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Table 2. Number of operating public schools and districts, state enrollment, teacher and pupil/teacher ratio by state: School year 2011–12

State or jurisdiction Number of operational
Number of operational
Membership2 Teachers2 Pupil/teacher ratio
United States3 98,328 17,992 49,521,669 3,103,263 16.0
Alabama 1,618 170 744,621 47,723 15.6
Alaska 511 54 131,167 8,088 16.2
Arizona 2,252 662 1,080,319 50,800 21.3
Arkansas 1,108 289 483,114 33,983 14.2
California 10,170 1,187 6,287,834 268,689 23.4
Colorado 1,813 259 854,265 48,078 17.8
Connecticut 1,150 200 554,437 43,805 12.7
Delaware 221 44 128,946 8,587 15.0
District of Columbia 228 56 73,911 6,278 11.8
Florida 4,212 76 2,668,156 175,006 15.2
Georgia 2,388 216 1,685,016 111,133 15.2
Hawaii 287 1 182,706 11,458 15.9
Idaho 762 149 279,873 15,990 17.5
Illinois 4,336 1,075 2,083,097 131,777 15.8
Indiana 1,933 394 1,040,765 62,339 16.7
Iowa 1,411 361 495,870 34,658 14.3
Kansas 1,359 321 486,108 37,407 13.0
Kentucky 1,565 194 681,987 41,860 16.3
Louisiana 1,437 132 703,390 48,657 14.5
Maine 621 260 188,969 14,888 12.7
Maryland 1,451 25 854,086 57,589 14.8
Massachusetts 1,835 401 953,369 69,342 13.7
Michigan 3,550 869 1,573,537 86,997 18.1
Minnesota 2,392 555 839,738 52,832 15.9
Mississippi 1,069 163 490,619 32,007 15.3
Missouri 2,408 572 916,584 66,252 13.8
Montana 826 500 142,349 10,153 14.0
Nebraska 1,090 288 301,296 22,182 13.6
Nevada 649 18 439,634 21,132 20.8
New Hampshire 477 281 191,900 15,049 12.8
New Jersey 2,596 700 1,356,431 109,719 12.4
New Mexico 866 135 337,225 21,957 15.4
New York 4,752 923 2,704,718 209,527 12.9
North Carolina 2,577 236 1,507,864 97,308 15.5
North Dakota 513 223 97,646 8,525 11.5
Ohio 3,714 1,079 1,740,030 107,972 16.1
Oklahoma 1,774 575 666,120 41,349 16.1
Oregon 1,261 221 568,208 26,791 21.2
Pennsylvania 3,181 784 1,771,395 124,646 14.2
Rhode Island 308 54 142,854 11,414 12.5
South Carolina 1,223 105 727,186 46,782 15.5
South Dakota 704 171 128,016 9,247 13.8
Tennessee 1,802 140 999,693 66,382 15.1
Texas 8,697 1,262 5,000,470 324,282 15.4
Utah 1,020 126 598,832 25,970 23.1
Vermont 320 369 89,908 8,364 10.7
Virginia 2,170 221 1,257,883 90,832 13.8
Washington 2,365 316 1,045,453 53,119 19.7
West Virginia 759 57 282,870 20,247 14.0
Wisconsin 2,243 462 871,105 56,245 15.5
Wyoming 354 61 90,099 7,847 11.5
Department of Defense
 dependents schools,
 Bureau of Indian
 Education, and other
Department of Defense (DoDEA) 191 16
Bureau of Indian Education 173 195
American Samoa 28 1
Guam 40 1 31,243 2,291 13.6
Commonwealth of the
   Northern Mariana Islands
29 1 11,011 496 22.2
Puerto Rico 1,464 1 452,740 33,079 13.7
U.S. Virgin Islands 31 2 15,711 1,217 12.9
— Not available.
1 Total number of operating schools excludes schools also reported by the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). The number of operating schools shared with the BIE include two in Arizona, one in Michigan, and eight in North Dakota.
2 The membership and staff counts are from the State Nonfiscal Survey.
3 U.S. totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
NOTE: Data for teachers are expressed in full-time equivalents (FTE). Counts of public school teachers and enrollment include prekindergarten through grade 12.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/ Secondary School Universe Survey," SY 2011–12, Provisional Version 1a, "Local Education Agency Universe Survey," SY 2011–12, Provisional Version 1a, "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education," SY 2011–12, Provisional Version 1a.