Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 26.-Associate's degrees, by sex of recipient, with projections: 1985-86 to 2010-11
Year ending Total Men Women
1986 446,047 196,166 249,881
1987 436,304 190,839 245,465
1988 435,085 190,047 245,038
1989 436,764 186,316 250,448
1990 455,102 191,195 263,907
1991 481,720 198,634 283,086
1992 504,231 207,481 296,750
1993 514,756 211,964 302,792
1994 530,632 215,261 315,371
1995 539,691 218,352 321,339
1996 555,216 219,514 335,702
1997 571,226 223,948 347,278
1998 558,555 217,613 340,942
  Middle alternative projections
1999 568,000 217,000 351,000
2000 569,000 217,000 352,000
2001 562,000 214,000 348,000
2002 569,000 216,000 353,000
2003 574,000 217,000 357,000
2004 582,000 218,000 364,000
2005 587,000 219,000 368,000
2006 594,000 220,000 374,000
2007 600,000 221,000 379,000
2008 605,000 222,000 383,000
2009 611,000 223,000 388,000
2010 617,000 224,000 393,000
2011 625,000 226,000 399,000
  Low alternative projections
1999 560,000 214,000 346,000
2000 550,000 210,000 340,000
2001 529,000 201,000 328,000
2002 537,000 204,000 333,000
2003 538,000 203,000 335,000
2004 545,000 204,000 341,000
2005 549,000 205,000 344,000
2006 556,000 206,000 350,000
2007 562,000 207,000 355,000
2008 567,000 208,000 359,000
2009 572,000 209,000 363,000
2010 578,000 210,000 368,000
2011 584,000 211,000 373,000
  High alternative projections
1999 577,000 221,000 356,000
2000 589,000 225,000 364,000
2001 596,000 227,000 369,000
2002 602,000 229,000 373,000
2003 611,000 231,000 380,000
2004 620,000 232,000 388,000
2005 625,000 233,000 392,000
2006 632,000 234,000 398,000
2007 638,000 235,000 403,000
2008 644,000 236,000 408,000
2009 650,000 237,000 413,000
2010 657,000 239,000 418,000
2011 664,000 240,000 424,000
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" survey; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" survey; and Earned Degrees Conferred Model. (This table was prepared June 2001.)

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