Table 3.    Amount and percentage change of median inflation-adjusted total revenues per pupil and current expenditures per pupil for public elementary and secondary regular school districts, by year and state: Fiscal years 2010—11
State Median inflation-adjusted total revenues per pupil   Median inflation-adjusted current expenditures1 per pupil
Fiscal year 2010
(in 2011 dollars)2
Fiscal year 2011
(in 2011 dollars)
  Percentage change   Fiscal year 2010 (in 2011 dollars)2   Fiscal year 2011 (in 2011 dollars)   Percentage change
United States $12,060 $12,054 -0.1 $10,190 $10,039 -1.5
Alabama 9,738 9,643 -1.0 8,965 8,613 -3.9
Alaska 27,620 25,449 -7.9 24,730 25,132 1.6
Arizona 10,201 9,386 -8.0 8,476 7,968 -6.0
Arkansas 10,408 10,313 -0.9 8,778 8,847 0.8
California 9,607 9,881 2.9 8,690 8,466 -2.6
Colorado 12,050 11,378 -5.6 9,690 9,249 -4.5
Connecticut 17,227 17,500 1.6 14,802 15,056 1.7
Delaware 14,404 14,212 -1.3 11,763 11,862 0.8
District of Columbia3 27,811 29,029 4.4 19,042 18,475 -3.0
Florida 9,926 9,948 0.2 8,925 9,021 1.1
Georgia 10,502 10,479 -0.2 9,453 9,124 -3.5
Hawaii3 14,520 13,917 -4.1 11,990 12,004 0.1
Idaho 9,147 8,931 -2.4 8,107 8,058 -0.6
Illinois 11,421 12,151 6.4 10,318 10,069 -2.4
Indiana 12,597 11,090 -12.0 9,045 8,642 -4.5
Iowa 11,676 12,181 4.3 9,192 9,149 -0.5
Kansas 12,218 11,828 -3.2 10,556 10,260 -2.8
Kentucky 10,111 10,207 0.9 9,008 9,113 1.2
Louisiana 11,590 11,188 -3.5 10,616 10,541 -0.7
Maine 15,085 14,484 -4.0 12,784 12,951 1.3
Maryland 15,315 14,977 -2.2 13,026 13,135 0.8
Massachusetts 15,324 15,723 2.6 12,971 13,134 1.3
Michigan 10,264 10,428 1.6 9,017 8,968 -0.5
Minnesota 11,844 12,253 3.4 9,737 9,689 -0.5
Mississippi 9,288 9,393 1.1 8,457 8,247 -2.5
Missouri 9,874 10,237 3.7 9,082 8,716 -4.0
Montana 13,427 13,222 -1.5 12,492 12,484 -0.1
Nebraska 13,896 14,388 3.5 12,031 12,167 1.1
Nevada 11,872 11,608 -2.2 9,926 9,861 -0.6
New Hampshire 15,959 18,173 13.9 12,849 14,842 15.5
New Jersey 18,205 17,299 -5.0 15,779 14,604 -7.4
New Mexico 13,597 13,221 -2.8 11,844 11,173 -5.7
New York 20,357 20,504 0.7 17,936 18,133 1.1
North Carolina 10,401 10,166 -2.3 8,990 8,684 -3.4
North Dakota 14,893 14,806 -0.6 12,172 12,462 2.4
Ohio 11,545 11,552 0.1 9,542 9,590 0.5
Oklahoma 8,493 8,963 5.5 8,445 8,069 -4.4
Oregon 11,147 10,535 -5.5 9,868 9,845 -0.2
Pennsylvania 14,371 14,582 1.5 11,341 11,477 1.2
Rhode Island 16,114 16,723 3.8 14,050 14,144 0.7
South Carolina 10,695 10,329 -3.4 9,315 8,909 -4.4
South Dakota 11,186 10,714 -4.2 9,686 9,149 -5.5
Tennessee 8,544 8,466 -0.9 7,746 7,571 -2.3
Texas 11,474 11,207 -2.3 9,720 9,415 -3.1
Utah 8,833 9,089 2.9 6,646 6,878 3.5
Vermont 16,608 16,239 -2.2 13,488 13,525 0.3
Virginia 11,492 10,864 -5.5 10,064 9,567 -4.9
Washington 11,693 11,349 -2.9 9,765 9,758 -0.1
West Virginia 11,263 11,753 4.3 11,828 11,852 0.2
Wisconsin 13,268 13,405 1.0 11,236 11,520 2.5
Wyoming 19,802 19,884 0.4 16,539 16,744 1.2
1 Funds spent operating local public schools and local education agencies, including such expenses as salaries for school personnel, student transportation, school books and materials, and energy costs, but excluding capital outlay, interest on school debt, payments to private schools, and payments to public charter schools.
2 Data have been adjusted to fiscal year 2011 dollars to account for inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is published by the U.S. Labor Department, Bureau of Labor Statistics. This price index measures the average change in inflation of a fixed market basket of goods and services purchased by consumers. For additional information about inflation-adjusted data, please refer to Appendix A.
3 Both the District of Columbia and Hawaii have only one school district each.
NOTE: How to read this table: Using Alabama as an example, if all regular school districts were listed by size of total revenues per pupil, the district at the midpoint (median) in 2010 would have total revenues per pupil of $9,738 (in 2011 dollars).
Regular in this context means all elementary and secondary school districts reporting membership, matching the CCD nonfiscal LEA Universe Survey, and excluding independent charter school districts. Elementary and secondary school districts are defined by the F-33 school level code "01" (elementary school system only), "02" (secondary system only), and "03" (elementary/secondary school system). National and state figures include charter schools that are affiliated with regular school districts. Only regular school districts matching the Common Core of Data (CCD) "Local Education Agency Universe Survey" and with student membership greater than zero were used in creating the national and state figures; 80.8 percent of all school districts met these criteria.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "School District Finance Survey (F-33)," fiscal year 2010, Version 1a and fiscal year 2011, Provisional Version 1a; Digest of Education Statistics: 2010, retrieved September 14, 2012, from