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Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems: 2014 Edition
NCES 2015347
April 2015

Exhibit D-10.Sample Independent School District, Budgetary Comparison Schedule For The General Fund: For the Year Ended June 30, 20X2
  Budgetary Amounts Actual
(GAAP Basis)
Variances—Positive (Negative)
  Original Final Original
to Final
to Actual
Local and intermediate sources $160,085,000 $162,140,000 $164,768,146 $2,055,000 $2,628,146
State program revenues 189,720,000 187,073,000 188,019,530 (2,647,000) 946,530
Federal program revenues 2,137,500 2,250,000 2,284,748 112,500 34,748
Total revenues 351,942,500 351,463,000 357,072,424 (479,500) 3,609,424
Instruction and instruction-related services 209,098,295 208,495,478 206,958,475 602,817 1,537,003
Instructional and school leadership 30,499,653 31,065,670 31,485,279 (566,017) (419,609)
Support services—student 34,413,082 34,694,864 34,010,001 (281,782) 684,863
Administrative support services 10,252,023 9,627,845 9,290,149 624,178 337,696
Support services—non-student-based 58,659,046 59,251,562 55,615,563 (592,516) 3,635,999
Community services 1,725,361 1,721,536 1,691,107 3,825 30,429
Debt services 1,531,812 1,531,812 1,538,918 (7,106)
Capital outlay 5,059,000 5,059,000 922,537 4,136,463
Total expenditures 351,238,272 351,447,767 341,512,029 (209,495) 9,935,738
  Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 704,228 15,233 13,560,395 (688,995) 13,545,162
SPECIAL ITEM          
Proceeds from sale of unimproved land 2,610,000 2,610,000 2,601,908 (8,092)
Net change in fund balance 3,314,228 2,625,233 16,162,303 (688,995) 13,537,070
Fund balance—beginning 54,938,434 54,938,434 54,938,434
Fund balance—ending $58,252,662 $57,563,667 $71,100,737 $(688,995) $13,537,070