primary source of the nonfiscal data for this report is the 1999-2000 Common
Core of Data (CCD). Information was reported to NCES by state education agencies
in the spring of 2000. There are three nonfiscal CCD surveys collecting basic
descriptive data on public education in the nation: the school (Public School
Universe Survey), local education agency (Local Education Agency Universe Survey),
and state (State Nonfiscal Survey) forms. Fiscal data are gathered at the state
level by NCES in the National Public Education Finance Survey (NPEFS) and at
the local level in the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances (F-33 series
of the Census of Local Governments) conducted by the Governments Division of
the Bureau of the Census. The most recent year for which data are available
from the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances is 1998. A CCD coordinator
in each state education agency provides all responses. Since the information
is supplied by state education agencies, any data item missing for one school
district is generally missing for other districts in the same state.
Districts represented
in this report are of various physical sizes and geographic locations. Three
of the 100 largest districts, District of Columbia, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico,
are also analogous to states. Some districts comprise a substantial portion
of a state's total student membership, while others make up only a small fraction
of the state's total student membership.
Response Rates
Notwithstanding the item nonresponse situations cited below, most of these
data represent school-district level figures. District-level data were
provided by all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Bureau of Indian
Affairs, the Department of Defense schools, and five outlying areas: American
Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico, and the
Virgin Islands. The Bureau of Indian Affairs and Department of Defense
schools and the outlying areas are included in the national totals in
this report.
Item Nonresponse
There were some items for which data were not available at the desired
levels. The following nonresponse situations in the CCD school and agency
universe surveys relate to information presented in this report: no teacher
counts for Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Virginia; no data on free and
reduced-price lunch eligibility for Arizona, Illinois, Tennessee, and
Washington (school universe); no dropout data for California, Florida,
Hawaii, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, and
National fiscal data were taken from the 1997-98 NPEFS. Fiscal data for
Puerto Rico were taken from the 1997-98 NPEFS as well.
Alternative Education School-A public elementary/secondary school that: 1) addresses
needs of students that typically cannot be met in a regular school, 2) provides
nontraditional education, 3) serves as an adjunct to a regular school, or 4)
falls outside of the categories of regular, special education, or vocational education.
Bureau of Indian
Affairs schools and districts-A school or district that is directly funded by
the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior.
Charter school-A
new CCD data item in the 1998-99 school year. In this first year of collection,
this data item was voluntary so not all states reported this data. A charter
school is a school which provides free public elementary and/or secondary education
to eligible students under a specific charter granted by the state legislature
or other appropriate authority, and designated by such authority to be a charter
Current expenditures-Funds
spent for operating local public schools and local education agencies, including
such operating expenses as salaries for school personnel, student transportation,
school books and materials, and energy costs, but excluding capital outlay and
interest on school debt.
Dropout-The CCD
defines dropouts as those students who were enrolled in school at some time
during the previous school year; were not enrolled at the beginning of the current
school year; have not graduated from high school or completed a state- or district-approved
educational program; and do not meet any of the following exclusionary conditions:
transfer to another public school district, private school, or state- or district-approved
education program; temporary absence due to suspension or school-approved education
program; or death.
Federal revenues-Federal
revenues include direct grants-in-aid to school or agencies, funds distributed
through a state or intermediate agency, and revenues in lieu of taxes to compensate
a school district for nontaxable federal institutions within a district's boundary.
Free and reduced-price
lunch eligible-Number of students who are eligible for the Free and Reduced-Price
Lunch Program under the National School Lunch Act. Any school that reported
100 percent eligible students is adjusted on the CCD files to student population
minus 3 for reasons of student confidentiality. Caution should be used when
interpreting these data. Four states did not report free and reduced-price lunch
eligibility, and others may have included reduced price lunch students or reported
participation instead of eligibility data.
Guidance counselors-Professional
staff assigned specific duties and school time for counseling students and parents,
addressing learning problems, evaluating student abilities, and assisting students
on career and personal development.
High School Completers-Students
who completed the course of public elementary and secondary education offered
by the school district and who received a high school diploma, or who met other
requirements of completion as defined by state law or policy during the period
September 1998 through August 1999.
Individual Education
Program (IEP)-As used here, refers to written instructional plan for students
with disabilities designated as special education students under the Individuals
With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA-Part B) which includes: 1) statement of
present levels of educational performance of a child; 2) statement of annual
goals, including short-term instructional objectives; 3) statement of specific
educational services to be provided and the extent to which the child will be
able to participate in regular educational programs; 4) projected date for initiation
and anticipated duration of services; and 5) appropriate objectives, criteria
and evaluation procedures and schedules for determining, on at least an annual
basis, whether instructional objectives are being achieved.
Instructional expenditures-Current
expenditures for activities directly associated with the interaction between
teachers and students. These include teacher salaries and benefits, supplies
(such as textbooks), and purchased instructional services.
Instructional support
staff-Includes instructional coordinators and supervisors and instructional
LEA (district) administrators-Local education agency superintendents, deputy
and assistant superintendents, and other persons with district-wide responsibilities
such as business manager; and administrative assistants.
(LEP) Students-A new CCD data item in the 1998-99 school year. In this first
year of collection, this data item was voluntary so not all states reported
this data. LEP students are defined as individuals who 1) were not born in the
United States or whose native language is a language other than English; or
2) come from environments where a language other than English is dominant; or
3) are American Indians and Alaskan Natives and who come from environments where
a language other than English has had a significant impact on their level of
English language proficiency; and who, by reason thereof, have sufficient difficulty
speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language, to deny such
individuals the opportunity to learn successfully in classrooms where the language
of instruction is English or to participate fully in our society.
Library/media staff-Professional
staff members who are assigned specific duties and school time for professional
library and media service activities. Includes library/media specialists and
support staff.
Local revenues-Include
revenues from such sources as local property and nonproperty taxes, investments,
and revenues from student activities, textbook sales, transportation and tuition
fees, and food service revenues.
Magnet school-A
new CCD data item in the 1998-99 school year. In this first year of collection,
this data item was voluntary so not all states reported this data. Regardless
of the source of funding, a magnet school or program is a special school or
program designed to attract students of different racial/ethnic backgrounds
for the purpose of reducing, preventing, or eliminating racial isolation and/or
to provide an academic or social focus on a particular theme.
Migrant students-A
new CCD data item in the 1998-99 school year. In this first year of collection,
this data item was voluntary so not all states reported this data. A migrant
student as defined under 34 CFR 200.40: 1) (a) Is younger than 22 (and has not
graduated from high school or does not hold a high school equivalency certificate),
but (b), if the child is too young to attend school-sponsored educational programs,
is old enough to benefit from an organized instructional program; and 2) A migrant
agricultural worker or a migrant fisher or has a parent, spouse, or guardian
who is a migrant agricultural worker or a migrant fisher; and 3) performs, or
has a parent, spouse, or guardian who performs, qualifying agricultural or fishing
employment as a principal means of livelihood ; and 4) has moved within the
preceding 36 months to obtain or to accompany or join a parent, spouse, or guardian
to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work;
and 5) has moved from one school district to another; or in a state that is
comprised of a single school district, has moved from one administrative area
to another within such district; or resides in a school district of more than
15,000 square miles, and migrates a distance of 20 miles or more to a temporary
residence to engage in a fishing activity. (Provision 5 currently applies only
to Alaska.)
Minority Membership-Includes
at least one student of a minority race/ethnicity. These race/ethnicities include:
American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and Blank,
Outlying Areas-Territories
of the United States. They include: American Samoa, Guam, the Northern
Marianas, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Other staff-Includes support staff for local education agencies, schools,
student support services and other areas such as data processing, health,
transportation, etc.
Per pupil expenditure-Current expenditure for public elementary and secondary
education in a state divided by the student membership. The numbers reported
here, based on membership, can be expected to be smaller than per pupil
expenditures based on average daily attendance because the membership
counts are generally larger than average daily attendance.
Public school-An
institution that provides educational services and has the following characteristics:
- has one or more grade groups (prekindergarten through grade 12) or is ungraded;
- has one or more teachers to give instruction;
- is located in one or more buildings or sites;
- has an assigned administrator;
- receives public funds as primary support;
- is operated by an education agency.
Pupil/teacher ratio-The
ratio of pupils to teachers in a school district, based on the total number
of pupils (student membership) and the total full-time-equivalent (FTE) number
of teachers reported in the schools associated with the school district. The
pupil/teacher ratio is not a class size but rather a district level measure
of pupils and teachers.
Pupils in membership-Count
of all students whose names have been entered on the roll, minus those whose
names have been withdrawn, on or before the closest school day to October 1.
Membership counts at the district level may include students for whom the district
is providing educational services through some other agency or institution.
Regular school-A
public elementary/secondary school that does not focus primarily on vocational,
special, or alternative education. It is possible for a regular school, as it
is for a vocational, special, or alternative education school, to have no students
in membership.
Regular school
district-Agency responsible for providing free public education for school-age
children residing within its jurisdiction. This category excludes local supervisory
unions that provide management services for a group of associated school districts;
regional education service agencies that typically provide school districts
with research, testing, and data processing services; state and federally operated
school districts; and other agencies that do not fall into these groupings.
to assets which do not incur an obligation that must be met at some future date,
do not represent exchanges of fixed assets, and are available for expenditure
by the local education agencies in the state. Revenues include funds from local,
intermediate, state, and federal sources.
School administrators-Staff
members whose activities are concerned with directing and managing the operation
of a particular school.
Schools having
membership-Schools at which students are counted for administrative purposes,
even though the students may attend one or more other schools for all or part
of their school day.
Special Education
School-A public elementary/secondary school that: 1) focuses primarily on special
education, including instruction for any of the following: hard of hearing,
deaf, speech-impaired, health-impaired, orthopedically impaired, mentally retarded,
seriously emotionally disturbed, multi-handicapped, visually handicapped, deaf
and blind; and 2) adapts curriculum, materials or instruction for students served.
State revenues-State
revenues include both direct funds from state governments and funds in lieu
of taxation. Revenues in lieu of taxes are paid to compensate a school district
for nontaxable state institutions or facilities within the district's boundary.
Teachers-The total
number of classroom teachers for ungraded and all PK-12 graded classes in a
school or district, state in full-time-equivalencies (FTE).
Title I school-A
new CCD data item in the 1998-99 school year. In this first year of collection,
this data item was voluntary so not all states reported this data. A Title I
school is a school designated under appropriate state and federal regulations
as being high poverty and eligible for participation in programs authorized
by Title I of Public Law 103-382.
Title I school-wide-A
new CCD data item in the 1998-99 school year. In this first year of collection,
this data item was voluntary so not all states reported this data. A program
in which all the students in a school are designated under appropriate state
and federal regulations as being high poverty and eligible for participation
in programs authorized by Title I of Public Law 103-382.
Vocational Education
School-A public elementary/secondary school that focuses primarily on vocational
education, and provides education and training in one or more semi-skilled or
technical operations.