Projections of Education Statistics to 2011
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Table 2.-Enrollment in elementary and secondary schools, by organizational level and control of institution, with projections: Fall 1986 to fall 2011
(In thousands)
Year Total Public Private
K-121 Elementary Secondary K-121 Elementary Secondary K-121 Elementary Secondary
19862 45,205 28,613 16,592 39,753 24,497 15,256 5,452 4,116 1,336
19872 45,487 29,447 16,040 40,008 25,215 14,793 5,479 4,232 1,247
19882 45,430 29,776 15,654 40,188 25,740 14,448 5,242 4,036 1,206
19893 45,741 30,443 15,298 40,543 26,408 14,135 5,198 4,035 1,163
19904 46,451 31,134 15,317 41,217 27,050 14,167 5,234 4,084 1,150
19913 47,322 31,708 15,614 42,047 27,595 14,452 5,275 4,113 1,162
19924 48,145 32,280 15,865 42,823 28,105 14,718 5,322 4,175 1,147
19933 48,813 32,741 16,071 43,465 28,526 14,939 5,348 4,215 1,132
19944 49,609 33,285 16,324 44,111 28,950 15,161 5,498 4,335 1,163
19953 50,502 33,894 16,608 44,840 29,429 15,411 5,662 4,465 1,197
19964 51,217 34,328 16,889 45,611 29,935 15,676 5,606 4,393 1,213
19973 51,652 34,581 17,071 46,127 30,274 15,853 5,525 4,307 1,218
19984 52,319 35,089 17,230 46,539 30,544 15,995 5,780 4,545 1,235
19993 52,875 35,518 17,358 46,857 30,753 16,104 6,018 4,765 1,254
2000 52,902 35,267 17,635 47,051 30,682 16,369 5,851 4,585 1,266
2001 53,065 35,240 17,825 47,213 30,664 16,549 5,852 4,576 1,276
2002 53,218 35,146 18,072 47,358 30,578 16,780 5,860 4,568 1,292
2003 53,293 34,992 18,301 47,432 30,441 16,991 5,861 4,551 1,310
2004 53,356 34,783 18,573 47,494 30,256 17,239 5,862 4,527 1,334
2005 53,397 34,612 18,785 47,536 30,102 17,434 5,861 4,510 1,351
2006 53,372 34,497 18,875 47,515 29,998 17,517 5,857 4,499 1,358
2007 53,279 34,448 18,831 47,430 29,954 17,476 5,849 4,494 1,355
2008 53,125 34,474 18,651 47,286 29,976 17,310 5,839 4,498 1,341
2009 53,014 34,550 18,464 47,178 30,041 17,137 5,836 4,509 1,327
2010 52,973 34,689 18,284 47,131 30,160 16,971 5,842 4,529 1,313
2011 53,026 34,857 18,169 47,170 30,304 16,866 5,856 4,553 1,303
1 Includes most kindergarten and some nursery school enrollment.
2 Private school numbers are estimated on the basis of past data.
3 Private school numbers are from the Private School Universe Survey.
4 Private school numbers are interpolated.
NOTE: Some data have been revised from previously published figures. For private schools, it was assumed that numbers for elementary are the same as those   in table 1 for grades K-8, and numbers for secondary are the same as those in table 1 for grades 9-12. Designation of grades as elementary or secondary varies   from school to school. Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding.   Mean absolute percentage errors of selected education statistics can be found in table A2.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools; Common Core of Data surveys; Private School Universe Survey, various years; and National Elementary and Secondary Enrollment Model. (This table was prepared May 2001.)

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