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Table 40. Among public elementary school classroom teachers who participated in professional development activities, percent and standard error reporting that participation in the activity improved their teaching to a moderate or great extent, by school characteristics: School year 2009–10 (Table 40—Continued)
School characteristic Activities focusing on arts instruction
Applied study in one of the arts or arts education Developing knowledge about
the arts (e.g., historical,
cultural, analytical)
Connecting arts learning with other subject areas Research on the arts and
student learning (e.g., arts
and cognition)
Percent Standard
Percent Standard
Percent Standard
Percent Standard
All public elementary school classroom teachers 50 (3.9) 43 (4.8) 56 (3.8) 54 (4.4)
Enrollment size                
Less than 300 48 (10.0) 46 (10.2) 45 (8.9) 54 (11.3)
300 to 499 56 (5.9) 48 (8.1) 64 (5.0) 72 (5.4)
500 or more 47 (5.8) 40 (6.9) 53 (4.8) 43 (6.8)
Community type                
City 59 (7.5) 61 (8.3) 64 (6.1) 73 (8.0)
Suburban 50 (6.0) 43 (8.3) 55 (6.5) 54 (7.9)
Town 49 (13.9) (†) 60 (11.9) (†)
Rural 39 (6.7) 29 (8.4) 47 (7.6) 39 (8.7)
Northeast 40 (10.3) 50 (12.0) 60 (8.8) 53 (10.5)
Southeast 54 (7.6) 38 (9.6) 55 (6.1) 54 (8.9)
Central 38 (9.7) 37 (9.9) 49 (7.5) 52 (8.4)
West 58 (7.7) 47 (7.2) 59 (6.2) 56 (8.8)
Percent combined
enrollment of Black and
other races/ethnicities
Less than 6 percent 30! (12.8) 42! (18.9) 44 (10.6) 42! (12.9)
6 to 20 percent 40 (9.3) 33 (9.7) 42 (7.7) 49 (9.2)
21 to 49 percent 43 (9.8) 32! (10.5) 66 (6.2) 55 (9.7)
50 percent or more 64 (5.9) 56 (7.2) 59 (5.5) 61 (7.5)
Percent of students
eligible for free or
reduced-price lunch
0 to 25 percent 46 (10.8) 45 (10.7) 49 (6.9) 49 (7.1)
26 to 50 percent 41 (9.6) 22! (8.1) 46 (9.2) 50 (9.7)
51 to 75 percent 45 (8.7) 45 (9.2) 61 (6.5) 54 (10.9)
76 percent or more 62 (6.8) 54 (8.1) 63 (6.1) 63 (8.3)
See notes at end of table.