Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table B6.-Macro-economic measures of the economy, with alternative projections: Fiscal year 1985-86 to 2010-11
Year ending Disposable income per capita1 Education revenue receipts from state source per capita2 Consumer Price Index Rate of change for the
inflation rate
1986 $19,657 $480 0.643 -0.259
1987 19,934 498 0.657 -0.231
1988 20,480 505 0.684 0.859
1989 21,057 523 0.716 0.100
1990 21,301 530 0.750 0.046
1991 21,291 533 0.791 0.148
1992 21,431 527 0.816 -0.419
1993 21,694 527 0.842 -0.023
1994 21,872 527 0.864 -0.158
1995 22,331 552 0.889 0.087
1996 22,592 569 0.913 -0.041
1997 23,015 587 0.939 0.038
1998 23,732 615 0.956 -0.369
1999 24,473 644 0.972 -0.049
  Middle alternative projections
2000 24,979 659 1.000 0.696
2001 25,425 674 1.031 0.057
2002 26,098 690 1.051 -0.343
2003 27,087 670 1.068 -0.191
2004 28,086 679 1.087 0.056
2005 28,910 689 1.107 0.113
2006 29,640 694 1.132 0.186
2007 30,399 706 1.161 0.134
2008 31,127 707 1.193 0.073
2009 31,847 709 1.228 0.052
2010 32,571 720 1.265 0.052
2011 33,299 734 1.306 0.052
  Low alternative projections
2000 24,979 659 1.000 0.696
2001 25,393 674 1.030 0.054
2002 25,820 691 1.051 -0.350
2003 26,576 667 1.068 -0.189
2004 27,311 680 1.087 0.114
2005 27,948 700 1.108 0.102
2006 28,595 704 1.133 0.151
2007 29,357 703 1.163 0.169
2008 30,057 694 1.198 0.113
2009 30,688 691 1.235 0.067
2010 31,308 700 1.276 0.038
2011 31,920 712 1.320 0.066
  High alternative projections
2000 24,979 659 1.000 0.696
2001 25,755 674 1.030 0.051
2002 27,093 690 1.051 -0.328
2003 28,071 674 1.072 -0.022
2004 28,939 692 1.094 0.032
2005 29,719 701 1.117 -0.018
2006 30,493 701 1.140 0.054
2007 31,350 715 1.165 0.020
2008 32,195 718 1.190 -0.007
2009 33,085 720 1.217 0.041
2010 34,066 732 1.247 0.091
2011 35,068 749 1.279 0.041
1In 1999-2000 dollars based on the price deflator for personal consumption expenditures, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.
2In 1999-2000 dollars based on the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.
NOTE: Calculations were made using unrounded numbers. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of State School Systems; Common Core of Data survey; Early Estimates survey; and Revenue Receipts from State Sources Model; DRIoWEFA, "U.S. Quarterly Model," and National Education Association, Estimates School Statistics. (Latest edition 2001. Copyright 2001 by the National Education Association. All rights reserved.) (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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