Integrated Pest Management
A list of links, books, and journal articles about integrated pest management
guidelines, the use of pesticides, staff training, and program implementation
and management in school buildings and grounds. National Clearinghouse
for Educational Facilities, Washington, DC.
Janitorial Products: Pollution Prevention Project
A site sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that includes fact sheets, product sample kits, purchasing specifications, and other materials to advise users on the health, safety, and environmental consequences of janitorial products.
Lead-Safe Schools
A site established by the Labor Occupational Health Program at the University of California at Berkeley to house publications about lead-safe schools, provide training to school maintenance staff, and offer a telephone hotline to school districts and staff.
LEED Rating System
A self-assessing system designed for rating new and existing commercial, institutional, and high-rise residential buildings. It evaluates environmental performance over a building's life cycle and provides a definitive standard
for what constitutes a "green" building. LEED is based on accepted energy and environmental principles and strikes a balance between known effective practices and emerging concepts.
A web site of the U.S. EPA intended to provide information about reducing the amount of mercury in the environment. It includes both general and technical information about mercury and mercury-reduction strategies.
Mercury in Schools and Communities
Information from the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA), which was funded by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs to assist in identifying and removing elemental
mercury and products containing mercury from schools and homes.
National Best Practices Manual for Building High Performance Schools
A manual by the U.S. Department of Energy to help architects and engineers design or retrofit schools in an environmentally friendly manner. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC.
National Program for Playground Safety
A site that describes playground safety issues, safety tips and FAQs, statistics and additional resources, and action plans for improving playground safety.
National School Safety Center
An internationally recognized resource for school safety information,
training, and violence prevention. The web site contains valuable summaries of school safety research, including contact information for locating the studies.
A list of links, books, and journal articles about playground design for varying age levels, including resources on safety, accessibility, equipment, surfaces, and maintenance. National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities, Washington, DC.
Poisoned Schools: Invisible Threats, Visible Actions
A report that includes more than two dozen case studies of schools built on or near contaminated sites or where children have otherwise been exposed to pesticide use in and around school buildings. Gibbs, Lois (2001) Center for Health, Environment and Justice, Child Proofing Our Communities Campaign, Falls Church, VA, 80pp.
Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of Schools and Other Large Buildings
A report outlining ways in which to ameliorate the presence of radon in schools buildings. The document presents the underlying principles (suitable for a general audience) and also provides more technical details for use by architects, engineers, and builders. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1994), Washington, DC, 51pp.
Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program
A program dedicated to reducing drug use, crime, and violence in U.S. schools. The web site contains many full-text publications on school safety and violence prevention.
Safeguarding Your Technology
Guidelines to help educational administrators and staff understand
how to effectively secure an organization's sensitive information, critical
systems, computer equipment, and network access. Technology Security
Task Force, National Forum on Education Statistics (1998) National Center for Education Statistics, Washington, DC.
Safety and Security Design
A list of links, books, and journal articles about designing safer schools,
conducting safety assessments, implementing security technologies, and
preventing crime through environmental design. National Clearinghouse
for Educational Facilities, Washington, DC.
Safety in Numbers: Collecting and Using Crime, Violence, and Discipline Incident Data to Make a Difference in Schools
Guidelines for use by school, district, and state staff to improve the effectiveness of disciplinary-incident data collection and use in schools. It provides recommendations on what types of data to collect and how the data can be used to improve school safety. Crime, Violence and Discipline Task Force, National Forum on Education Statistics (1998) National Center for Education Statistics, Washington, DC.
Storm Water Runoff
A list of Storm Water Management Regulatory Requirements provided by the U.S. EPA.
THOMAS Legislative Information on the Internet
A site maintained by the U.S. Congress to provide status reports on proposed legislation.
Underground Fuel Storage Tanks
A briefing paper about the responsibilities associated with owning and securing an underground fuel storage tank. McGovern, Matthew (1996) Council of Educational Facility Planners International, Scottsdale, AZ, 5pp.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The main web site of the U.S. EPA, which works closely with other federal agencies, state and local governments to develop and enforce regulations under existing environmental laws. EPA Regional Office and Linked
State Environmental Departments can be found at
U.S. Green Building Council
A web site intended to facilitate interaction among leaders in every sector of business, industry, government, and academia with respect to emerging trends, policies, and products affecting "green building" practices in the United States.
Environmental Safety Checklist
More information about accomplishing these checkpoints
can be found on the pages listed in the right-hand column.
Accomplished |
Checkpoints |
Yes |
No |
Do facilities planners recognize that occupant safety is always
their overarching priority? |
Has the organization contacted regulatory agencies (e.g., the EPA),
the U.S. Department of Education, its state department of education,
professional associations, and peer institutions to obtain information
about applicable environmental regulations? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing indoor
air quality? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing asbestos?
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing water
quality and use? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing waste
handling and disposal? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing CFCs
and HCFCs? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing emergency
power systems? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing hazardous
materials? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing integrated
pest management? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing lead
paint? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing mercury?
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing personal
protective equipment? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing PCBs?
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing radon?
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing playgrounds?
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing storm
water runoff? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing underground
storage tanks? |
Does the organization have a plan for introducing environmentally
friendly school concepts to new construction and renovation projects?
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing locking
systems? |
Does the organization have a plan for protecting equipment? |
Does the organization have a plan for ensuring pedestrian and vehicle
visibility? |
Does the organization have a plan for policing/securing facilities?
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly managing fire
protection? |
Does the organization have a plan for protecting communications
systems? |
Does the organization have a plan for responsibly dealing with potential
crises and disasters? |