Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 31.-Elementary and secondary teachers, by control of institution and organizational level, with alternative projections: Fall 1986 to fall 2011
(In thousands)
Year Total Public Private
K-12 Elementary Secondary K-12 Elementary Secondary K-12 Elementary Secondary
19861 2,592 1,521 1,071 2,244 1,271 973 348 250 98
19871 2,631 1,563 1,068 2,279 1,306 973 352 257 95
19881 2,668 1,604 1,064 2,323 1,353 970 345 251 94
19892 2,734 1,662 1,072 2,357 1,387 970 377 275 102
19902 2,753 1,683 1,070 2,398 1,429 969 355 254 101
19912 2,787 1,722 1,065 2,432 1,468 964 355 254 101
19922 2,822 1,752 1,070 2,459 1,492 967 363 260 103
19932 2,870 1,775 1,095 2,504 1,513 991 366 262 104
19942 2,926 1,791 1,135 2,552 1,525 1,027 374 266 108
19953 2,978 1,794 1,184 2,598 1,525 1,073 380 269 111
19963 3,054 1,856 1,198 2,667 1,582 1,085 387 274 113
19973 3,134 1,928 1,206 2,746 1,653 1,093 388 275 113
19983 3,221 1,978 1,243 2,830 1,701 1,129 391 277 114
19993 3,304 2,029 1,275 2,907 1,748 1,159 397 281 116
  Middle alternative projections
2000 3,507 2,192 1,315 3,080 1,885 1,194 428 307 121
2001 3,551 2,208 1,343 3,119 1,899 1,220 432 309 123
2002 3,541 2,180 1,361 3,111 1,875 1,236 430 305 125
2003 3,564 2,184 1,381 3,132 1,878 1,254 432 306 127
2004 3,590 2,188 1,402 3,155 1,881 1,274 435 306 129
2005 3,576 2,188 1,388 3,142 1,881 1,261 434 306 127
2006 3,594 2,196 1,398 3,159 1,889 1,270 436 308 128
2007 3,600 2,195 1,406 3,164 1,887 1,277 436 307 129
2008 3,600 2,195 1,405 3,164 1,888 1,276 436 307 129
2009 3,619 2,209 1,410 3,180 1,900 1,280 439 309 129
2010 3,633 2,228 1,405 3,192 1,916 1,276 441 312 129
2011 3,649 2,246 1,403 3,206 1,932 1,274 443 315 129
  Low alternative projections
2000 3,507 2,192 1,315 3,080 1,885 1,194 428 307 121
2001 3,553 2,210 1,343 3,120 1,900 1,220 433 309 123
2002 3,537 2,176 1,361 3,108 1,871 1,236 430 305 125
2003 3,566 2,185 1,381 3,134 1,879 1,254 433 306 127
2004 3,604 2,201 1,403 3,167 1,893 1,275 437 308 129
2005 3,585 2,200 1,385 3,150 1,892 1,258 435 308 127
2006 3,593 2,193 1,400 3,157 1,886 1,272 435 307 128
2007 3,595 2,179 1,417 3,160 1,873 1,287 435 305 130
2008 3,588 2,173 1,415 3,154 1,869 1,285 434 304 130
2009 3,591 2,184 1,407 3,156 1,878 1,278 435 306 129
2010 3,593 2,201 1,392 3,157 1,893 1,264 436 308 128
2011 3,607 2,222 1,385 3,169 1,911 1,258 438 311 127
  High alternative projections
2000 3,507 2,192 1,315 3,080 1,885 1,194 428 307 121
2001 3,552 2,209 1,343 3,119 1,899 1,220 432 309 123
2002 3,545 2,184 1,361 3,114 1,878 1,236 431 306 125
2003 3,581 2,200 1,381 3,146 1,892 1,254 435 308 127
2004 3,605 2,202 1,403 3,168 1,894 1,274 437 308 129
2005 3,588 2,196 1,392 3,152 1,888 1,264 435 308 128
2006 3,619 2,207 1,412 3,180 1,898 1,282 439 309 129
2007 3,625 2,207 1,418 3,186 1,898 1,288 439 309 130
2008 3,620 2,208 1,412 3,181 1,899 1,282 439 309 129
2009 3,642 2,223 1,418 3,200 1,912 1,288 441 311 130
2010 3,661 2,245 1,415 3,216 1,931 1,285 444 314 130
2011 3,681 2,268 1,413 3,234 1,950 1,284 447 318 130

1 Private school numbers are estimated on the basis on past data.
2 Private school numbers are from the Early Estimates survey.
3 Private school numbers are projected.
NOTE: The numbers of elementary and secondary teachers reported separately by the National Education Association were prorated to the NCES totals for each year. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Projections are based on data through 1998. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals. Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools; Common Core of of Data surveys; Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Education Statistics, Early Estimates; and Elementary and Secondary Teacher Model. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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