Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table E2.-Response rates for degree-granting institutions from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" survey: 1999
Type and control of institution Number of institutions in final survey file Number of institutions with reported data Percent with reported data in final survey file Enrollment of institutions in final survey file Enrollment of institutions with reported data Reported enrollment data as a percent of final inputed file
Total 3,958 3,835 96.9 14,791,224 14,682,220 99.3
Public 1,646 1,630 99.0 11,309,399 11,264,101 99.6
4-year 609 607 99.7 5,969,950 5,955,980 99.8
2-year 1,037 1,023 98.6 5,339,449 5,308,121 99.4
Private 2,312 2,205 95.4 3,481,825 3,418,119 98.2
4-year 1,690 1,628 96.3 3,228,575 3,177,539 98.4
2-year 622 577 92.8 253,250 240,580 95.0
Not-for-profit 1,638 1,580 96.5 3,051,626 3,015,631 98.8
4-year 1,494 1,443 96.6 2,989,285 2,955,028 98.9
2-year 144 137 95.1 62,341 60,603 97.2
For-profit 674 625 92.7 430,199 402,488 93.6
4-year 196 185 94.4 239,290 222,511 93.0
2-year 478 440 92.1 190,909 179,977 94.3
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment, 1999" survey, and unpublished data. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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