Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 29.-Doctor's degrees, by sex of recipient, with projections: 1985-86 to 2010-11
Year ending Total Men Women
1986 33,653 21,819 11,834
1987 34,041 22,061 11,980
1988 34,870 22,615 12,255
1989 35,720 22,648 13,072
1990 38,371 24,401 13,970
1991 39,294 24,756 14,538
1992 40,659 25,557 15,102
1993 42,132 26,073 16,059
1994 43,185 26,552 16,633
1995 44,446 26,916 17,530
1996 44,652 26,841 17,811
1997 45,876 27,146 18,730
1998 46,010 26,664 19,346
  Middle alternative projections
1999 46,500 26,800 19,700
2000 47,100 26,700 20,400
2001 46,700 26,900 19,800
2002 46,500 26,500 20,000
2003 46,700 26,600 20,100
2004 47,100 26,700 20,400
2005 47,500 26,900 20,600
2006 47,800 27,000 20,800
2007 48,100 27,100 21,000
2008 48,400 27,200 21,200
2009 48,700 27,400 21,300
2010 48,800 27,500 21,300
2011 49,100 27,600 21,500
  Low alternative projections
1999 45,500 26,200 19,300
2000 45,700 25,900 19,800
2001 45,500 26,200 19,300
2002 44,800 25,500 19,300
2003 45,000 25,600 19,400
2004 45,300 25,700 19,600
2005 45,800 25,900 19,900
2006 46,100 26,000 20,100
2007 46,400 26,100 20,300
2008 46,600 26,200 20,400
2009 46,900 26,400 20,500
2010 47,000 26,500 20,500
2011 47,300 26,600 20,700
  High alternative projections
1999 47,300 27,300 20,000
2000 48,400 27,400 21,000
2001 48,100 27,700 20,400
2002 48,200 27,500 20,700
2003 48,500 27,600 20,900
2004 48,800 27,700 21,100
2005 49,200 27,800 21,400
2006 49,600 28,000 21,600
2007 49,900 28,100 21,800
2008 50,200 28,200 22,000
2009 50,400 28,400 22,000
2010 50,600 28,500 22,100
2011 50,900 28,600 22,300
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" survey; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" survey; and Earned Degrees Conferred Model. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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