Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 30.-First-professional degrees, by sex of recipient, with projections: 1985-86 to 2010-11
Year ending Total Men Women
1986 73,910 49,261 24,649
1987 71,617 46,523 25,094
1988 70,735 45,484 25,251
1989 70,856 45,046 25,810
1990 70,988 43,961 27,027
1991 71,948 43,846 28,102
1992 74,146 45,071 29,075
1993 75,387 45,153 30,234
1994 75,418 44,707 30,711
1995 75,800 44,853 30,947
1996 76,734 44,748 31,986
1997 78,730 45,564 33,166
1998 78,598 44,911 33,687
  Middle alternative projections
1999 79,900 45,200 34,700
2000 81,000 44,800 36,200
2001 81,900 44,700 37,200
2002 80,400 44,000 36,400
2003 80,400 43,600 36,800
2004 81,300 43,900 37,400
2005 82,300 44,100 38,200
2006 83,500 44,400 39,100
2007 84,700 44,900 39,800
2008 85,700 45,200 40,500
2009 86,500 45,400 41,100
2010 87,500 45,800 41,700
2011 88,300 46,100 42,200
  Low alternative projections
1999 78,700 44,500 34,200
2000 79,800 44,200 35,600
2001 80,700 44,100 36,600
2002 77,300 42,300 35,000
2003 77,300 41,900 35,400
2004 78,100 42,200 35,900
2005 79,200 42,400 36,800
2006 80,400 42,800 37,600
2007 81,500 43,200 38,300
2008 82,500 43,500 39,000
2009 83,300 43,700 39,600
2010 84,200 44,100 40,100
2011 85,000 44,400 40,600
  High alternative projections
1999 81,200 45,900 35,300
2000 82,200 45,500 36,700
2001 83,100 45,400 37,700
2002 83,400 45,600 37,800
2003 83,400 45,200 38,200
2004 84,300 45,500 38,800
2005 85,500 45,800 39,700
2006 86,700 46,100 40,600
2007 87,900 46,600 41,300
2008 88,900 46,900 42,000
2009 89,900 47,200 42,700
2010 90,700 47,500 43,200
2011 91,700 47,900 43,800
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" survey; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" survey; and Earned Degrees Conferred Model. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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