In 2007–08, a higher percentage of male than female undergraduates enrolled as full-time students (49 vs. 47 percent). The percentage of male undergraduates (35 percent) who enrolled as part-time students was not measurably different from that of females (36 percent).
During the 2007–08 academic year, 48 percent of undergraduates were full-time students, 35 percent were part-time students, and 17 percent enrolled on a mixed full-time and part-time basis. The attendance patterns of undergraduates varied according to students’ sex and race/ethnicity.
In 2007–08, a higher percentage of males than females enrolled as full-time students (49 vs. 47 percent). The percentage of undergraduates who enrolled on a full-time basis was higher for White males than for White females (51 vs. 48 percent). Within other racial/ethnic groups, no measurable differences were observed between the percentages of males and females who enrolled on a full- time basis.
Lower percentages of Black (45 percent), Hispanic (45 percent), and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (37 percent) undergraduates enrolled as full-time students than Asian (48 percent), White (49 percent), and undergraduates of two or more races (52 percent). In addition, the full-time percentage was higher for Hispanics and Blacks than for Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders. This overall pattern of full-time enrollment by race/ethnicity also was observed for male undergraduates. Among female undergraduates, lower percentages of Blacks and Hispanics (44 percent each) enrolled on a full-time basis than Whites (48 percent) and students of two or more races (51 percent).
No measurable differences were found between the percentages of male (35 percent) and female (36 percent) undergraduates who enrolled on a part-time basis; nor were measurable differences observed between males and females within racial/ethnic groups.
Higher percentages of Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders (40 percent), Blacks (38 percent), and Hispanics (37 percent) enrolled as part-time students than did Whites (34 percent), Asians (34 percent), and students of two or more races (31 percent). The same pattern of part-time enrollment was also observed for male undergraduates, with the exception that no measurable differences were observed between Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander males and White or Asian males. Specifically, among male undergraduates, 39 percent of Blacks and 38 percent of Hispanics enrolled on a part- time basis, compared with 34 percent of Whites, 32 percent of Asians, and 29 percent of students of two or more races. In addition, the percentages of male undergraduates who enrolled on a part-time basis were higher for Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders (40 percent) and Whites than for male students of two or more races. Among female undergraduates, a higher percentage of Blacks enrolled on a part-time basis (38 percent) than Whites (35 percent) and students of two or more races (32 percent); and a higher percentage of Hispanics enrolled part-time (37 percent) than students of two more races.
Both overall and by race/ethnicity, the percentages of undergraduates who enrolled as full-time students or part-time students did not measurably change from 2003–04 to 2007–08. However, the percentage of male undergraduates enrolled on a full-time basis was higher in 2003–04 than in 2007–08 (52 vs. 49 percent); and the percentage of males enrolled as part-time students was lower in 2003–04 than in 2007–08 (33 vs. 35 percent). The percentages of female students who enrolled as either full-time or part-time students did not measurably change from 2003–04 to 2007–08.
Undergraduates in this indicator are those enrolled in 4-year, 2-year, and less-than-2-year institutions in the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Full-time students refers to those who enrolled full time during their entire enrollment duration. The enrollment duration could be less than the full academic year (e.g., just one term or semester). Part-time students refers to students who always enrolled part time during the entire enrollment duration. Mixed full-time and part-time enrollment intensity indicates a change in students’ enrollment status during the enrollment duration, regardless of whether they started as part-time students and subsequently changed to full-time students or vice versa.
Figure 36-1 Percentage of undergraduate students who always attended their undergraduate institutions full time, by race/ethnicity and sex: Academic year 2007–08
Figure 36-2 Percentage of undergraduate students who always attended their undergraduate institutions part time, by race/ethnicity and sex: Academic year 2007–08
Table E-36-1 Percentage distribution of undergraduate postsecondary students, by enrollment intensity, sex, and race/ethnicity: Academic years 2003–04 and 2007–08