Chapter 1. Demographics | |
Figure 1 | Percentage distribution of total population in the United States, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1980–2008, and projections, selected years, 2010–2025 |
Figure 2 | Percentage distribution of population under 18 in the United States, by race/ethnicity and nativity:2007 |
Figure 3 | Percentage distribution of children under age 18, by race/ethnicity and living arrangements: 2007 |
Figure 4 | Percentage of children under 18 living in poverty, by living arrangements and race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Figure 5 | Percentage of children ages 6 to 18 whose mother attained a level of education less than high school completion, and percentage whose mother attained at least a bachelor's degree, by child's race/ethnicity: 2008 |
Chapter 2. Preprimary, Elementary and Secondary Education Participation | |
Figure 6 | Percentage distribution of primary type of care arrangements of children from the 2001 birth cohort at about 4 years old, by race/ethnicity: 2005–06 |
Figure 7.1 | Percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students, by region and race/ethnicity: 2007–08 |
Figure 7.2 | Percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students, by race/ethnicity and locale: 2007–08 |
Figure 7.4 | Percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary school students of each racial/ethnic group, by percent enrollment in school of selected racial/ethnic group: 2007–08 |
Figure 7.5a | Percentage of public school 4th-graders eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, by school locale and race/ethnicity: 2009 |
Figure 7.5b | Percentage of public school 4th-graders in low-poverty and high-poverty schools, by race/ethnicity: 2009 |
Figure 8.1 | Percentage of children ages 3 to 5 and ages 6 to 21 served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), by race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Figure 8.2 | Percentage of elementary and secondary school students who spoke a language other than English at home and percentage who spoke English with difficulty, by race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Figure 9.1 | Percentage of public high school teachers with neither a college major nor standard certification in the ubject that is their main teaching assignment, by race/ethnicity concentration of schools and subject: 2007–08 |
Figure 9.2 | Average number of years of teaching experience of regular full-time public school teachers and percentage who have less than 3 years of teaching experience, by race/ethnicity concentration of school: 2007–08 |
Chapter 3. Achievement | |
Figure 10 | Percentage of children from the 2001 birth cohort who were proficient in letter and number and shape recognition at about 4 years old, by race/ethnicity: 2005–06 |
Figure 11.1a | Percentage distribution of 4th-grade students at National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading achievement levels, by race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Figure 11.1b | Percentage distribution of 8th-grade students at National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading achievement levels, by race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Figure 11.1c | Percentage distribution of 12th-grade students at National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading achievement levels, by race/ethnicity: 2005 |
Figure 11.2a | Percentage distribution of 4th-grade students at National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics achievement levels, by race/ethnicity: 2009 |
Figure 11.2b | Percentage distribution of 8th-grade students at National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics achievement levels, by race/ethnicity: 2009 |
Figure 11.2c | Percentage distribution of 12th-grade students at National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics achievement levels, by race/ethnicity: 2005 |
Figure 12a | Average scores among 4th-graders in the United States on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), by subject and race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Figure 12b | Average scores among 8th-graders in the United States on the Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMSS), by subject and race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Figure 13a | Percentage of high school graduates who completed selected mathematics courses, by race/ethnicity: 1998 and 2005 |
Figure 13b | Percentage of high school graduates who completed selected science courses, by race/ethnicity: 1998 and 2005 |
Figure 14 | Percentage distribution of grades on all Advanced Placement (AP) exams, by race/ethnicity: 2008 |
Figure 15.1a | Percentage distribution of the 12th-grade SAT test-taking population, by race/ethnicity: 1998 and 2008 |
Figure 15.1b | Average SAT scores for the 12th-grade SAT test-taking population, by subject and race/ethnicity: 2008 |
Figure 15.2a | Percentage distribution of ACT test-taking population, by race/ethnicity: 1998 and 2008 |
Figure 15.2b | Percentage of ACT test-taking population meeting college readiness benchmark scores, by race/ethnicity, 2008 |
Chapter 4. Persistence | |
Figure 16 | Percentage of 8th-graders at or above Basic on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics assessment, by race/ethnicity and number of days absent from school in the past month: 2009 |
Figure 17 | Percentage of public school students in grades 6 through 12 who had ever been suspended, by race/ethnicity and sex: 2007 |
Figure 18.1 | Percentage of 16- to 24-year-olds who were high school status dropouts, by race/ethnicity: 1997–2007 |
Figure 18.2 | Averaged freshman graduation rate for public high school students, by race/ethnicity: School year 2006–07 |
Chapter 5. Student Behaviors | |
Figure 19.1 | Percentage of high school students who did homework, by frequency and race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Figure 19.2a | Percentage of high school students ages 16 years and older who were employed, by race/ethnicity: 2008 |
Figure 19.2b | Percentage distribution of employed high school students 16 years and over, by hours worked per week and race/ethnicity: 2008 |
Figure 20 | Percentage of 12- to 17-year-olds who reported using alcohol, cigarettes, or marijuana in the past month, by race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Figure 21 | Number of live births per 1,000 females ages 15 to 19, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1990–2007 |
Figure 22 | Percentage of high school students who reported that they were threatened or injured with a weapon on school property, carried a weapon to school, or engaged in a physical fight on school property, by race/ethnicity: 2007 |
Chapter 6. Postsecondary Education | |
Figure 23.1 | Percentage of high school completers who were enrolled in 2- or 4-year colleges the October immediately following high school completion, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1980–2008 |
Figure 23.2 | Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in colleges and universities, by race/ethnicity: Selected years: 1980–2008 |
Figure 24_1 | Difference in percentages of female and male undergraduate fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1976–2008 |
Figure 24_2 | Difference in percentages of female and male graduate (postbaccalaureate) fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1976–2008 |
Figure 24_3 | Percentage distribution of U.S. citizen enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by institutional type and race/ethnicity: 2008 |
Figure 25a | Percentage of full-time, full-year undergraduates receiving financial aid, by race/ethnicity: 2007–08 |
Figure 25b | Average amount of financial aid awarded to full-time, full-year undergraduates, by race/ethnicity and type of aid: 2007–08 |
Figure 26 | Percentage distribution of bachelor's degrees awarded by degree-granting institutions, by sex and race/ethnicity: 2007–08 |
Chapter 7. Outcomes of Education | |
Figure 27 | Percentage of adults ages 25 and over who completed at least high school and percentage who have at least a bachelor's degree, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1996–2008 |
Figure 28 | Unemployment rates for persons ages 16 and over, by educational attainment and race/ethnicity: 2008 |
Figure 29 | Median annual earnings of full-time, full-year wage and salary workers ages 25 and older, by sex, race/ethnicity, and educational attainment: 2007 |