Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table E1.-Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by level of enrollment, sex, attendance status, and type and control of institution: 1999
(In thousands)
Attendance status, and type and control of institution Total Undergraduate First-professional Graduate
Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women
Total 14,791 6,491 8,301 12,681 5,559 7,122 303 165 138 1,807 766 1,041
Full-time 8,786 4,026 4,761 7,735 3,516 4,219 271 147 124 781 363 418
Part-time 6,005 2,465 3,540 4,946 2,044 2,903 33 19 14 1,026 403 623
Total 4-year 9,199 4,103 5,095 7,089 3,172 3,917 303 165 138 1,807 766 1,041
Full-time 6,642 3,057 3,585 5,591 2,547 3,044 271 147 124 781 363 418
Part-time 2,556 1,046 1,510 1,498 625 873 33 19 14 1,026 403 623
Total 2-year 5,593 2,387 3,205 5,593 2,387 3,205 - - - * * *
Full-time 2,144 969 1,176 2,144 969 1,176 - - - * * *
Part-time 3,448 1,419 2,030 3,448 1,419 2,030 - - - * * *
Public, total 11,309 4,941 6,368 10,110 4,431 5,679 123 64 59 1,077 446 630
Full-time 6,224 2,852 3,372 5,660 2,581 3,079 117 61 56 447 210 238
Part-time 5,085 2,090 2,996 4,450 1,850 2,600 6 3 3 629 237 393
Public 4-year 5,970 2,670 3,300 4,771 2,160 2,611 123 64 59 1,076 446 630
Full-time 4,293 1,984 2,309 3,729 1,713 2,015 117 61 56 447 210 238
Part-time 1,677 686 991 1,042 446 596 6 3 3 629 237 392
Public 2-year 5,339 2,272 3,068 5,339 2,271 3,068 - - - * * *
Full-time 1,931 868 1,063 1,931 868 1,063 - - - * * *
Part-time 3,408 1,404 2,005 3,408 1,404 2,004 - - - * * *
Private, total 3,482 1,549 1,932 2,571 1,128 1,443 180 101 79 730 320 411
Full-time 2,562 1,174 1,388 2,075 935 1,141 154 86 68 334 154 180
Part-time 919 375 544 496 194 302 27 15 11 397 166 231
Private 4-year 3,229 1,434 1,795 2,318 1,013 1,305 180 101 79 730 320 411
Full-time 2,349 1,073 1,276 1,862 834 1,028 154 86 68 334 154 180
Part-time 879 360 519 456 179 277 27 15 11 397 166 231
Private 2-year 253 116 137 253 116 137 - - - - - -
Full-time 213 101 112 213 101 112 - - - - - -
Part-time 40 15 25 40 15 25 - - - - - -
Not-for-profit, total 3,052 1,334 1,718 2,183 932 1,251 179 101 78 690 301 388
Full-time 2,207 994 1,214 1,752 769 983 153 86 68 302 139 163
Part-time 844 340 504 431 163 267 26 15 11 388 162 226
Not-for-profit 4-year 2,989 1,308 1,682 2,120 906 1,215 179 101 78 690 301 388
Full-time 2,160 972 1,188 1,705 747 958 153 86 68 302 139 163
Part-time 829 335 494 416 158 257 26 15 11 388 162 226
Not-for-profit 2-year 62 26 36 62 26 36 - - - - - -
Full-time 47 22 26 47 22 26 - - - - - -
Part-time 15 5 10 15 5 10 - - - - - -
For-profit, total 430 215 215 388 196 192 1 1 * 41 18 22
Full-time 355 180 175 323 166 157 1 * * 31 14 17
Part-time 75 35 40 66 31 35 1 * * 9 4 5
For-profit 4-year 239 126 113 198 107 91 1 1 * 41 18 22
Full-time 189 101 88 157 86 71 1 * * 31 14 17
Part-time 50 25 25 41 21 20 1 * * 9 4 5
For-profit 2-year 191 89 101 191 89 101 - - - - - -
Full-time 166 79 87 166 79 87 - - - - - -
Part-time 25 10 15 25 10 15 - - - - -

— Not available.
* Less than 500.

NOTE: Data are for 4-year and 2-year degree-granting higher education institutions that were eligible to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Detail may not sum to total due to rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" survey, and unpublished data. (This table was prepared March 2001.)

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