A written promise, generally under seal, to pay a specific sum
of money, called the face value, at a fixed time in the future,
called the date of maturity, and carrying interest at a fixed rate,
usually payable periodically.
One continuous enclosed structure that may or may not be connected
with other structure by passageways. It includes the structure itself,
together with all plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, mechanical,
and electrical systems in the structure, and all fixed equipment.
Capital Project
The acquisition or construction of major facilities, e.g., land,
improvement, improvements to land, easements, building, or building
A staff member who performs plant housekeeping and servicing activities
consisting of the cleaning; operation of the heating, ventilating,
and air-conditioning systems; and the servicing of building equipment.
Any instrument, machine, apparatus, or set of articles that: 1)
retains its original shape and appearance with use; and 2) is nonexpendable
(i.e., if the article is damaged or some of its parts are lost or
worn out, it is usually more feasible to repair it than to replace
it with an entirely new unit).
All buildings, structures, and other stationary items that are
located on a single site or on contiguous or adjacent sites and
that are owned by and/or used for activities of an organizational
unit such as a school or system.
Full-Time Equivalency (FTE)
The amount of time required to perform an assignment stated as
a proportion of a full-time position, and computed by dividing the
amount of time employed by the time normally required for a full-time
Landmark (Historic Building)
A building, district, site, or object that holds historical, cultural,
or architectural significance on a local, state, or national level.
Local Education Agency (LEA)
An administrative unit at the local level which exists primarily
to operate schools or to contract for educational services. These
units may or may not be coextensive with county, city, or town boundaries.
The activities to keep the facility open, comfortable, and safe
for use, and keep the grounds, buildings, and equipment in effective
working condition and state of repair.
The construction or renewal of any part of an existing building
for the purpose of its maintenance.
A space enclosed with walls or partitions, of fixed or movable
type, that provide an acceptable sound barrier.
An institution that provides preschool, elementary, and/or secondary
instruction and may provide other education-related services to
students; has one or more teachers; is located in one or more buildings;
and has an assigned administrator.
The land and all improvements on the land, other than structures,
such as grading, drainage, drives, parking areas, walks, plantings,
play-courts, and play-fields.
An area within a building that is bounded by a floor, a ceiling
at least 6 feet 6 inches in height, and on the sides by vertical
planes that may be real (walls, partitions) or imaginary (e.g.,
open classroom spaces, separated by floor markings only).
State Education Agency (SEA)
The agency of the state charged with primary responsibility for
coordinating and supervising public instruction, including the setting
of standards for elementary and secondary instruction programs.
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