Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 34.-Current expenditures and current expenditures per pupil in average daily attendance (ADA) in public elementary and secondary schools, with alternative projections: 1985-86 to 2010-11
Year ending ADA (in thousands) Current expenditures
Constant 1999-2000 dollars1 Current dollars
Total (in billions) Per pupil in ADA Total (in billions) Per pupil in ADA
1986 36,523 $213.4 $5,843 $137.2 $3,756
1987 36,864 222.7 6,042 146.4 3,970
1988 37,051 229.5 6,195 157.1 4,240
1989 37,268 241.8 6,489 173.1 4,645
1990 37,799 251.0 6,640 188.2 4,980
1991 38,427 255.4 6,646 202.0 5,258
1992 38,961 258.7 6,640 211.2 5,421
1993 39,570 262.5 6,633 220.9 5,584
1994 40,146 268.0 6,676 231.5 5,767
1995 40,721 274.5 6,740 243.9 5,989
1996 41,502 279.5 6,734 255.1 6,147
1997 42,262 287.8 6,810 270.2 6,393
1998 42,766 298.7 6,985 285.5 6,675
1999 43,187 311.6 7,216 302.9 7,013
  Middle alternative projections
2000 43,433 314.3 7,237 314.3 7,237
2001 43,613 324.6 7,443 334.5 7,670
2002 43,763 336.3 7,684 353.5 8,077
2003 43,898 344.2 7,842 367.8 8,378
2004 43,966 356.3 8,105 387.2 8,807
2005 44,024 367.0 8,337 406.4 9,232
2006 44,063 375.9 8,532 (2) (2)
2007 44,043 385.7 8,758 (2) (2)
2008 43,964 393.0 8,939 (2) (2)
2009 43,831 399.8 9,120 (2) (2)
2010 43,730 408.6 9,344 (2) (2)
2011 43,687 418.3 9,575 (2) (2)
  Low alternative projections
2000 43,433 314.3 7,237 314.3 7,237
2001 43,613 324.3 7,437 334.2 7,663
2002 43,763 334.0 7,633 351.0 8,021
2003 43,898 339.3 7,730 362.3 8,253
2004 43,966 350.0 7,961 380.4 8,652
2005 44,024 360.8 8,196 399.8 9,082
2006 44,063 368.8 8,370 (2) (2)
2007 44,043 376.3 8,545 (2) (2)
2008 43,964 381.4 8,676 (2) (2)
2009 43,831 386.6 8,820 (2) (2)
2010 43,730 394.0 9,011 (2) (2)
2011 43,687 402.4 9,211 (2) (2)
  High alternative projections
2000 43,433 314.3 7,237 314.3 7,237
2001 43,613 327.4 7,508 337.4 7,736
2002 43,763 344.9 7,880 362.6 8,285
2003 43,898 353.1 8,044 378.7 8,627
2004 43,966 366.0 8,325 400.6 9,112
2005 44,024 376.1 8,544 420.0 9,540
2006 44,063 384.4 8,725 (2) (2)
2007 44,043 395.4 8,978 (2) (2)
2008 43,964 403.9 9,188 (2) (2)
2009 43,831 412.2 9,404 (2) (2)
2010 43,730 423.3 9,681 (2) (2)
2011 43,687 435.9 9,979 (2) (2)
1Based on the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor.
2Projections in current dollars are not shown after 2005 due to the uncertain behavior of inflation over the long term.
NOTE: Calculations were made using unrounded numbers. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data survey; Elementary and Secondary Average Daily Attendance Model; Elementary and Secondary School Current Expenditures Model; and National Education Association, Estimates of School Statistics. (Latest edition 2001. Copyright 2001 by the National Education Association. All rights reserved.) (This table was prepared May 2001.)

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