Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 10.-Total enrollment in all degree-granting institutions, by sex, attendance status, and control of institution, with alternative projections: Fall 1986 to fall 2011
(In thousands)
Year Total Sex Attendance status Control
Men Women Full-time Part-time Public Private
1986 12,505 5,885 6,620 7,120 5,384 9,715 2,790
1987 12,767 5,932 6,835 7,231 5,536 9,973 2,793
1988 13,055 6,002 7,053 7,437 5,618 10,161 2,894
1989 13,539 6,190 7,349 7,661 5,878 10,578 2,961
1990 13,819 6,284 7,535 7,821 5,998 10,845 2,974
1991 14,359 6,502 7,857 8,115 6,244 11,310 3,049
1992 14,486 6,524 7,963 8,161 6,325 11,385 3,103
1993 14,305 6,427 7,877 8,128 6,177 11,189 3,116
1994 14,279 6,372 7,907 8,138 6,141 11,134 3,145
1995 14,262 6,343 7,919 8,129 6,133 11,092 3,169
1996 14,368 6,353 8,015 8,303 6,065 11,120 3,247
1997 14,502 6,396 8,106 8,438 6,064 11,196 3,306
1998 14,507 6,369 8,138 8,563 5,944 11,138 3,369
1999 14,791 6,491 8,301 8,786 6,005 11,309 3,482
  Middle alternative projections
2000 14,979 6,538 8,441 8,797 6,182 11,535 3,444
2001 15,300 6,644 8,656 9,035 6,265 11,775 3,525
2002 15,527 6,708 8,819 9,170 6,357 11,947 3,580
2003 15,812 6,786 9,026 9,366 6,446 12,161 3,651
2004 16,074 6,862 9,212 9,544 6,530 12,360 3,714
2005 16,296 6,922 9,374 9,696 6,600 12,527 3,769
2006 16,533 6,991 9,542 9,869 6,664 12,706 3,827
2007 16,754 7,066 9,688 10,039 6,715 12,872 3,881
2008 17,005 7,159 9,846 10,239 6,766 13,063 3,943
2009 17,249 7,252 9,997 10,432 6,816 13,246 4,002
2010 17,457 7,325 10,132 10,586 6,871 13,402 4,055
2011 17,688 7,401 10,287 10,747 6,942 13,573 4,115
  Low alternative projections
2000 14,829 6,473 8,357 8,709 6,120 11,420 3,410
2001 15,162 6,584 8,578 8,954 6,209 11,669 3,493
2002 15,387 6,648 8,740 9,087 6,300 11,839 3,548
2003 15,638 6,711 8,927 9,263 6,375 12,027 3,611
2004 15,720 6,711 9,009 9,334 6,386 12,088 3,632
2005 15,807 6,714 9,093 9,405 6,402 12,151 3,656
2006 16,037 6,781 9,256 9,573 6,464 12,325 3,712
2007 16,251 6,854 9,397 9,738 6,514 12,486 3,765
2008 16,495 6,944 9,551 9,932 6,563 12,671 3,825
2009 16,732 7,034 9,697 10,119 6,612 12,849 3,882
2010 16,933 7,105 9,828 10,268 6,665 13,000 3,933
2011 17,157 7,179 9,978 10,425 6,734 13,166 3,992
  High alternative projections
2000 15,129 6,603 8,525 8,885 6,244 11,650 3,478
2001 15,438 6,704 8,734 9,116 6,321 11,881 3,557
2002 15,667 6,768 8,898 9,253 6,414 12,055 3,612
2003 15,986 6,861 9,125 9,469 6,517 12,295 3,691
2004 16,428 7,013 9,415 9,754 6,674 12,632 3,796
2005 16,785 7,130 9,655 9,987 6,798 12,903 3,882
2006 17,029 7,201 9,828 10,165 6,864 13,087 3,942
2007 17,257 7,278 9,979 10,340 6,916 13,258 3,997
2008 17,515 7,374 10,141 10,546 6,969 13,455 4,061
2009 17,766 7,470 10,297 10,745 7,020 13,643 4,122
2010 17,981 7,545 10,436 10,904 7,077 13,804 4,177
2011 18,219 7,623 10,596 11,069 7,150 13,980 4,238
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Data for 1999 were imputed using alternative procedures. (See Appendix E for more details.) Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys; Integrated    Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) surveys; and Enrollment in Degree-Granting Institutions Model. (This table was prepared May 2001.)

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