Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table A1.12.-Enrollment (assumptions)
Variables Assumptions Alternatives Tables
Elementary and Secondary enrollment
  Age-specific enrollment rates will remain constant at levels consistent with the most recent rates. Middle (no alternatives) 1, 2
Public enrollment rates and public grade retention rates will remain constant at levels consistent with the most recent rates. Middle (no alternatives) 1, 2
The percentage of 7th and 8th grade public students enrolled in school organized as secondary schools will remain constant at levels consistent with the most recent rates. Middle (no alternatives) 1, 2
College enrollment, by age
Age-specific enrollment rates by sex are a function of dummy variables by age, middle alternative log of four-period weighted average of real disposable income per capita, and middle alternative log unemployment rate by age group. Middle 10
Age-specific enrollment rates by sex are a function of dummy variables by age and the middle alternative log of four-period weighted average of real disposable income per capita. Middle 10
College enrollment, by sex, attendance
status, level enrolled, and type of
For each group and for each attendance status separately, percent of total enrollment by sex, level enrolled, and type of institution will follow past trends through 2011. For each age group and attendance status category, the sum of the percent- ages must equal 100 percent. High, middle, and low 10
College enrollment, by control of
For each enrollment category, by sex, attendance status, and level enrolled, and by type of institution, public enrollment as a percent of total enrollment will remain constant at levels consistent with the most recent rates. High, middle, and low 10
Graduate enrollment
For each enrollment category, by sex and attendance status of student, and by type and control of institution, graduate enrollment as a percent of postbaccalaureate enrollment will remain constant at levels consistent with the most recent rates. High, middle, and low 20
Full-time-equivalent of part-time
For each enrollment category, by type and control of institution and level enrolled, the percent that full-time-equivalent of part-time enrollment is of part-time enrollment will remain constant at levels consistent with the most recent rates.
High, middle, and low
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Elementary and Secondary Enrollment Model, and Enrollment in Degree-Granting Institutions Model. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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