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Largest American Indian and Alaska Native tribes to number of self- identified members, by tribe: 2000 -- Status and Trends in the Education of American Indians and Alaska Natives
Indicator 1.3: American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes

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Table 1.3. Largest American Indian and Alaska Native tribes according to number of self- identified members, by tribe: 2000
Tribe Total American Indian/Alaska Native in combination with one or more other races American Indian/Alaska Native alone
     Total 4,119,301 1,643,345 2,475,956
American Indian tribes
Cherokee 729,533 429,671 299,862
Navajo 298,197 22,206 275,991
Latin American Indian1180,940 74,736 106,204
Choctaw 158,774 61,873 96,901
Sioux 153,360 40,294 113,066
Chippewa 149,669 41,032 108,637
Apache 96,833 31,856 64,977
Blackfeet 85,750 54,288 31,462
Iroquois2 80,822 33,292 47,530
Pueblo 74,085 11,025 63,060
Alaska Native tribes
Eskimo 54,761 7,424 47,337
Tlingit-Haida 22,365 6,481 15,884
Alaska Athabascan 18,838 3,503 15,335
Aleut 16,978 4,205 12,773
1Latin American Indian refers to respondents listing any one of a number of Latin American tribes (e.g., the Maya or Yanomamo).
2 Iroquois is a language group which includes 6 federally recognized tribes in its confederacy.
NOTE: "Alone" refers to respondents who selected American Indian/Alaska Native and not any other race category. "In combination with one or more other races" refers to respondents who selected American Indian/Alaska Native and one or more other race categories. Includes American Indian/Alaska Natives of Hispanic origin. Tribal groupings compiled by the Census Bureau do not necessarily correspond with federally recognized tribes. Self-identified membership does not necessarily correspond with official membership in a federally recognized tribe. Tribal populations do not sum to totals because totals include American Indian/Alaska Native populations from many additional tribes. In addition, the numbers by American Indian and Alaska Native tribal groupings do not sum to the total population because tribal groupings are tallies of the number of American Indian and Alaska Native responses rather than the number of American Indian and Alaska Native respondents. Respondents reporting several American Indian and Alaska Native tribes are counted several times. For example, a respondent reporting "Apache and Blackfeet" would be included in the Apache as well as Blackfeet numbers.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Census 2000 Brief: The American Indian and Alaska Native Population, 2000, 2002.

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