Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 3.-Enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools, by grade, with projections: Fall 1991 to fall 2011
(In thousands)
Year Total Kinder- garten1 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Elementary Unclassified Secondary Unclassified
1991 42,047 3,686 3,556 3,360 3,334 3,315 3,268 3,239 3,181 3,020 3,313 2,915 2,645 2,392 545 275
1992 42,823 3,817 3,542 3,431 3,361 3,342 3,325 3,303 3,299 3,129 3,352 3,027 2,656 2,431 539 269
1993 43,465 3,922 3,529 3,429 3,437 3,361 3,350 3,356 3,355 3,249 3,487 3,050 2,751 2,424 515 248
1994 44,111 4,047 3,593 3,440 3,439 3,426 3,372 3,381 3,404 3,302 3,604 3,131 2,748 2,488 494 242
1995 44,840 4,173 3,671 3,507 3,445 3,431 3,438 3,395 3,422 3,356 3,704 3,237 2,826 2,487 502 245
1996 45,611 4,203 3,770 3,600 3,524 3,454 3,453 3,494 3,464 3,403 3,801 3,323 2,930 2,586 401 206
1997 46,127 4,199 3,755 3,689 3,597 3,507 3,458 3,492 3,520 3,415 3,819 3,376 2,972 2,673 442 214
1998 46,539 4,172 3,727 3,681 3,696 3,592 3,520 3,497 3,530 3,480 3,856 3,382 3,021 2,722 451 212
1999 46,857 4,148 3,684 3,655 3,690 3,686 3,604 3,564 3,541 3,497 3,935 3,415 3,034 2,782 418 203
2000 47,051 4,054 3,633 3,607 3,662 3,683 3,699 3,647 3,609 3,503 3,942 3,500 3,066 2,780 448 219
2001 47,213 4,013 3,598 3,557 3,614 3,656 3,696 3,743 3,692 3,569 3,948 3,506 3,142 2,809 450 220
2002 47,358 4,022 3,558 3,522 3,564 3,607 3,668 3,740 3,790 3,652 4,023 3,512 3,148 2,879 451 223
2003 47,432 4,022 3,567 3,484 3,529 3,557 3,619 3,711 3,786 3,748 4,117 3,579 3,153 2,884 450 226
2004 47,494 4,023 3,566 3,492 3,491 3,522 3,569 3,662 3,758 3,745 4,225 3,661 3,213 2,889 448 230
2005 47,536 4,034 3,568 3,491 3,499 3,484 3,534 3,612 3,708 3,717 4,222 3,758 3,287 2,944 445 235
2006 47,515 4,049 3,576 3,493 3,498 3,492 3,496 3,576 3,657 3,667 4,190 3,755 3,374 3,012 442 238
2007 47,430 4,067 3,588 3,501 3,500 3,491 3,504 3,537 3,621 3,617 4,134 3,726 3,371 3,091 441 240
2008 47,286 4,089 3,604 3,513 3,508 3,493 3,503 3,546 3,582 3,582 4,077 3,677 3,346 3,089 441 238
2009 47,178 4,115 3,624 3,529 3,520 3,501 3,505 3,545 3,590 3,543 4,037 3,626 3,301 3,065 442 236
2010 47,131 4,148 3,647 3,548 3,536 3,513 3,513 3,547 3,589 3,551 3,993 3,591 3,256 3,024 443 232
2011 47,170 4,184 3,674 3,571 3,555 3,529 3,525 3,555 3,591 3,550 4,003 3,552 3,224 2,983 445 230
1 Includes most kindergarten and some nursery school enrollment.
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools; Common Core of Data surveys; and National Elementary and Secondary Enrollment Model. (This table was prepared May 2001.)

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