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Table 2. Public high school number of graduates and Averaged Freshman Graduation Rate (AFGR), by race/ethnicity and state or jurisdiction: School year 2009–10
State or jurisdiction American Indian/
Alaska Native1
Hispanic Black White
Number of
AFGR2 Number of
AFGR2 Number of
AFGR2 Number of
AFGR2 Number of
Total3 34,131 69.1 167,840 93.5 545,518 71.4 472,261 66.1 1,871,980 83
Alabama 407 75.9 606 91.7 976 66.5 14,558 65.4 26,569 75.8
Alaska 1,616 55.8 660 71.9 412 85.8 273 61.3 4,855 78.4
Arizona 3,370 66.2 1,879 95.8 22,452 70.6 3,622 81.0 29,448 76.5
Arkansas 171 65.8 553 85.7 1,849 77.0 5,945 67.6 19,498 75.8
California 3,168 75.1 56,224 90.1 174,088 71.7 27,580 65.4 132,893 83.9
Colorado 507 62.1 1,810 97.4 10,533 65.9 2,913 75.9 33,558 85.4
Connecticut 95 61.3 4 1,324 88.5 4 4,063 55.5 4 4,226 63.5 4 24,787 81.8 4
Delaware 26 96.3 309 100.0 594 67.3 2,507 68.2 4,697 79.9
District of Columbia 2 100.0 65 79.3 309 58.5 3,097 59.0 129 87.8
Florida 502 78.1 4,540 92.5 36,397 71.1 33,748 63.6 77,375 72.3
Georgia 226 100.0 3,394 92.3 6,649 66.3 33,342 62.9 45,833 74.6
Hawaii 56 67.5 8,297 77.0 481 72.4 210 67.3 1,954 71.0
Idaho 199 56.7 310 97.5 2,176 80.4 165 75.0 14,943 85.0
Illinois 284 82.1 5,827 97.1 22,320 76.0 24,859 68.7 83,547 88.1
Indiana 182 75.5 900 95.2 3,168 71.8 6,583 61.6 52,160 79.1
Iowa 159 68.5 668 87.3 1,794 86.3 1,268 60.7 30,160 88.5
Kansas 383 65.4 767 88.6 3,468 78.8 2,297 68.0 23,844 85.8
Kentucky 51 67.1 533 100.0 835 81.1 4,573 75.6 36,672 80.9
Louisiana 245 66.0 721 100.0 933 78.3 15,178 61.9 19,496 74.0
Maine 100 95.2 5 217 96.9 5 146 96.1 5 290 86.9 5 13,316 82.4 5
Maryland 190 78.2 3,700 100.0 4,087 77.4 21,231 74.1 29,870 87.5
Massachusetts 179 70.5 3,314 93.7 6,979 65.0 5,133 72.1 47,891 86.6
Michigan 891 62.7 2,808 92.6 3,721 62.9 19,278 59.2 83,188 81.5
Minnesota 902 61.1 3,347 90.0 2,176 66.7 4,194 69.5 49,048 92.3
Mississippi 40 59.7 257 86.7 325 61.8 12,165 59.3 12,685 68.4
Missouri 318 89.3 1,126 100.0 1,772 81.2 10,262 71.2 50,516 86.5
Montana 848 61.7 124 90.5 209 74.9 69 71.9 8,825 84.7
Nebraska 191 50.8 353 94.9 1,812 71.3 1,093 57.6 15,921 88.8
Nevada 275 44.3 2,165 80.6 5,713 47.2 2,045 46.7 10,758 65.5
New Hampshire 35 71.4 260 96.9 392 89.9 205 78.5 14,086 85.9
New Jersey 176 94.1 7,811 93.9 15,456 77.1 14,918 74.8 57,186 91.8
New Mexico 2,182 63.4 292 94.8 9,617 65.3 403 59.4 5,975 70.5
New York 727 59.7 15,058 92.1 30,909 60.7 31,609 61.7 105,114 86.7
North Carolina 1,243 75.2 2,243 93.1 5,681 67.4 25,181 69.5 52,339 80.6
North Dakota 489 60.2 76 100.0 90 66.7 136 100.0 6,364 91.3
Ohio 165 80.9 1,695 97.7 2,314 67.7 16,574 60.2 99,925 86.5
Oklahoma 7,281 76.9 1,063 100.0 2,870 70.7 3,797 68.8 23,492 80.7
Oregon 616 58.7 1,703 83.6 4,900 75.6 893 65.9 25,675 77.3
Pennsylvania 198 73.6 3,530 100.0 7,055 70.4 17,753 68.3 102,057 87.9
Rhode Island 61 76.3 337 82.0 1,563 69.1 865 74.2 7,082 78.3
South Carolina 109 59.6 699 97.1 1,394 65.7 15,125 61.5 22,985 72.8
South Dakota 477 47.5 92 96.8 152 73.4 145 80.1 7,296 86.0
Tennessee 124 83.8 1,062 99.1 2,046 78.1 15,242 75.6 43,934 82.0
Texas 1,472 100.0 10,490 95.9 120,985 77.4 37,491 69.4 110,456 82.8
Utah 442 57.4 1,113 85.5 3,096 60.6 367 69.8 26,357 81.7
Vermont 32 71.1 192 100.0 81 100.0 119 100.0 6,724 89.9
Virginia 260 85.2 4,970 100.0 5,508 75.9 19,642 71.0 49,860 84.9
Washington 1,437 58.7 5,893 86.8 6,971 64.1 3,130 63.0 46,124 77.7
West Virginia 21 77.8 143 100.0 137 74.9 850 74.4 16,476 78.2
Wisconsin 893 78.9 2,261 94.9 3,364 78.2 5,050 66.0 53,119 95.6
Wyoming 108 37.6 59 69.0 500 74.3 62 57.4 4,918 82.6
Department of Defense dependents schools, Bureau of Indian Education, and other jurisdictions
DoDDS: DoDs Overseas6
DDESS: DoDs Domestic6
Bureau of Indian Education
American Samoa
Commonwealth of the
   Northern Marianas Islands
Puerto Rico 1 5 25,481 60.1 9 18 100.0
U.S. Virgin Islands 4 100.0 2 66.7 105 56.5 842 66.8 5 55.6
— Not available. State or jurisdiction did not report diploma count by race/ethnicity.
† Not applicable. Rate could not be calculated because applicable enrollment is zero.
1 The rate for American Indians/Alaska Natives excludes students served in schools operated by the Bureau of Indian Education.
2 AFGR is an estimate of the percentage of an entering freshman class graduating in 4 years. For 2009–10, it equals the total number of diploma recipie in 2009–10 divided by the average membership of the 8th-grade class in 2005–06, the 9th-grade class in 2006–07, and the 10th-grade class in 2007–0
3 Totals include the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
4 Data were imputed based on prior year rates.
5 Maine's estimated first-time 9th graders were edited to include 1,419 9th grade, publicly-funded private school students that were not reported as 9th graders on the 2006–07 Common Core of Data (CCD) but were reported as 10th graders in 2007–08 and as diploma recipients in 2009–10. These 1,419 students include 15 American Indian/Alaska Native students, 24 Asian/Pacific Islander students, 9 Hispanic students, 20 Black students, and 1,351 White students.
6 DoDDS and DDESS are the Department of Defense Overseas Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools and the Department of Defense Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools, respectively.
NOTE: Ungraded students were allocated to individual grades proportional to each state's enrollment in those grades. Black includes African American, Hispanic includes Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander includes Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and American Indian includes Alaska Native. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin unless specified. Data needed to calculate the denominator for AFGR for the Two or more races category are not available. Due to the time lapse between the reporting of enrollments and graduates, calculated rates may exceed 100 percent. For the purpose of reporting, these rates have been top coded to 100 percent.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "NCES Common Core of Data State Dropout and Completion Data File," School Year 2009–10, Version 1a.