Selected Findings
The findings in this report are organized as follows:
- food services at the school (i.e., types of food services - cafeteria or lunchroom, vending machines, school stores or snack bars - and availability of foods outside of full school meals);
- types of foods available in the school and in the cafeteria or lunchroom;
- foods sold at vending machines and school stores or snack bars;
- food service operations (i.e., the entity that operated food services at the school, and contracts with companies to sell foods at the school);
- scheduled recess;
- scheduled physical education;
- activities to encourage physical activity (e.g., nontraditional physical education activities, such as dance or kick-boxing, to make physical education enjoyable); and
- physical assessment of students (i.e., measurement of students' height and weight and calculation of body mass index).