Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table A3.2.-Earned degrees conferred (assumptions)
Variables Assumptions Alternatives Tables
  Associate's degrees
Men The number of associate's degrees awarded to men is a linear function of full- and part-time male undergraduate enrollment in 2-year institutions lagged 2 years. This relationship will continue through 2010-11. Middle 26
Women The number of associate's degrees awarded to women is a linear function of full-time female undergraduate enrollment in 2-year institutions lagged 2 years. This relationship will continue through 2010-11. Middle 26
  Bachelor's degrees
Men The number of bachelor's degrees awarded to men is a linear function of full-time male undergraduate enrollment in 4-year institutions lagged 2 years and the male 18- to 24-year-old population. This relationship will continue throuh 2010-11 Middle 27
Women The number of bachelor's degrees awarded to women is a linear function of full-time female undergraduate enrollment in 4-year institutions lagged 3 years and the female 18- to 24-year-old population. This relationship will continue through 2010-11. Middle 27
  Master's degrees
Men The number of master's degrees awarded to men is a linear function of full-time male graduate enrollment. This relationship will continue through 2010-11. Middle 28
Women The number of master's degrees awarded to women is a linear function of full-time female graduate enrollment. This relationship will continue through 2010-11. Middle 28
  Doctor's degrees
Men The number of doctor's degrees awarded to men is a linear function of full-time male graduate enrollment lagged one year and the unemployment rate. This relationship will continue through 2010-11. Middle 29
Women The number of doctor's degrees awarded to women is a linear function of the 35- to 44-year-old population and full-time female graduate enrollment. This relationship will continue through 2010-11. Middle 29
  First-professional degrees
Men The number of first-professional degrees awarded to men is a linear function of full-time male first-professional enrollment lagged 2 years. This relationship will continue through 2010-11. Middle 30
Women The number of first-professional degrees awarded to women is a linear function of full-time female first-professional enrollment lagged 1 year and part-time female first-professional enrollment lagged 2 years. This relationship will continue through 2010-11. Middle 30
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Earned Degrees Conferred Model. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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