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Weaving a Secure Web Around Education: A Guide to Technology Standards and Security
  Table of Contents and Introductory Material
Chapter 1
  The Role of the World Wide Web in Schools and Education Agencies
Chapter 2
    Web Publishing Guidelines
Chapter 3
    Web-Related Legal Issues and Policies
Chapter 4
    Internal and External Resources for Web Development
Chapter 5
    Procuring Resources
Chapter 6
    Maintaining a Secure Environment
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Ghedam Bairu

(202) 502-7304

Appendix F: World Wide Web Consortium: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines


Guideline 1:

Provide equivalent alternatives to audio and visual content. (Provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as auditory or visual content.)

Guideline 2:

Do not rely on color alone. (Ensure that text and graphics are understandable when viewed without color.)

Guideline 3:

Use markup and style sheets and do so properly. (Mark up documents with the proper structural elements. Control presentation with style sheets rather than with presentation elements and attributes.)

Guideline 4:

Clarify natural language usage. (Use markup that facilitates pronunciation or interpretation of abbreviated or foreign text.)

Guideline 5:

Create tables that transform gracefully. (Ensure that tables have necessary markup to be transformed by accessible browsers and other user agents.)

Guideline 6:

Ensure that pages featuring new technologies transform gracefully. (Ensure that pages are accessible even when newer technologies are not supported or are turned off.)

Guideline 7:

Ensure user control of time-sensitive content changes. (Ensure that moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating objects or pages may be paused or stopped.)

Guideline 8:

Ensure direct accessibility of embedded user interfaces. (Ensure that the user interface follows principles of accessible design: device-independent access to functionality, keyboard operability, self-voicing, etc.)

Guideline 9:

Design for device independence. (Use features that enable activation of page elements via a variety of input devices.)

Guideline 10:

Use interim solutions. (Use interim accessibility solutions so that assistive technologies and older browsers will operate correctly.)

Guideline 11:

Use W3C technologies and guidelines. (Use W3C technologies, according to specification, and follow accessibility guidelines. Where it is not possible to use a W3C technology, or doing so results in material that does not transform gracefully, provide an alternative version of the content that is accessible.)

Guideline 12:

Provide context and orientation information. (Provide context and orientation information to help users understand complex pages or elements.)

Guideline 13:

Provide clear navigation mechanisms. (Provide clear and consistent navigation mechanisms-orientation information, navigation bars, a site map, etc.-to increase the likelihood that a person will find what he or she is looking for at a site.)

Guideline 14:

Ensure that documents are clear and simple. (Ensure that documents are clear and simple so they may be more easily understood.)