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Forum Curriculum for Improving Education Data
NCES 2007-808
May 2007

Lesson: Security and Confidentiality - Activities and Instruction


  • Provide participants with the Guide to Confidentiality, as well as with Health Records: FERPA and HIPAA and the Forum Guide to the Privacy of Student Information: A Resource for Schools. Have participants search for correct answers to the FERPA/HIPAA Quiz completed in the Introduction section. This may be completed in small groups or pairs. Participants should record what they now think are the correct answers in the second blank provided on the quiz.
  • Have participants share the answers to the FERPA/HIPAA Quiz that they recorded during the search of the regulations and their discussion of the scenarios.
  • Pass out the FERPA/HIPAA Quiz Answer Key to participants. Have participants put the correct answers in the Post column blank and then discuss which questions they got wrong and why, as well as the questions whose correct answer most surprised them. Note the several questions where the correct answer is both True and False, and discuss the implications of these ambiguities for policies and practice.

Lesson Resources for Activities and Instruction

Supplementary Resources for Activities and Instruction