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Financial Accounting for Local and State School Systems: 2009 Edition
NCES 2009-325
June 2009

Exhibit D-2.  Sample Independent School District Statements of Activities for the Year Ended June 30, 20X2
    Program Revenues Net (Expense) Revenue and
Changes in Net Assets
Functions/Programs Expenses Charges for Services Operating Grants and Contributions Capital Grants and Contributions Governmental Activities Business-
type Activities
Governmental activities:
Instruction and instruction-related service $234,074,862 $5,336,661 $27,631,301 ($201,106,900)   ($201,106,900)
Instructional and school leadership 33,579,9073,783,490 (29,796,417)  (29,796,417)
Support services—student-based 37,311,861 2,986,172 4,203,974 $1,654,321 (28,467,394)   (28,467,394)
Administrative support services 9,365,149 1,055,183 (8,309,966)   (8,309,966)
Support services—non-student-based 57,379,902 5,465,065 700,145 (51,214,692)   (51,214,692)
Community services 2,753,346 131,297 (2,622,049)   (2,622,049)
Interest on long-term debt 5,969,465 (5,969,465)   (5,969,465)
Depreciation—unallocated* 6,555,053(6,555,053)   (6,555,053)
Total governmental activities 386,989,545 8,322,833 42,270,310 2,354,466 (334,041,936) (334,041,936)
Business-type activities:
Food services 20,596,032 4,750,350 16,599,235 $753,553 753,553
Total primary government $407,585,577 $13,073,183 $58,869,545 $2,354,466 ($334,041,936) $753,553 ($333,288,383)
 General revenues:
 Property taxes, levied for general purposes 154,108,322154,108,322
 Property taxes, levied for debt service 16,860,557 16,860,557
 State aid—formula grants 176,265,211 176,265,211
 Unrestricted investment earnings 7,397,103 301,410 7,698,513
 Special item —gain on sale of unimproved land 367,341367,341
   Total general revenues and special items 354,998,534 301,410 355,299,944
     Change in net assets 20,956,598 1,054,963 22,011,561
 Net assets—beginning269,433,502 8,846,344 278,279,846
 Net assets—ending$290,390,100$9,901,307$300,291,407
*This amount excludes the depreciation that is included in the direct expenses of the various programs.
This statement uses the functional categories for governmental activities that are used for governmental funds in Exhibit D-6. Exhibit D-2 illustrates this statement using expanded details for governmental activities