Table 7.    Median current expenditures per pupil and numbers of districts and students for the 22 states that reported both public elementary and secondary regular noncharter school districts and independent charter school districts, by district type and state: Fiscal year 2011
District type and state Median current expenditures per pupil   Districts   Students
Total Instruction and instruction-related Student support services   Administration1 Operations2   Total3 Number reporting4   Total3,5,6 Number in 
Independent charter school districts7                        
Reporting States8 2,317 1,985 973,458 857,019
Arizona 7,455 3,888 449 1,427 1,311 377 369 123,713 122,880
Arkansas 7,553 4,761 247 1,382 1,430 17 17 6,339 6,339
California 28 13 15,693 8,860
Colorado 6,970 3,854 122 1,885 1,109 1 1 7,981 7,981
Connecticut 11,909 6,043 698 2,087 2,790 17 16 5,139 4,914
Delaware 9,855 5,692 379 1,495 2,393 19 19 9,525 9,525
District of Columbia 16,937 8,455 1,015 3,679 3,439 51 48 27,078 26,644
Georgia 11 1 9,956 1,062
Idaho 5,808 3,761 1 1,023 822 25 25 10,183 10,183
Illinois 2 0 514
Indiana 7,674 4,657 164 1,748 1,220 60 59 22,472 22,167
Louisiana 10,333 5,971 384 1,821 2,176 44 44 27,365 27,365
Massachusetts 63 0 28,422
Michigan 8,703 4,519 242 1,972 1,838 237 235 112,522 112,111
Minnesota 9,597 6,033 45 1,936 1,321 149 147 37,149 36,579
Missouri 10,474 6,000 295 1,766 2,387 36 36 20,076 20,076
New Hampshire 10 0 983
New Jersey 14,580 8,2439 9 2,833 2,834 72 70 23,243 22,402
New Mexico 33 21 6,355 3,915
New York 168 0 54,413
North Carolina 7,663 4,909 133 1,779 542 99 99 42,141 42,141
Ohio 9,494 5,410 100 1,927 685 336 331 96,669 96,135
Oklahoma 6,136 2,686 452 1,153 2,063 3 3 1,369 1,369
Oregon 13,411 7,753 208 2,462 3,130 11 11 2,071 2,071
Pennsylvania 11,840 6,834 405 2,309 1,977 143 141 90,402 89,694
Rhode Island 13,989 8,240 994 2,986 1,494 12 12 2,855 2,855
South Carolina 4,724 3,584 130 729 281 1 1 9,133 9,133
Texas 8,511 4,843 153 1,760 1,696 198 190 132,536 130,756
Utah 5,496 3,431 157 824 638 76 76 39,862 39,862
Wisconsin 18 0 7,299
Regular noncharter school districts10                        
Reporting States8 $10,120 $6,428 $444 $1,258 $1,964 9,640 9,458 27,406,716 27,343,073
Arizona 7,968 4,404 860 918 1,626 211 207 924,158 922,798
Arkansas 8,847 5,798 411 932 1,714 231 229 409,212 408,988
California 8,623 5,560 272 1,275 1,499 696 683 2,576,129 2,573,448
Colorado 9,735 6,003 278 1,651 2,026 131 131 103,472 103,472
Connecticut 15,056 9,716 963 1,587 2,819 173 169 545,600 533,934
Delaware 11,862 7,466 582 1,294 2,423 16 16 112,675 112,675
District of Columbia 18,475 11,042 1,282 2,547 3,604 1 1 44,199 44,199
Georgia 9,059 6,051 451 944 1,589 161 156 915,412 914,340
Idaho 8,369 5,030 317 928 1,766 103 102 144,441 144,365
Illinois 10,067 6,182 393 1,486 1,915 899 853 1,573,875 1,556,503
Indiana 8,642 5,330 289 1,006 1,901 297 294 1,024,714 1,023,690
Louisiana 10,541 6,920 494 1,111 2,162 77 69 544,985 542,784
Massachusetts 13,134 8,784 989 1,127 2,207 303 300 899,690 897,452
Michigan 8,968 5,896 327 1,067 1,651 550 547 1,457,089 1,455,966
Minnesota 9,689 6,542 201 941 1,908 340 337 798,040 797,769
Missouri 8,716 5,616 309 1,000 1,726 524 520 893,980 892,048
New Hampshire 14,842 9,557 1,047 1,656 2,436 164 160 193,018 187,359
New Jersey 15,541 9,591 1,540 1,626 2,737 547 542 1,264,810 1,262,766
New Mexico 11,757 6,652 1,013 1,571 2,535 78 72 132,183 131,789
New York 18,133 12,362 732 1,863 3,059 727 691 1,684,945 1,684,514
North Carolina 8,684 5,774 465 891 1,621 115 115 1,448,117 1,448,117
Ohio 9,590 6,140 476 1,230 1,789 616 613 1,656,654 1,655,726
Oklahoma 8,069 4,860 455 1,031 1,715 527 524 573,969 573,673
Oregon 10,762 6,505 351 1,635 2,175 130 129 143,072 142,455
Pennsylvania 11,477 7,506 528 1,146 2,332 504 498 1,675,388 1,670,854
Rhode Island 14,144 9,610 1,483 1,327 2,322 38 37 106,485 106,381
South Carolina 8,994 5,635 730 923 1,753 71 68 391,968 389,701
Texas 9,421 6,007 329 1,177 1,870 1,026 1,014 4,153,902 4,151,804
Utah 6,878 4,609 195 710 1,373 42 41 545,690 545,395
Wisconsin 11,533 7,455 448 1,617 2,025 342 340 468,844 468,108
— Not available.
† Not applicable.
‡ Reporting standards not met. Data suppressed when the unweighted response rate is below 80 percent for a state or 85 percent for the reporting states total.
1 Includes general administration, school administration, business, central, and other support services.
2 Includes operation and maintenance of plant, student transportation, food services, enterprise operations, support services nonspecified, and other noninstructional programs.
3 Number of districts or number of students in the F-33 survey that fall within the scope of either a regular noncharter school district or an independent charter school district.
4 Number of districts or number of students in the F-33 survey that fall within the scope of either a regular noncharter school district or an independent charter school district and reflects only those districts that reported fiscal data.
5 The student membership obtained from the Common Core of Data (CCD) fiscal district data collection may vary slightly from the student membership obtained from the CCD nonfiscal data collection. Wyoming indicated that their fiscal data reported in the School District Finance Survey (F-33) excluded prekindergarten programs. In this state, the F-33 total student membership variable excludes prekindergarten membership.
6 Quality CCD Local Education Agency Universe Survey enrollment data was not available for independent charter school districts in New Jersey. Enrollment data was used from the CCD Public Elementary-Secondary School Universe Survey as opposed to the CCD Local Education Agency Universe Survey for this state.
7 All associated schools are charter schools
8 Reporting States includes only the states reported in this table.
9 Many charter school districts in Idaho and New Jersey report student support services data within their instruction-related expenditures. These expenditures are included in the "Instruction and instruction-related" category of this table and included in the total.
10 Regular noncharter school districts are school districts that provide instruction and other education services and that do not focus primarily on special education or vocational education. Education service agencies, independent charter school districts, and school districts that have charter and noncharter schools are excluded from this category.
NOTE: Median expenditures are reported for each data item, so details do not sum to totals. Only regular school districts matching the CCD "Local Education Agency Universe Survey" and with student membership greater than zero and no charter schools were used in creating the state figures. Independent charter school districts matching the CCD "Local Education Agency Universe Survey" with revenues greater than zero and expenditures greater than zero were included in the charter school analysis; 94.9 percent of charter school districts met these criteria.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "School District Finance Survey (F-33)," fiscal year 2011, Provisional Version 1a.