TP1. Are there technology policies?
Policy development process exists; technology policies are approved
or in process; policies are in place.
Data Elements: TP001-TP005
TP2. Is there a technology plan?
Pre-planning phase completed or underway; major planning components
are present; technology plan is approved.
Data Elements:
Percentage of total technology plan budget that has funds committed
to its support; percentage of federal funding, state funding; funding
through other (local or private) sources.
Data Elements:
TP3. Is the plan being implemented?
Status of each major plan component; plan schedule and benchmarks
being met.
Data Elements:
TP013, TP014
TP4. Is the plan being evaluated?
Review cycle is implemented.
Data Element: TP015
Review cycle includes accountability components.
Data Element: TP016
There is a provision for revision of the plan.
Data Element: TP017
The review is detailed in a published report, available to the
school and community.
Data Element: TP018
The technology plan has been modified on the basis of the most
recent evaluation review.
Data Element: TP019
The school or district is achieving technology plan goals.
Data Element: TP020
FI1. How does your school district compare in technology expenditures with others in your state?
Expenditure comparisons for equipment (administrative, instructional):
as a percentage of total technology expenditures; average per student,
per teacher or administrative staff member, per building.
Data Elements:
GC004, GC006,
GC010, GC011,
FI001, FI002
Comparisons for expenditures for connectivity and infrastructure
upgrades: per student, per building.
Data Element: GC004,
GC011, FI003
Comparisons for expenditures for applications (software) (administrative,
instructional): as a percentage of total technology expenditures;
average per student, per teacher or administrative staff member,
per building.
Data Elements:
GC004, GC006,
GC010, GC011,
FI004, FI005
Comparisons for expenditures for maintenance and support (personnel,
non-personnel): as a percentage of total technology expenditures;
average per student, per computer, per building.
Data Element: GC004,
GC006, GC010,
GC011, EI001,
EI068, FI006,
Comparisons for professional development (administrative, instructional):
as a percentage of total technology expenditures; average per student,
per administrative staff member or teacher, per building.
Data Elements:
GC004, GC006,
GC010, GC011,
FI008, FI009
FI2. How much was spent in the past academic year for instructional and administrative equipment purchases?
Expenditures for (instructional, administrative) equipment: as
a percentage of the amount originally budgeted; average per student,
per teacher or administrative staff member, per building.
Data Elements:
GC004, GC006,
GC010, GC011,
FI010, FI011
FI3. How much was spent for instructional and administrative applications and software?
Expenditures for (instructional, administrative) applications (software):
as a percentage of total expenditures for instructional materials;
as a percentage of the amount originally budgeted; average per student,
per teacher, per building.
Data Elements:
GC004, GC006,
GC010, GC011,
FI012, FI013
FI4. How much was spent for maintenance and support?
Expenditures for (technology support personnel, maintenance agreements
and contracts, replacement components) as a percentage of the amounts
originally budgeted; per student, per building.
Data Elements:
GC004, GC011,
FI5. How much was spent for instructional and administrative professional development?
Expenditures for (instructional, administrative) professional development
as a percentage of amounts originally budgeted; average per student,
per teacher or administrative staff member, per building.
Data Elements:
GC004, GC006,
GC010, GC011,
FI017, FI018
Expenditures for (training materials, external consultants, presentations
and workshops) as a percentage of total expenditures for (instructional,
administrative) professional development.
Data Elements:
FI6. How much was spent for connectivity and infrastructure?
Average expenditures for connectivity and infrastructure per student,
per teacher, per building.
Data Elements:
GC004, GC006,
GC011, FI025
Expenditures for (telecommunications and Internet access, networking
maintenance agreements and contracts, system or network monitoring
software): as a percentage of amount budgeted, as a percentage of
total expenditures for connectivity and infrastructure.
Data Elements: FI026-FI028
EI1. Is equipment present in instructional settings?
Percentage of instructional settings with one or more (up-to-date
computers, multimedia computers, computers connected to the Internet).
Data Elements:
GC001, EI002,
EI007, EI014
Average number of (up-to-date computers, multimedia computers,
computers connected to the Internet) per instructional setting.
Data Elements:
GC001, EI001,
EI006, EI013
Two-way videoconferencing capability: availability, percentage
of instructional settings with equipment.
Data Elements:
GC001, EI022,
Graphing calculators: availability, percentage of instructional
settings with equipment, average number of students per graphing
Data Elements:
GC001, EI024-EI026
Percentage of instructional settings with external input devices
(such as DVD players or videocassette recorders).
Data Elements:
GC001, EI027-EI029
Percentage of instructional settings with broadcast video receivers.
Data Elements:
GC001, EI030-EI032
Percentage of instructional settings with projection devices.
Data Elements:
GC001, EI033-EI038
Percentage of instructional settings with dedicated printer.
Data Elements:
GC001, EI039
EI2. Is equipment available for use by students?
Average number of students per (up-to-date computer, multimedia
computer, computer connected to the Internet) dedicated to student
use in instructional settings.
Data Elements:
EI041, EI042,
Percentage of students (with regular access to multimedia computers,
with regular access to computers connected to the Internet, with
access only in computer laboratories, without regular access to
Data Elements:
GC004, EI043-EI045,
EI3. Is equipment available for use by teachers?
Percentage of teaching staff with access to a computer for instructional
use, by location of access (at school, at home).
Data Elements:
GC005, EI049,
Percentage of teaching staff with their own (dedicated) computer
at school (by computer capabilities, type, Internet access, age).
Data Elements:
GC005, EI051-EI056,
Teaching staff are allowed to take school-provided computers to
their homes outside of school hours.
Data Element: EI057
EI4. Is equipment available for use by administrators and staff?
Percentage of administrative or support staff with a dedicated,
up-to-date computer (by computer capabilities, age, Internet access).
Data Elements:
GC007, EI061-EI068
EI5. Does the infrastructure have the capacity to support the school's technology needs?
Percentage of instructional settings with one or more up-to-date
computers connected to a network.
Data Elements:
GC001, EI012
Ratio of staff to dedicated computers connected to a network (instructional,
administrative and support).
Data Elements:
GC005, GC007,
EI055, EI063
Availability of bandwidth (to building).
Data Element: EI021
TA1. Do the school or district's instructional applications support teaching and learning standards across the curriculum?
Existence and current status of software alignment plan (most likely
at district or state level; may be for all subjects or for a specific
curriculum area or grade).
Data Element: TA001
Number of approved instructional and teacher-support applications
in regular use (by subject area, grade and type).
Data Element: TA004
Percentage of instructional applications aligned with one or more
learning standards.
Data Element: TA004,
TA2. Is there software support for technology tool skill development?
Count of applications, by type, in use in instructional settings
in the school or district that support tool skill development.
Data Element: TA006
TA3. Does the school/district use technology applications to improve communication?
E-mail applications by type (School or district-wide, non-Internet;
Internet-based; none).
Data Element: TA007
E-mail: Percentage of (teachers, students) with active accounts.
Data Elements:
TA008, TA009
Existence of active district/school web site; usage; teacher participation.
Data Elements:
Use of Internet telephony ("voice over IP", voIP) in the school
or district.
Data Element: TA014
TA4. Does the school/district have appropriate software and systems to support primary administrative functions?
Availability of applications to support core administrative activities,
by activity type.
Data Element: TA015
Decision support tools are available to administrators, teachers,
curriculum groups, parents and public; availability by information
Data Elements:
Availability and regular use of applications that support school/district
Security and Acceptable Use Policies; by application type.
Data Elements:
TA5. Are the applications in use evaluated for effectiveness?
Existence of software evaluation plan; evaluation ratings by software
Data Elements: TA022,
MS1. Are resources and processes in place to maintain technology?
Preventive maintenance schedule established; backup and disaster
recovery procedures in place.
Data Elements:
Number and type of maintenance incidents, average downtime, average
number of user calls to help desk, average time to repair (per workstation,
per server) in the most recent academic year.
Data Elements:
EI001, EI068,
Help desk, FAQ support (to help desk, to users), access to manuals.
Data Elements:
Replacement/upgrade schedule established (hardware and software).
Data Element: MS017
Diagnostic software available (where appropriate); repair tools
and parts available.
Data Elements:
MS018, MS019
MS2. Are personnel available to provide technical support?
Number of dedicated persons assigned to technical support (building,
district level) and total FTE hours assigned to technical support
(by primary area of responsibility).
Data Elements:
Average hours of technical support by source (building, district
Data Element: MS024
Number and ratio of calls and incidents handled by FTE position;
ratio of (workstations, servers, users) to technical support staff.
Data Elements: MS025-MS028
PD1. What technology-related training and/or professional development do staff receive?
Hours of training/professional development, per staff FTE (instructional,
administrative and support).
Data Elements:
GC006, GC010,
PD003, PD007
Proportion of technology-related professional development to total
professional development (instructional, administrative and support)
Data Elements:
PD003, PD004,
PD007, PD008
Percentage of (teaching, administrative and support) staff with
at least the minimum required number of hours of technology-related
professional development.
Data Elements:
GC005, GC007,
PD004, PD008,
PD009, PD010
PD2. What are the goals, methods, incentives, and content of technology-related training and/or professional development for staff?
Existence of a written goal statement for technology-related professional
development for staff (teaching, administrative and support); technology-related
content areas covered in training and/or professional development
for staff in the past academic year.
Data Elements:
PD011, PD012,
PD015, PD016
Percentage of total hours of technology-related training and/or
professional development provided through various means and using
various incentives.
Data Elements:
PD013, PD014,
PD017, PD018
PD3. How are training and/or professional development for staff evaluated?
Administrators, technology coordinators or curriculum supervisors/department
heads receive training in evaluating staff technology proficiency
or extent of integration of technology into the curriculum (teaching,
administrative and support); existence of evaluation criteria for
effects of training and/or professional development.
Data Elements: PD019-PD022
TI1. Are teachers proficient in the use of technology in the teaching/learning environment?
Percentage of teachers achieving acceptable performance on standards-based
performance profiles of user skills.
Data Elements:
GC005, TI001
TI2. Are students proficient in the use of technology in the teaching/learning environment?
Count of courses that include training or instruction in technology
tool skills in their contents.
Data Element: TI002
Percentage of students who perform at or above grade-level-specific
performance levels on standards-based profiles of user skills; percentage
of students demonstrating competency on the Basic Skills, Critical
Literacies, and Construction Skills scales.
Data Elements:
GC004, TI003-TI006
Percentage of students using computer-based assistive or adaptive
technologies to compensate for disabilities or limitations; percentage
of instructional settings with available computer-based assistive
or adaptive technologies.
Data Elements:
GC001, GC004,
TI007, TI008
TI3. Are administrators and support staff proficient in the use of technology in support of school management?
Percentage of administrators achieving acceptable performance on
standards-based performance profiles of user skills; percentage
of support staff achieving acceptable technology proficiency.
Data Elements:
GC008, GC009,
TI009, TI010
Percentage of administrators and support staff using computer-based
technologies on a variety of administrative tasks.
Data Elements:
GC008, GC009,
TI011, TI012
TI4. Is technology integrated into the teaching/learning environment?
Percentage of teachers and students using computer-based technologies
on a variety of instructional and instruction-related tasks.
Data Elements:
GC004, GC005,
TI013, TI014
Count of courses offered through both external (state or regional)
and internal (district-wide) distance education.
Data Element: TI015
TI5. Are technology proficiencies and measures incorporated into teaching and learning standards?
Inclusion of technology in standards (in general or subject-area
for students, for teachers).
Data Elements: TI016-TI019
TI6. Are technology proficiencies and measures incorporated into student assessment?
Inclusion of technology-related items in student assessments.
Data Element: TI020
Count of student assessments that are technology-based.
Data Element: TI021
TI7. Is technology incorporated into administrative processes?
Extent of integration in administrative tasks for a number of administrative
Data Elements:
Percentage of teachers using computer-based technologies on instruction-related
administrative tasks.
Data Elements:
GC005, TI045
TI8. Is technology proficiency integrated into the evaluation of instructional and administrative staff?
Inclusion of technology-related items in evaluation (teacher, administrator
and support staff).
Data Elements: