Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 24.-High school graduates in public schools, by region and state, with projections: 1992-93 to 2010-11
Region and state Actual Projected
1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02
United States 2,233,241 2,220,849 2,273,541 2,273,109 2,358,403 2,439,050 2,488,605 2,543,000 2,541,130 2,568,310
Northeast 413,955 408,755 413,417 417,843 432,280 430,450 437,261 447,220 443,890 452,450
   Connecticut 26,799 26,330 26,445 26,319 27,029 27,885 28,284 29,600 30,540 31,660
   Maine 12,103 11,384 11,501 11,795 12,019 12,171 12,093 12,140 12,400 12,580
   Massachusetts 48,321 47,453 47,679 47,993 49,008 50,452 51,465 52,460 53,590 55,120
   New Hampshire 10,065 9,933 10,145 10,094 10,487 10,843 11,251 11,850 12,110 12,210
   New Jersey 67,134 66,125 67,403 67,704 70,028 65,106 67,410 69,160 68,580 70,600
   New York 132,963 132,708 132,401 134,401 140,861 138,531 139,426 141,840 136,070 140,470
   Pennsylvania 103,715 101,958 104,146 105,981 108,817 110,919 112,632 115,030 115,090 114,050
   Rhode Island 7,640 7,450 7,826 7,689 7,850 8,074 8,179 8,540 8,550 8,650
   Vermont 5,215 5,414 5,871 5,867 6,181 6,469 6,521 6,600 6,960 7,110
Midwest 588,810 578,914 596,753 592,775 614,217 640,857 645,266 651,200 642,870 646,130
   Illinois 103,628 102,126 105,164 104,626 110,170 114,611 112,556 114,820 111,640 116,260
   Indiana 57,559 54,650 56,058 56,330 57,463 58,899 58,908 58,920 57,920 57,770
   Iowa 30,677 30,247 31,268 31,689 32,986 34,189 34,378 34,360 34,020 33,770
   Kansas 24,720 25,319 26,125 25,786 26,648 27,856 28,685 29,240 29,590 29,380
   Michigan 85,302 83,385 84,628 85,530 89,695 92,732 94,125 94,710 93,260 94,430
   Minnesota 48,002 47,514 49,354 50,481 48,193 54,628 56,964 58,510 57,290 58,270
   Missouri 46,864 46,566 48,862 49,011 50,543 52,095 52,531 52,450 53,600 53,530
   Nebraska 17,569 17,072 17,969 18,014 18,636 19,719 20,550 20,460 20,030 20,070
   North Dakota 7,310 7,522 7,817 8,027 8,025 8,170 8,388 8,630 8,440 8,190
   Ohio 109,200 107,700 109,418 102,098 107,422 111,211 111,112 111,630 110,220 107,740
   South Dakota 7,952 8,442 8,355 8,532 9,247 9,140 8,757 9,030 8,580 8,620
   Wisconsin 50,027 48,371 51,735 52,651 55,189 57,607 58,312 58,440 58,280 58,100
South 754,670 748,079 770,737 766,273 789,143 821,372 835,417 852,900 856,450 863,680
   Alabama 36,007 34,447 36,268 35,043 35,611 38,089 36,244 36,000 35,770 35,950
   Arkansas 25,655 24,990 24,636 25,094 25,146 26,855 26,896 26,990 26,930 26,780
   Delaware 5,492 5,230 5,234 5,609 5,953 6,439 6,484 6,100 6,320 6,180
   District of Columbia 3,136 3,207 2,974 2,696 2,853 2,777 2,675 2,830 2,860 2,720
   Florida 89,428 88,032 89,827 89,242 95,082 98,498 102,386 105,220 106,610 111,640
   Georgia 57,602 56,356 56,660 56,271 58,996 58,525 59,227 62,110 63,290 64,760
   Kentucky 36,361 38,454 37,626 36,641 36,941 37,270 37,179 37,010 36,910 35,870
   Louisiana 33,682 34,822 36,480 36,467 36,495 38,030 37,802 38,220 37,450 36,820
   Maryland 39,523 39,091 41,387 41,785 42,856 44,555 46,214 48,280 49,240 50,260
   Mississippi 23,597 23,379 23,837 23,032 23,388 24,502 24,198 24,130 24,160 23,500
   North Carolina 60,460 57,738 59,540 57,014 57,886 59,292 60,081 62,140 62,990 63,520
   Oklahoma 30,542 31,872 33,319 33,060 33,536 35,213 36,556 37,450 37,060 36,440
   South Carolina 31,297 30,603 30,680 30,182 30,829 31,373 31,495 31,560 28,890 30,480
   Tennessee 44,166 40,643 43,556 43,792 41,617 39,866 40,823 44,470 44,880 45,030
   Texas 160,546 163,191 170,322 171,844 181,794 197,186 203,393 205,660 208,960 209,740
   Virginia 56,948 56,140 58,260 58,166 60,587 62,738 63,875 65,240 65,630 66,380
   West Virginia 20,228 19,884 20,131 20,335 19,573 20,164 19,889 19,490 18,500 17,610
West 475,806 485,101 492,634 496,218 522,763 546,371 570,661 591,680 597,920 606,050
   Alaska 5,535 5,747 5,765 5,945 6,133 6,462 6,810 6,900 6,840 7,290
   Arizona 31,747 31,799 30,989 30,008 34,082 36,361 35,728 38,280 38,850 39,520
   California 249,320 253,083 255,200 259,071 269,071 282,897 299,221 312,320 316,910 322,250
   Colorado 31,839 31,867 32,409 32,608 34,231 35,794 36,958 38,610 39,010 39,870
   Hawaii 8,854 9,369 9,407 9,387 8,929 9,670 9,714 9,980 9,970 9,820
   Idaho 12,974 13,281 14,198 14,667 15,407 15,523 15,716 16,260 16,200 16,180
   Montana 9,389 9,601 10,134 10,139 10,322 10,656 10,925 10,880 10,730 10,820
   Nevada 9,042 9,485 10,038 10,374 12,425 13,052 13,892 14,640 14,980 15,640
   New Mexico 15,172 14,892 14,928 15,402 15,700 16,529 17,317 17,380 17,400 17,110
   Oregon 26,301 26,338 26,713 26,570 27,720 27,754 28,245 29,650 30,380 30,440
   Utah 24,197 26,407 27,670 26,293 30,753 31,567 31,574 31,910 30,870 30,420
   Washington 45,262 47,235 49,294 49,862 51,609 53,679 58,213 58,520 59,590 60,630
   Wyoming 6,174 5,997 5,889 5,892 6,381 6,427 6,348 6,350 6,190 6,060

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