Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 28.-Master's degrees, by sex of recipient, with projections: 1985-86 to 2010-11
Year ending Total Men Women
1986 288,567 143,508 145,059
1987 289,349 141,269 148,080
1988 299,317 145,163 154,154
1989 310,621 149,354 161,267
1990 324,301 153,653 170,648
1991 337,168 156,482 180,686
1992 352,838 161,842 190,996
1993 369,585 169,258 200,327
1994 387,070 176,085 210,985
1995 397,629 178,598 219,031
1996 406,301 179,081 227,220
1997 419,401 180,947 238,454
1998 430,164 184,375 245,789
  Middle alternative projections
1999 431,000 182,000 249,000
2000 444,000 185,000 259,000
2001 428,000 178,000 250,000
2002 432,000 179,000 253,000
2003 436,000 180,000 256,000
2004 442,000 181,000 261,000
2005 448,000 182,000 266,000
2006 453,000 183,000 270,000
2007 458,000 184,000 274,000
2008 464,000 186,000 278,000
2009 468,000 187,000 281,000
2010 472,000 188,000 284,000
2011 477,000 190,000 287,000
  Low alternative projections
1999 426,000 180,000 246,000
2000 427,000 178,000 249,000
2001 416,000 173,000 243,000
2002 423,000 175,000 248,000
2003 427,000 176,000 251,000
2004 433,000 177,000 256,000
2005 440,000 179,000 261,000
2006 445,000 180,000 265,000
2007 449,000 180,000 269,000
2008 454,000 182,000 272,000
2009 458,000 183,000 275,000
2010 462,000 184,000 278,000
2011 467,000 186,000 281,000
  High alternative projections
1999 435,000 184,000 251,000
2000 461,000 192,000 269,000
2001 440,000 183,000 257,000
2002 441,000 183,000 258,000
2003 445,000 183,000 262,000
2004 452,000 185,000 267,000
2005 458,000 186,000 272,000
2006 463,000 187,000 276,000
2007 468,000 188,000 280,000
2008 474,000 190,000 284,000
2009 478,000 191,000 287,000
2010 482,000 192,000 290,000
2011 487,000 194,000 293,000
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" survey; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" survey; and Earned Degrees Conferred Model. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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