in
a school classified in either of the boundary ISCED levels.
SOURCE: Classbase. (2012). Education Database: Education System in Turkey.
Retrieved April 2, 2013, from; Eurydice. (2013).
Eurydice Highlights: The Structure of the European Education Systems 2012/13.
Brussels: Eurydice. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from;
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (2013a). Education at a Glance
2013: OECD Indicators. Paris: Author; Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development. (2007). Reviews of National Policies for Education: Basic Education
in Turkey. Paris: Author. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from
NOTE: Apprenticeship training (2 to 4 years) is a dual training system that combines theoretical training (through vocational training centers) and practical training (through the workplace). It covers the education of those who have not been able to con-tinue their education after primary education or who have been left out of formal education for various reasons. Children who are at least primary education graduates and have reached the age of 14 can participate in apprenticeship training. Those who complete apprenticeships follow a process including examin-ationsand required work experience to get the qualifications of foremanship and mastership.
NOTE: The university selection and placement process and the limited supply of university places reveal a highly competitive process in which only a small percentage of candidates are placed in universities, even after repeated attempts. The Higher Education Council (YOK) modifies students' high school grade point average scores with either a positive or negative weight based on whether they are applying to a field directly related to their track in high school.
Classbase. (2012). Education Database: Education System in Turkey. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from
Eurydice. (2013). The Structure of the European Education Systems 2012/13. Diagram of Turkey's education system (p. 11). Brussels: Author. Retrieved April 1, 2013, from
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (2005). Reviews of National Policies for Education: Basic Education in Turkey. Paris: Author. Retrieved April 3, 2015, from
Tasar, M.F., Aztekin S., and Arifoglu A. (2012). Turkey. In I. Mullis, M. Martin, C. Minnich, K. Drucker, and M. Ragan (Eds.), PIRLS 2011 Encyclopedia: Education Policy and Curriculum in Reading (vol. 2), pp. 933–944. Chestnut Hill, MA: Lynch School of Education, Boston College, TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center.
11 This is rounded up to 6 in the accompanying
figure A-14, which is in concert with the data presented in indicator 2.
12 This is rounded up to 6 in the accompanying
figure A-14, which is in concert with the data presented in indicator 2.
13 Per the country expert, education reforms
in Turkey in 2012 extended compulsory education to a duration of 12 years, as shown
here and in the accompanying figure A-17.
This differs from the 2011 data presented in Indicator 2.