Table 8. Public high school number of graduates, number of high school dropouts for grades 9–12, and high school event dropout rate for grades 9–12, by gender and state or jurisdiction: School year 2009–10
State or jurisdiction Number of graduates1 High school dropouts2
Male Female Male Female
Number of dropouts Event dropout rate3 Number of dropouts Event dropout rate3
Reporting states4 1,514,185 1,556,052 280,648 3.8 206,424 2.9
Alabama 20,844 22,271 2,185 2.0 1,606 1.5
Alaska 4,010 4,235 1,554 7.4 1,262 6.3
Arizona 29,608 31,109 13,429 8.3 11,061 7.2
Arkansas 13,819 14,457 2,924 4.2 1,964 2.9
California 198,339 206,479 54,797 5.4 38,067 3.9
Colorado 24,217 25,104 7,221 5.9 5,646 4.8
Connecticut 3,380 3.8 1,802 2.1
Delaware 3,885 4,248 871 4.5 647 3.4
District of Columbia 1,647 1,955 632 7.5 5 600 6.4 5
Florida 74,094 78,468 10,404 2.7 7,325 1.9
Georgia 43,664 47,897 10,741 4.5 7,025 3.0
Hawaii 5,626 5,372 1,553 5.7 1,183 4.7
Idaho 9,067 8,726 620 1.5 512 1.3
Illinois 67,888 68,949 10,484 3.3 7,569 2.5
Indiana 30,930 32,063 2,895 1.9 1,893 1.3
Iowa 17,080 17,382 2,784 3.7 2,065 2.9
Kansas 15,918 15,724 1,790 2.5 1,177 1.7
Kentucky 21,253 21,295
Louisiana 17,010 19,563 4,989 5.6 3,676 4.1
Maine 6,577 6,258
Maryland 29,049 30,029 4,385 3.2 2,695 2.1
Massachusetts 31,956 32,506 4,790 3.2 3,290 2.3
Michigan 54,116 55,770 12,303 4.5 9,736 3.8
Minnesota 29,846 29,821 2,573 1.8 1,740 1.3
Mississippi 11,735 13,586
Missouri 31,915 32,079 5,535 3.9 4,010 2.9
Montana 5,041 5,034 1,094 4.8 807 3.8
Nebraska 9,672 9,698 1,141 2.5 738 1.7
Nevada 9,976 10,699 2,995 4.7 2,305 3.8
New Hampshire 7,436 7,598 472 1.4 286 0.9
New Jersey 48,796 47,429 4,007 1.8 3,036 1.5
New Mexico 8,934 9,661 3,870 7.7 2,919 6.1
New York 90,295 93,122 18,150 4.1 13,599 3.0
North Carolina 42,118 44,569 11,575 5.3 8,031 3.8
North Dakota 3,642 3,513 389 2.5 289 2.0
Ohio 60,156 60,292 11,286 4.2 9,648 3.8
Oklahoma 19,255 19,248 2,375 2.6 1,908 2.2
Oregon 16,568 17,206 3,187 3.7 2,330 2.9
Pennsylvania 65,393 65,200 6,919 2.4 5,119 1.8
Rhode Island 4,883 5,025 1,303 5.5 863 3.8
South Carolina 18,424 21,230 3,727 3.5 2,513 2.4
South Dakota 4,081 4,076 540 2.8 459 2.5
Tennessee 30,780 31,628 4,527 3.1 3,052 2.2
Texas 140,858 139,529 19,254 2.8 16,267 2.5
Utah 15,505 15,870 2,345 2.9 1,740 2.3
Vermont 3,306 3,232 397 2.9 284 2.2
Virginia 39,341 40,899 4,563 2.4 3,235 1.8
Washington 31,353 32,194 7,415 4.5 5,836 3.7
West Virginia 8,861 8,790 1,870 4.4 1,424 3.6
Wisconsin 32,540 32,147 3,517 2.4 2,523 1.9
Wyoming 2,878 2,817 891 6.6 662 5.2
Department of Defense dependents schools, Bureau of Indian Education, and other jurisdictions
DoDDS: DoDs Overseas6
DDESS: DoDs Domestic6
Bureau of Indian Education
American Samoa
Commonwealth of the
   Northern Marianas Islands
Puerto Rico 11,315 14,199
U.S. Virgin Islands 408 550 175 7.3 105 3.9
— Not available. State or jurisdiction did not report graduate counts or dropout counts by gender.
‡ Reporting standards not met.
1 Graduate counts were calculated using district-level data. Totals may differ from graduate counts on other tables due to different reporting levels. Graduation rates were not calculated due to missing data at the school district level.
2 Ungraded dropouts are prorated by NCES into grades based on the graded dropout counts to calculate numerators for dropout rates. Ungraded student enrollments are prorated by NCES into grades based on graded enrollments to calculate denominators for dropout rates.
3 The event dropout rate is defined as the count of dropouts from a given school year divided by the count of student enrollments within the same grade span at the beginning of the same school year.
4 Reporting states totals include any of the 50 states and the District of Columbia that reported all data elements.
5 Data were imputed based on prior year rates.
6 DoDDS and DDESS are the Department of Defense Overseas Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools and the Department of Defense Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools, respectively.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "NCES Common Core of Data State Dropout and Completion Data File," School Year 2009–10, Version 1a; and "NCES Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Universe Survey Dropout and Completion Restricted-Use Data File," School Year 2009–10, Version 1a.