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Teachers, Faculty, and Staff - Elementary and Secondary Schools

Number of Teachers

A projected 3.6 million elementary and secondary school teachers were engaged in classroom instruction in the fall of 2010, with about 3.2 million teachers in public schools and 0.5 million in private schools.

The number of public elementary and secondary school teachers rose by 8 percent between 2000 and 2010. The number of public school teachers increased by a greater percentage than the number of students during that period (5 percent), resulting in a decline in the pupil/teacher ratio. In the fall of 2010, there was a projected ratio of 15.6 public school pupils per teacher, compared with the 2000 ratio of 16.0 public school pupils per teacher. The pupil/teacher ratio in private schools was projected at 13.0 pupils per teacher in fall 2010.

Table 15. Teachers and pupil/teacher ratios in public and private elementary and secondary schools: Selected years, fall 1980 through fall 2010
[In full-time equivalents]
Year Total Public Private
  Teachers, in thousands
1980 2,485 2,184 301
1990 2,759 2,398 3611
2000 3,366 2,941 4241
2005 3,593 3,143 450
2007 3,634 3,178 456
2008 3,674 3,219 4551
20092 3,617 3,161 457
20102 3,633 3,174 460
  Pupil/teacher ratio
1980 18.6 18.7 17.7
1990 17.0 17.2 15.61
2000 15.9 16.0 14.51
2005 15.4 15.6 13.5
2007 15.2 15.5 13.0
2008 15.0 15.3 13.11
20092 15.3 15.6 13.1
20102 15.2 15.6 13.0
1 Estimated.
2 Projected.
Note: Full-time-equivalent teachers are the sum of full-time teachers, plus the number of part-time teachers expressed as the fraction of their scheduled hours compared to the normal full-time teacher scheduled hours. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.