Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 20.-Total graduate enrollment in all degree-granting institutions, by sex, attendance status, and control of institution, with alternative projections: Fall 1986 to fall 2011
(In thousands)
Year Total Sex Attendance status Control
Men Women Full-time Part-time Public Private
1986 1,435 693 742 522 913 941 494
1987 1,452 694 758 527 925 945 507
1988 1,472 697 775 553 919 949 522
1989 1,522 710 811 572 949 978 544
1990 1,586 737 849 599 987 1,023 563
1991 1,639 760 878 641 997 1,050 589
1992 1,669 772 896 665 1,003 1,058 611
1993 1,688 771 918 689 1,000 1,064 625
1994 1,721 776 945 706 1,015 1,075 647
1995 1,732 768 964 717 1,015 1,074 659
1996 1,742 759 983 737 1,005 1,069 674
1997 1,753 758 996 753 1,001 1,070 683
1998 1,768 754 1,013 753 1,014 1,067 701
1999 1,807 766 1,041 781 1,026 1,077 730
  Middle alternative projections
2000 1,787 758 1,028 747 1,039 1,082 705
2001 1,816 764 1,053 756 1,061 1,100 716
2002 1,844 768 1,077 764 1,081 1,118 727
2003 1,875 773 1,101 775 1,099 1,137 738
2004 1,905 780 1,125 790 1,115 1,155 750
2005 1,929 784 1,145 801 1,128 1,170 760
2006 1,950 788 1,162 811 1,139 1,182 768
2007 1,967 793 1,174 821 1,146 1,193 774
2008 1,982 797 1,185 830 1,152 1,202 780
2009 1,994 801 1,194 840 1,155 1,209 785
2010 2,010 806 1,205 849 1,162 1,219 792
2011 2,041 815 1,225 867 1,173 1,237 804
  Low alternative projections
2000 1,769 750 1,018 740 1,029 1,071 698
2001 1,800 757 1,044 749 1,051 1,090 710
2002 1,827 761 1,067 757 1,071 1,108 720
2003 1,854 764 1,089 766 1,087 1,124 730
2004 1,863 763 1,100 773 1,090 1,130 734
2005 1,871 760 1,111 777 1,094 1,135 737
2006 1,892 764 1,127 787 1,105 1,147 745
2007 1,908 769 1,139 796 1,112 1,157 751
2008 1,923 773 1,149 805 1,117 1,166 757
2009 1,934 777 1,158 815 1,120 1,173 761
2010 1,950 782 1,169 824 1,127 1,182 768
2011 1,980 791 1,188 841 1,138 1,200 780
  High alternative projections
2000 1,805 766 1,038 754 1,049 1,093 712
2001 1,832 771 1,062 763 1,071 1,110 722
2002 1,861 775 1,087 771 1,091 1,128 734
2003 1,896 782 1,113 784 1,111 1,150 746
2004 1,947 797 1,150 807 1,140 1,180 767
2005 1,987 808 1,179 825 1,162 1,205 783
2006 2,009 812 1,197 835 1,173 1,217 791
2007 2,026 817 1,209 846 1,180 1,229 797
2008 2,041 821 1,221 855 1,187 1,238 803
2009 2,054 825 1,230 865 1,190 1,245 809
2010 2,070 830 1,241 874 1,197 1,256 816
2011 2,102 839 1,262 893 1,208 1,274 828
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Data for 1999 were imputed using alternative procedures. (See Appendix E for more details.) Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) surveys; and Enrollment in Degree-Granting Institutions Model. (This table was prepared May 2001.)

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