Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table B7.-Measures of state and local government revenues, with alternative projections: Fiscal year 1985-86 to 2010-11
Year ending payments per capita* Indirect business taxes and tax accruals per capita* Tax and nontax payments per capita*
1986 $616 $1,121 $1,737
1987 664 1,139 1,803
1988 663 1,154 1,817
1989 691 1,158 1,849
1990 711 1,162 1,873
1991 711 1,144 1,854
1992 733 1,157 1,890
1993 745 1,185 1,930
1994 762 1,229 1,991
1995 780 1,256 2,036
1996 802 1,274 2,077
1997 833 1,292 2,125
1998 882 1,332 2,214
1999 923 1,388 2,311
  Middle alternative projections
2000 957 1,459 2,415
2001 982 1,510 2,492
2002 957 1,581 2,537
2003 997 1,661 2,658
2004 1,030 1,745 2,775
2005 1,053 1,815 2,867
2006 1,085 1,871 2,956
2007 1,092 1,914 3,006
2008 1,102 1,945 3,047
2009 1,138 1,975 3,113
2010 1,180 2,015 3,195
2011 1,222 2,059 3,281
  Low alternative projections
2000 957 1,459 2,415
2001 984 1,509 2,493
2002 949 1,566 2,515
2003 1,004 1,631 2,635
2004 1,057 1,696 2,753
2005 1,076 1,747 2,823
2006 1,080 1,789 2,869
2007 1,061 1,821 2,882
2008 1,058 1,840 2,897
2009 1,085 1,854 2,938
2010 1,123 1,880 3,003
2011 1,166 1,911 3,077
  High alternative projections
2000 957 1,459 2,415
2001 984 1,517 2,502
2002 974 1,621 2,595
2003 1,029 1,715 2,744
2004 1,053 1,801 2,854
2005 1,063 1,876 2,939
2006 1,101 1,939 3,040
2007 1,114 1,993 3,106
2008 1,129 2,038 3,167
2009 1,171 2,085 3,255
2010 1,219 2,135 3,354
2011 1,265 2,184 3,449
*In 1999-2000 dollars based on the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.
NOTE: Calculations were made using unrounded numbers. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: DRIoWEFA, "U.S. Quarterly Model" (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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