Figure 1.1 | Percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary districts, schools, and students, by locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 1.2a | Percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary schools, by level, locale, and size of school: 2003–04 |
Figure 1.2b | Percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students, by level, locale, and size of school: 2003–04 |
Figure 1.3 | Percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students, by race/ethnicity and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 1.4a | Percentage of public elementary and secondary students enrolled in schools in rural areas, by state and District of Columbia: 2003–04 |
Figure 1.4b | Percentage of public elementary and secondary students enrolled in schools in remote rural areas, by state and District of Columbia: 2003–04 |
Figure 1.5 | Percentage of 3- to 5-year-olds enrolled in center-based preprimary programs, by locale and hours of attendance: 2005 |
Figure 1.6 | Percentage distribution of elementary and secondary students, by control of school and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 1.7 | Percentage distribution of children under 18 living in families, by poverty level and locale: 2004 |
Figure 1.8 | Percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students, by percentage of students in school eligible for free or reduced-price lunch and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 1.9 | Percentage of public school students in moderate-to-high poverty schools, by race/ethnicity and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 1.12 | Percentage of public and private elementary and secondary students whose parents reported participation in school-related activities, by selected school activity and locale: 2003 |
Figure 1.13 | Percentage of public and private elementary and secondary students whose parents reported outings with their child in the past month, by selected activity and locale: 2003 |
Figure 1.14 | Percentage distribution of children ages 6 to 18, by parents' highest level of education and locale: 2004 |
Figure 1.15 | Percentage distribution of public and private elementary and secondary students, by parents' expectations for child's highest educational attainment and locale: 2003 |
Figure 2.1a | Percentage distribution of 4th-grade public school students across NAEP reading achievement levels, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.1b | Percentage distribution of 8th-grade public school students across NAEP reading achievement levels, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.1c | Percentage distribution of 12th-grade public school students across NAEP reading achievement levels, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.2a | Percentage distribution of 4th-grade public school students across NAEP mathematics achievement levels, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.2b | Percentage distribution of 8th-grade public school students across NAEP mathematics achievement levels, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.2c | Percentage distribution of 12th-grade public school students across NAEP mathematics achievement levels, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.3a | Percentage distribution of 4th-grade public school students across NAEP science achievement levels, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.3b | Percentage distribution of 8th-grade public school students across NAEP science achievement levels, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.3c | Percentage distribution of 12th-grade public school students across NAEP science achievement levels, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.4a | Percentage of 16- to 24-year-olds who were high school status dropouts, by poverty level and locale: 2004 |
Figure 2.4b | Percentage of 16- to 24-year-olds who were high school status dropouts, by race/ethnicity and locale: 2004 |
Figure 2.5 | Averaged freshman graduation rate for public high school students, by locale: 2002–03 |
Figure 2.6 | Percentage of persons ages 16–19 who were neither enrolled in school nor working, by sex and locale: 2004 |
Figure 2.7 | Percentage of persons ages 18–24 enrolled in colleges and universities, by sex and locale: 2004 |
Figure 2.8 | Percentage of adults age 16 or older who participated in adult educational activities, by type of activity and locale: 2005 |
Figure 2.9a | Percentage distribution of adults ages 25–34 and 65 and over, by locale and highest level of educational attainment: 2004 |
Figure 2.9b | Percentage distribution of adults age 25 and over, by poverty status, locale, and highest level of educational attainment: 2004 |
Figure 2.10a | Median earnings of full-time, full-year workers age 25 and over adjusted for geographic cost differences, by locale and educational attainment: 2004 |
Figure 2.10b | Median earnings of full-time, full-year workers age 25 and over adjusted for geographic cost differences, by sex, locale, and educational attainment: 2004 |
Figure 2.11 | Percentage of civilian persons ages 25–34 who were unemployed, by sex and locale: 2004 |
Figure 3.1 | Percentage distribution of revenues for public elementary and secondary schools, by source of funds and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.2 | Total adjusted current expenditures per public elementary and secondary student, by locale and district poverty level: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.3 | Percentage distribution of public schools reporting being underenrolled, at capacity, or overenrolled, by school locale: Fall 2005 |
Figure 3.4 | Percentage of public high school students in schools that offered dual credit, Advanced Placement (AP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses during the 12-month school year, by locale: 2002–03 |
Figure 3.5 | Percentage of public schools offering various types of internet access and providing hand-held or laptop computers, by locale: 2005 |
Figure 3.6 | Average pupil-teacher ratios in public schools, by locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.7 | Percentage distribution of race/ethnicity of public elementary and secondary school teachers, by locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.8 | Percentage distribution of teachers in public schools, by years of teaching experience and detailed locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.9a | Percentage of public school teachers who reported potential problems as "serious problems" in their schools, by type of problem and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.9b | Percentage of public school teachers who reported behavioral problems occurring in their schools at least weekly, by type of problem and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.9c | Percentage of public school teachers who reported agreement with various statements about teaching conditions, by condition and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.10 | Average base salary for full-time teachers in public elementary and secondary schools adjusted for geographic cost differences, by locale and highest degree earned: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.11 | Percentage of public elementary and secondary schools with a teaching vacancy in selected teaching fields that reported filling the vacancy as "very difficult" or that the vacancy could not be filled, by teaching field and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.12a | Average number of students per student support staff in regular public elementary schools with such staff, by selected type of staff and locale: 2003–04 |
Figure 3.12b | Average number of students per student support staff in regular public secondary schools with such staff, by selected type of staff and locale: 2003–04 |