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Facilities Information Management: A Guide for State and Local Education Agencies
  Introductory Material
Chapter 1
  Purpose and Scope
Chapter 2
   Customizing a School Facilities Data System
Chapter 3
   Using Data Elements for Analysis
Chapter 4
   Facility Data Elements
Chapter 5
   Resources and Connections
Calculated Data Elements
PDF File (578 KB)

Illustration of a building and a crane
Chapter 5
Resources and Connections

Following is a resource list, including web sites, of professional organizations, federal agencies and programs, and state education agencies. Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of all URLs listed in this Guide at the time of publication. If a URL is no longer working, try using the root directory to search for a page that may have moved.

Professional Organizations
square bullet American Institute of Architects Committee on Architecture for Education (AIA/CAE)

The AIA/CAE is one of 22 professional interest areas of the American Institute of Architects. The CAE aims to serve architects interested in design of educational facilities and help them stay abreast of the most current trends. The committee puts on several conferences each year where members can obtain up-to-date information and network with each other.

square bullet Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO)

ASBO International provides programs and services to promote the highest standards of school business management practices and professional growth, and the effective use of educational resources. It also provides a forum for the exchange of information among school management executives and public and private school districts. ASBO collaborated with Johnson Controls, Inc. on two publications to assist school business officials with the challenges of improving school facilities: Financing School Facilities and Maintenance & Operations Solutions: Meeting the Challenge of Improving School Facilities.

In another cooperative endeavor, ASBO International joined forces with the National Forum on Education Statistics to create the School Facility Management Task Force, which developed the Planning Guide for Maintaining School Facilities. This practical guide stresses the importance of safe and healthy facilities as tools for supporting effective education and communicates the vital role that appropriate facilities maintenance planning can play in ensuring safe and clean facilities.

square bullet California's Coalition for Adequate School Housing (CASH)

CASH promotes, develops, and supports the enactment of statewide and local funding alternatives for construction, maintenance, and modernization of public K-12 schools. Its web-based School Facilities Resources Center provides useful "how-to" materials that represent best practices in the planning, design, construction, occupancy, and maintenance of schools in California.

square bullet Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI)

CEFPI fosters, promotes, and disseminates best practices in school planning, maintenance, and operations. Through its publications, the Issuetrak, The Communicator, and the Educational Facility Planner, CEFPI provides practitioner-based information related to education facilities.

square bullet National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)

NASSP is a support organization for principals and others involved in the education field. It provides professional resources to promote effective change within the educational community. Its publication Safe Schools: A Handbook for Practitioners provides step-by-step instructions for assessing security at schools.

square bullet National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities (NCEF)

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, NCEF is an information resource for people who plan, design, build, operate, and maintain K-12 schools. Its web site provides links to a wide variety of organizations and catalogues information on facility-related topics. Many of the resources in this Guide were obtained from the NCEF web site.

square bullet National Education Association (NEA)

NEA is America's oldest and largest organization committed to advancing the cause of public education. Founded in 1857, NEA represents more than 2.5 million members who work at every level of education, from preschool to university graduate programs. The NEA addresses issues such as class size reduction and school modernization.

square bullet National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS)

NIBS is a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization established by the Congress to serve the public interest by promoting a more rational regulatory environment for the building community, facilitating the introduction of new and innovative technology, and disseminating nationally recognized technical information. NIBS manages the National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities.

square bullet National School Plant Management Association (NSPMA)

NSPMA is a membership organization that facilitates the exchange of information on school plant management, maintenance, and care, and promotes the professional advancement of school plant management personnel. Its web site provides links to its state affiliates.

square bullet NetDay

NetDay is a national education technology nonprofit organization whose mission is to help educators effectively use technology to boost educational results. NetDay began in 1995 as a grassroots volunteer effort by companies, educators, families, and communities to wire the nation's K-12 classrooms for Internet access. The first National Wiring Event was held on March 9, 1996, in California, where an estimated 50,000 volunteers wired 4,000 schools—approximately one-third of California's K-12 schools. Since then, NetDay has expanded to 40 states and mobilized over 500,000 volunteers to wire more than 75,000 classrooms across the country. Its web site contains information on how to organize a NetDay and provides an installation guide for wiring classrooms.

square bullet 21st Century School Fund

The 21st Century School Fund is a national nonprofit organization that works to build public will and capacity to modernize urban school facilities through research, constituency building, and communications.

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Federal Agencies and Programs
square bullet EnergySmart Schools

This program of the U.S. Department of Energy provides information on reducing energy costs through better school design and management practices. The EnergySmart Schools campaign offers schools training workshops, publications, recognition, direct technical assistance, financing options, and a host of other resources. Some of these resources are provided directly by DOE but many come from its public and private sector partners in Rebuild America. Its web site provides how-to guides for improving energy conservation in existing school buildings and designing energy-efficient new schools.

square bullet Energy Star for Schools

Energy Star for Schools is a program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to help schools and school districts track and manage energy use, evaluate facility financial performance, and locate energy-efficient products and services for use in new school construction. Free software and technical guidance are offered. Its Technical Description for K-12 Schools (PDF file 594 kb), which is available on its web site, describes a Portfolio Manager approach to evaluation of schools in the portfolio manager, including the statistical basis of the calculations that result in a benchmark score for K-12 school buildings.

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The Schools and Libraries Universal Service Fund, popularly known as "E-Rate," was created as part of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to make telecommunications services affordable for every school and library. Through this fund, eligible schools and libraries receive discounts of 20 percent to 90 percent on telecommunications services, internal connections, and Internet access. Although the Fund does not directly pay for desktop computers, learning software, or teacher/librarian training, schools and libraries can use the funds they save on telecommunications infrastructure to support these elements of a comprehensive technology plan. The E-Rate web site, a program of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology, provides general information, publications, and training conferences on the E-Rate program.

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square bullet General Accounting Office (GAO)

The GAO has produced several widely quoted reports on school facilities. These reports can be located either on the GAO web site or by using the search function on NCEF's home page,

square bullet Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in Schools

IAQ in Schools is a program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that provides information on improving air quality through better school design and management practices. EPA's Indoor Environments Division developed the IAQ Tools for Schools to provide guidance and action items for facility managers, teachers, administrators, and heath officials. Also provided are tips on community sponsorship of IAQ programs in schools. Another publication, Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, presents guidelines for building managers, custodians, and others for dealing effectively with mold and moisture problems so as to protect the health of both building occupants and remediators. This publication can be downloaded from

square bullet International Code Council

The International Code Council leads a cooperative effort to bring national uniformity to building codes. Among other standards documents, the ICC publishes the International Building Code, International Energy Conservation Code, International Fire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code, International Private Sewage Disposal Code, International Property Maintenance Code, International Residential Code, International Zoning Code, and ICC Electrical Code Administrative Provisions.

square bullet National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

NCES, within the Institute of Education Sciences in the U.S. Department of Education, is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in this country and around the world. It supports the National Forum on Education Statistics, which commissioned this Guide. To download NCES data handbooks from its website, search for "Handbook" in its electronic catalog. Finance information for elementary/secondary public or private education can be found at

square bullet Sandia National Laboratories

Under the U.S. Department of Energy, the Sandia laboratories conduct programs to increase school security. Its popular publication An Appropriate and Effective Use of Security Technologies in U.S. Schools, available at, discusses various types of security measures, such as video surveillance, metal detection, entry-control technologies, and duress alarm devices, that can be used in schools.

square bullet The U.S. Access Board

The Access Board is an independent federal agency that advocates for accessibility for people with disabilities. Key responsibilities of the Board include developing and maintaining accessibility requirements for the built environment, transit vehicles, telecommunications equipment, and electronic and information technology; providing technical assistance and training on these guidelines and standards; and enforcing accessibility standards for federally funded facilities. The Board's web site provides guidelines and standards for implementing the requirements under the Architectural Barrier Act, a law requiring access to facilities designed, built, altered, or leased with federal funds; the Rehabilitation Act, which created the Access Board, and the Rehabilitation Act Amendments, which require access to electronic and information technology in the federal sector; the Americans with Disabilities Act, a major civil rights law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability in the private and public sectors; and the Telecommunications Act (Section 255), which requires access to new telecommunications and customer premises equipment where "readily achievable."

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State Education Agencies
square bullet Alaska Department of Education and Early Development

This web site provides information on Alaska school capital projects, forms, costs, bond reimbursement and grant review, and facility renewal and replacement schedules.

square bullet Arizona School Facilities Board

This web site contains board policies, facilities assessment forms and documents, district data, and meeting summaries.

square bullet Arkansas Department of Education

This web site provides information on financial accountability, local fiscal services, school insurance, and contact information for additional state facilities programs and services.

square bullet California Department of General Services, Office of Public School Construction

This state-level office manages school construction, lease-purchase arrangements, and maintenance of schools. Its web site provides information about a construction cost index, the California Codes, and the Deferred Maintenance Program Handbook.

square bullet California School Facilities Planning Division

This web site is designed to assist school districts and their communities in creating well-planned K-12 learning environments in safe, clean, and up-to-date schools.

square bullet Chicago Public Schools Capital Improvement Program

This web site provides information on the Chicago program's operations, public hearings, and budgets for fiscal years 2000-2004.

square bullet Connecticut State Department of Education, Division of Grants Management, School Facilities Unit

This web site provides detailed information on the state's construction grant process, educational specifications, state facilities assessment, school construction priority list, and current school projects and architect listing.

square bullet Florida Department of Education Office of Educational Facilities

This web site offers basic technical support for facilities-related responsibilities and concerns of Florida public school boards and community colleges. Of special interest is the publication FISH (Florida Inventory of School Houses), a state-level facilities assessment system.

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square bullet Georgia Department of Education Facilities Services

This department assists Georgia school systems in developing long-range capital improvement plans, acquiring funds, and reviewing architectural plans. Its web site provides data rules and guidelines.

square bullet Illinois School Construction Program

The Illinois State Board of Education and the Capital Development Board are jointly responsible for administering the School Construction Program, a state-funded building program for local school districts. Over a 5-year period, the program will provide $2.5 billion in state funds for local school construction projects. When matched with required local funding, the program is expected to result in $5 billion in new or improved public school facilities.

square bullet Illinois State Board of Education School Construction and Facility Services Division

This web site focuses on school facilities and programs that affect their construction, expansion, renovation, and maintenance. Its Health, Life, and Safety Handbook provides checklist items regarding safety in schools.

square bullet Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management

The agency is responsible for ensuring sanitary, safe, and accessible construction of public school buildings, playground equipment, and classrooms. The division assists school districts by reviewing and approving all sites, new buildings, additions, alterations of existing buildings, and energy-saving projects. It also reviews and approves property disposal and property lease agreements and assists with hazardous materials and construction finance. The web site provides useful references and "best practice" materials related to education facilities.

square bullet Maryland Public School Construction Program

This program provides funding for eligible and justified public school construction projects that are approved by the Board of Public Works. The web site provides references and facilities inventory information.

square bullet Mississippi Department of Education, Office of School Building

The web site provides state construction submission rules and procedures, a profile of school district construction finance, records of school bond elections, roofing requirements, and department contact information.

square bullet Missouri Division of School Services, School Governance & Facilities

This web site offers information on student residency, school district boundaries, boards of arbitration, school elections, facility needs, and school safety.

square bullet New Hampshire Department of Education, Office of School Building Aid

This site provides information on educational specifications, plans, technical specifications, costs, site considerations, and financing methodologies.

square bullet New Jersey Department of Education, School Facilities

This site offers information and assistance on state educational facility planning, educational specifications, financing, and construction. Facility Standards for Technology in New Jersey Schools can be downloaded from the web site.

square bullet New Jersey Economic Development Authority's School Construction Program

This agency is responsible for the design and construction of school projects in districts receiving at least 55 percent of their construction costs from the state. This site provides information about bidding, prequalification of consultants, and contractor classification.

square bullet New Jersey-The Education Law Center

This nonprofit organization is dedicated to the pursuit of equal educational opportunity for poor children and children with disabilities in New Jersey. Its web site addresses equity issues in education facilities.

square bullet New Jersey School Construction Initiative

The New Jersey Educational Facilities Construction and Financing Act, enacted in July 2000, launched the New Jersey School Construction Initiative—a comprehensive program for the design, renovation, repair, and new construction of primary and secondary schools. The initiative is the largest school construction program undertaken by the State of New Jersey and is one of the largest school construction programs in the United States.

square bullet New York City School Construction Authority

This official New York City site contains program descriptions, forms, contact information, and employment opportunities.

square bullet New York State Education Department, Office of Facilities Planning

This office of the New York State Education Department coordinates statewide planning, design, and construction for New York Public Schools. This site provides access to their documents and guidelines.

square bullet North Carolina School Design Clearinghouse

This site is designed for school districts that want to use a prototype design in the construction of school facilities. In addition to many documents on planning, the site includes cost data and publications.

square bullet North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, School Finance and Organization

This site contains information on state aid to schools, school construction approvals, and federal Qualified Zone Academy Bonds.

square bullet Ohio School Facilities Commission

The Commission provides funding, management oversight, and technical assistance to school districts for construction and renovation of school facilities. A school facility survey also is included on this site.

square bullet Pennsylvania Center for Safe Schools

The Center provides training, technical assistance, a clearinghouse of video and print materials, and a database of resources to help schools and school districts implement effective programs. Planning guides to create safe schools and develop crisis plans are included in this web site.

square bullet Rhode Island Department of Education, Federal and State Funding, School Construction Aid

This web site is designed to enable school districts that need new facilities to receive help with their needs and planning assessments, as well as assistance in determining which construction costs may be eligible for state reimbursement. It also provides links to other sites related to school construction.

square bullet Texas Education Agency Facility Funding and Standards

This web site includes information on the state's Instructional Facilities Allotment (IFA) program and the federal Qualified Zone Academy Bond program, as well as state school facility standards.

Washington State Office of Public Instruction, School Construction Assistance Program

This site provides information on state matching funds and technical support for local school district construction projects and other K-12 school facilities-related programs.

square bullet West Virginia School Building Authority

This office facilitates and provides state funds for the construction and maintenance of school facilities. The web site provides policies and procedural manuals.

square bullet Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, School Management Services

This site offers school facilities reporting information and a listing of state resources related to school construction and facilities management.

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