Table 122. Percent and standard error for public secondary school visual arts specialists reporting that they gave moderate or major emphasis to various goals or objectives of student learning, by school characteristics: School year 2009–10 (Table 122—Continued)
School characteristic Creating works in a broad range of art, including the
fine arts, communication
and design arts, folk arts,
and crafts
Understanding and applying various media, techniques, and processes Using knowledge of
elements, functions,
and principles of art
Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas Learning about the expressive possibilities of visual arts
(i.e., conveying feelings, ideas, and meaning)
Percent Standard
Percent Standard
Percent Standard
Percent Standard
Percent Standard
All public secondary school visual arts specialists 91 (1.0) 98 (0.5) 97 (0.6) 92 (0.9) 92 (1.0)
Enrollment size                    
Less than 500 91 (2.2) 96 (1.6) 97 (1.4) 89 (2.3) 91 (1.8)
500 to 999 93 (1.6) 98 (0.7) 95 (1.5) 92 (1.6) 91 (1.9)
1,000 or more 91 (1.7) 98 (0.8) 99 (0.6) 95 (1.3) 94 (1.2)
Community type                    
City 89 (2.3) 97 (1.4) 97 (1.2) 95 (1.4) 95 (1.6)
Suburban 92 (1.8) 97 (1.0) 96 (1.4) 93 (1.4) 93 (1.7)
Town 92 (2.4) 99 (0.6) 99 (0.9) 93 (2.4) 92 (2.4)
Rural 92 (1.7) 98 (1.0) 98 (0.8) 89 (1.9) 89 (2.1)
Northeast 94 (1.6) 99 (0.8) 96 (1.5) 94 (1.6) 94 (1.7)
Southeast 92 (2.1) 97 (0.9) 97 (1.1) 94 (1.5) 90 (2.1)
Central 92 (2.0) 97 (1.2) 96 (1.4) 93 (1.6) 93 (1.9)
West 89 (1.7) 97 (1.2) 99 (0.5) 90 (2.1) 90 (1.8)
Percent combined enrollment of Black
and other races/ethnicities2
Less than 6 percent 93 (1.8) 99 (0.4) 98 (0.8) 91 (2.3) 95 (1.3)
6 to 20 percent 94 (1.7) 98 (1.0) 99 (0.6) 92 (1.4) 92 (2.1)
21 to 49 percent 89 (2.2) 97 (1.2) 95 (1.9) 89 (2.3) 86 (2.7)
50 percent or more 89 (2.2) 96 (1.4) 97 (1.2) 97 (0.8) 95 (1.2)
Percent of students eligible for
free or reduced-price lunch
0 to 25 percent 94 (1.5) 1001 (0.2) 98 (0.9) 93 (1.6) 92 (1.4)
26 to 50 percent 90 (2.0) 97 (1.2) 97 (1.1) 93 (1.6) 92 (1.7)
51 to 75 percent 92 (2.0) 97 (1.1) 96 (1.5) 90 (2.8) 90 (2.0)
76 percent or more 86 (4.0) 94 (2.8) 95 (2.1) 94 (2.1) 94 (2.3)
See notes at end of table.